Monday, March 16, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of March 16, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of March 16, 2009
Blog Website:

Important Information:
* Optional extra credit was offered last week to all students who brought in a recent article regarding our economy on Monday. Students must summarize an approved article using a given pink form. It is due on Tuesday.
*Newsbowl competitors will meet on Thursday during lunch. Bring an article and see me for a pass.
*Remember our team will not accept late work from students unless they were absent. It is the responsibility of the student to check in with teachers upon returning to school to collect and/or turn in missing work and/or homework.

Monday, March 16–
Introduce and discuss “Understanding Economic Terms” handout
Begin Newsbowl game in small groups
Homework: None

Tuesday, March 17–
Read and discuss “Bailing Out” article
Finish Newsbowl game
Homework: Complete political cartoon

Wednesday, March 18–
Small Group Work: “Snapshots From Around the U.S.”
Review and discuss student’s responses to given graph questions
Homework: None

Thursday, March 19
Begin reading and discussing “Jerusalem: Divided City” article
Homework: Complete Jerusalem: Armies and Faiths” chronology

Friday, March 20
Review homework
Finish reading and discussing “Jerusalem: Divided City” article
Homework: None. Have a great weekend!

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