Monday, April 6, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of April 6, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 6, 2009
Blog Website:

Important Information:
* My Red Lightning Newsbowl Team is tied for first place with a team from Cedarburg, Wisconsin school by earning 39 out of 50 points. We have been in first place for two straight months. Congratulations!
* My Newsbowl competition team will meet on Wednesday, this week, to begin preparing for April’s competition. This will be the last online competition we will participate in.
*We will have a classroom Newsbowl competition next week, regarding noteworthy news from thisweek. Therefore be sure to study this week’s news and/or read current periodicals in order to be prepared.
* Remember, our team will not accept late work unless the student is absent from school.
*Finally, we will have a test on Ch. 3 in during the week of April 20th. Students will receive a study guide next Monday but they will begin taking notes using short phrases, this week.

Monday, April 6–
Review pp. 55 – 59 and finish p. 59 questions # 2-5
Homework: Begin taking notes on pp. 55 – 56
Finish p. 59 questions, if necessary

Tuesday, April 7–
Review homework
Begin reading Gilgamesh the King epic story – take notes on story
Homework: Continue taking notes on pp. 57 – 59: City-States and Religious and Family Life

Wednesday, April 8–
Take notes on Priest and Kings
Finish Gilgamesh the King & story notes
Homework: Draw assigned part of story

Thursday, April 9-
Begin reading pp. 61-63
Define: Sargon I, empire, Hammurabi, culture, Hammurabi’s Code, surplus, reign
Homework: None but you might want to begin studying for our test.
Have a great 3-day weekend! See you on April 13th.

Friday, April 10- No School - Holiday

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