Monday, April 6, 2009

Research Parent Letter and Due Dates

Monday, March 23, 2009

Dear Parents and Guardians,

During the next unit in language arts, students will be researching a topic from the human body science unit. They will pick a specific disease or medical condition that interests them, research that topic, write a paper, present oral information on the topic, and create a visual aid. Since some of the work on the research project will be done at home, we wanted to give you the details of the entire assignment. Students will be given the Research Basics Guide which will be a useful tool.

Each student will have the chance to select five diseases or medical conditions that they would like to research. From those five choices they will be assigned one disease that they will research after spring break.

Part One… DUE DATE: Thursday, March 26
1. Bring at least 40 lined note cards (3 x 5) to school
2. One quart sized ziploc bag in which to keep note cards
3. A two-pocket folder to be used for research only.
4. Top five research topics

Part Two… DUE DATE: Thursday, April 16
5. Gather research materials - minimum of three.
• One or more source from the Internet
• one or more print source
• no more than 1 encyclopedia
6. List these sources on given source cards

Part Three… DUE DATE: Friday, April 17
7. Finish at least 15 research note cards (see Research Basics Guide)
• Research notes should be in phrases, not complete sentences
• Notes should be paraphrased (student’s own words and not copied directly from the source).

Part Four… DUE DATE: Tuesday, April 21
8. Final research note cards (see Research Basics Guide & notes from class)
• Students need at least 25 research cards completed in correct format.
Part Five… DUE DATE: Thursday, April 23
9. Rough Draft Outline- must be typed

Part Six… DUE DATE: Wednesday, April 29
10. Rough Draft is due- it must be typed. Complete the rough draft using the information from student’s note cards.
• Each body paragraph should include a minimum of 5 sentences and should include a topic sentence and supporting details.

Part Seven… DUE DATE: Tuesday, May 12
11. Complete final research paper.
• Minimum 2 1/2 pages, maximum 5 pages, typed and double-spaced, 12-point font.
• Minimum 5 paragraphs, including at least 3 body paragraphs, an introduction, and a conclusion.
• Title page (see Research Basics Guide)
• Works Consulted page (see Research Basics Guide)
• Edited Rough Draft must be attached
• Print 2 copies - one to be turned in to your Rdg/LA teacher the other for you to use as a resource for your oral presentation.

Part Eight.... DUE DATE: Thursday, May 14
12. Visual Aid
• Must use display poster board (opens up to three sides).
13. Oral Presentation
• Use good presentation skills
• Well organized

Further details of each component of this research project will be given to students as each due date approaches.

This is a large, long-term assignment. It should not be overwhelming because of these reasons: 1) Interest in the topic is high due to personal choice. 2) The assignment is divided into manageable parts, with due dates that will be adhered to and checked. 3) Your child has learned and/or will learn the research and writing skills required. 4) References such as Research Basics Guide will be an excellent tool.

Your child will receive some class time to work on the research paper and will receive guidance from teachers. However, your child must not rely solely on classroom time to complete his/her report. Please help your child remember to complete and bring each assignment on the appropriate due dates. We recommend that every student have a flash drive that they bring to and from school each day.

We thank you in advance for the help you can provide. Should you need clarification of the assignment or have any other questions, please contact us by phone or email.

Team 6-3 Teachers

Contact Information

Linda Koplin Jolynn Alexander Jason Morrell
524-5830 voice link 5716 524-5830 voice link 1305 524-5830 voice link 5029

Student Name_________________________________________

Please sign and return this portion by Thursday, March 26.

_____ I have read the letter and seen the packet.

_____ I have questions about the letter/and or packet. Please contact me.

Name____________________________ Phone number____________________________

Email Address ______________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature______________________________________________


We will need parents that are willing help adult edit the research papers. We can send one to three rough drafts home with your child for adult edits on April 30 and we would need them edited and returned to school by Tuesday, May 5. Please check below if you are able to help.

_____ I will be available to edit research papers at home.

Also, while we are researching it is helpful to have parent volunteers in the media center with us so students can have additional help finding and understanding resources. We are in need of parent volunteers the following days and times. Please check the days you are available to come in and help our students’ research.

_____ Tuesday, April 7 (2:00 to 3:30)

_____ Wednesday, April 8 (2:00 to 2:50)

_____ Monday, April 13 (2:10 to 3:30)

_____ Tuesday, April 14 (2:00 to 3:30)

_____ Wednesday, April 15 (2:00 to 3:30)

_____ Monday, April 20 (2:10 to 3:30)

_____ Tuesday, April 21 (2:00 to 3:30)

_____ Wednesday, April 22 (2:00 to 2:50)

Name _________________________________________

Keep this copy of due dates in your research folder.

Write the following due dates in your student planner. The requirements are as follows:

Part One… DUE DATE: Thursday, March 26
1. Bring at least 40 lined note cards (3 x 5) to school
2. One quart sized Ziploc bag in which to keep note cards
3. A two-pocket folder to be used for research only.
4. Top five research topics

Part Two… DUE DATE: Thursday, April 16
5. Gather research materials - minimum of three.
• one or more source from the Internet
• one or more print source
• no more than 1 encyclopedia
6. List these sources on given source cards

Part Three… DUE DATE: Friday, April 17
7. Finish at least 15 research note cards (see Research Basics Guide)
• Research notes should be in phrases, not complete sentences
• Notes should be paraphrased (student’s own words and not copied directly from the source).

Part Four… DUE DATE: Tuesday, April 21
8. Final research note cards (see Research Basics Guide & notes from class)
• Students need at least 25 research cards completed in correct format.
Part Five… DUE DATE: Thursday, April 23
9. Rough Draft Outline- must be typed

Part Six… DUE DATE: Wednesday, April 29
10. Rough Draft is due- it must be typed. Complete the rough draft using the information from student’s note cards.
• Each body paragraph should include a minimum of 5 sentences and should include a topic sentence and supporting details.

Part Seven… DUE DATE: Tuesday, May 12
11. Complete final research paper.
• Minimum 2 1/2 pages, maximum 5 pages, typed and double-spaced, 12-point font.
• Minimum 5 paragraphs, including at least 3 body paragraphs, an introduction, and a conclusion.
• Title page (see Research Basics Guide)
• Works Consulted page (see Research Basics Guide)
• Edited Rough Draft must be attached
• Print 2 copies - one to be turned in to your Rdg/LA teacher the other for you to use as a resource for your oral presentation.

Part Eight.... DUE DATE: Thursday, May 14
12. Visual Aid
• Must use display poster board (opens up to three sides).
13. Oral Presentation
• Use good presentation skills
• Well organized

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