Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of April 20, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 20, 2009
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Important Information:
* My Newsbowl competition team will meet on Thursday to continue preparing for
April’s competition. This will be the last online competition we will participate in.
*We will have a test on Ch. 3 on Thursday, April 23rd. A study guide was given last week.
Please check last week’s blog if you need another copy of the study guide.
*I am in the process of scheduling a field trip to the Field Museum for the middle of May, to tour
the ancient Egypt exhibit. Please watch for more information next week.
* We will have a clay activity and I am in need of 30-35 wooden skewers. If you have some that you
can spare please send them on Tuesday. Thank you.

Monday, April 20–
Mesopotamia Movie
Homework: Finish Map and cuneiform handouts, if necessary
Continue to study for test

Tuesday, April 21–
Finish Movie
Clay Activity
Review homework
Homework: Ch. 3 Reteaching and Vocabulary Review handouts (Per. 3 did not receive handouts. Students will
complete them in class on Wednesday)
Continue to study for test

Wednesday, April 22– Lunch Time Review Session
Review homework and review for the test
Homework: Continue to study for test

Thursday, April 23-
Take Ch. 3 Test
Homework: None. Remember, there is no school on Friday due to Institute Day

Friday, April 24- No School – Institute Day

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