Monday, March 23, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of March 23, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of March 23, 2009
Blog Website:
Important Information:
* Red Lightning Newsbowl Team: In order to prepare for our next Newsbowl competition we will need to meet Monday and Wednesday of this week. On Monday you’ll prepare and on Wednesday, you’ll participate in the March competition. Good Luck!
*We will possibly have a classroom Newsbowl competition after vacation, so please study current noteworthy news during your vacation.
* Remember, our team will not accept late work unless the student is absent from school.
*If you will not be in school on Thursday or Friday, please let me know a.s.a.p. Parents should call the absent hotline, as well. Your cooperation really helps to keep our pre-vacation attendance accurate. Thank you.

Monday, March 23–
Continue to discuss Israel and read pp. 648 - 652
Homework: Create your own graphic organizer detailing Jewish migration since the time of Abraham

Tuesday, March 24–
Complete Scholastic News Israel/Palestine Map
Begin “Think-Pair-Share”
Homework: Complete Islam Time-line handout

Wednesday, March 25–
Review homework
Finish “Think-Pair-Share”
Introduce Mesopotamia
Homework: None

Thursday, March 26-
Define: Mesopotamia, irrigation, city-states, artisans, ziggurat, cuneiform, scribe, priest-kings, levees, Sumer, and hereditary
Begin reading pp. 54 - 59
Homework: Finish definitions began in class, if necessary

Friday, March 27-
Finish reading pp. 54 - 59
Complete questions pp. 59 (# 2-5)
Homework: None. Have a great vacation! See you on April 6th.

Reading / Language Arts Syllabus - Week of March 23, 2009

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus (Note update posted Wednesday, March 25th)
Week of March 23, 2009

Important Information:
• Please send permission slip and money for our end of year cruise by April 17th.
• We are continuing our poetry unit this week. Students “IF” poem is due on Monday, March 23. We will type the poems in school this week.
• Students will begin writing a second poem this week. They will choose from a Tribute Poem, an Image Poem, or a “MY” Poem. This must be completed by Wed, March 25.
• Students will receive a letter Monday explaining the upcoming research project. They must return the signed letter, have their top five topic choices, and bring in
the required supplies by Thursday, March 26. Students will receive their assigned research topic when we return from Spring Break!
• If you child will be absent on Thursday or Friday please call the office and let us know.
Students should turn in their research supplies and five choices before leaving for vacation otherwise we will be forced to choose a topic for your child.

Monday, March 23 (Schedule FLIP: Periods 8, 9, 1, 2, 3)
Media Center Computers: Type “IF” Poem
Media Center Back Tables- Introduce Parent Research Letter
Introduce 2nd Poem Options
Writing time for 2nd Poem (Tribute, Image, or “MY”)

Homework: Work on writing 2nd Poem- due on Wednesday

Tuesday, March 24 (Schedule FLIP: Periods 8, 9, 1, 2, 3)
Media Center Front Tables: Continue to work on 2nd poem and Pair Share
Media Center Front Tables: Peruse library books deciding on five topic choices

Homework: Finish 2nd Poem- due tomorrow

Wednesday, March 25
Turn in Poems for Poetry Slam
Poetry Presentation - Ken'te Kizer

Homework:Research letter, topics, and supplies are due tomorrow.

Thursday, March 26 (Wednesday’s assignments have been switched to Thursday because of poetry presentation on yesterday)

Watch Peter Kahn Performance Video
“The Courage That My Mother Had” Poem
Announce Poetry Slam Performers
Homework: Finish “The Courage That My Mother Had” if necessary.
Rehearse if you are performing your poem in the poetry slam on Friday.

Friday, March 27
Poetry Slam: Auditorium


Monday, March 16, 2009

Reading Language Arts Syllabus- March 16, 2009

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of March 16, 2009

Important Information:
• Please send permission slip and money for our end of year cruise by April 17th.
• The next reading log is due on Friday, March 20. Remember you can include your author study books and you do not need to complete a log response. Students rec’d a new blue log last week
• Remember that our team is no longer accepting any late work. Be sure to stay organized and turn in all work on time.
• We are continuing our poetry unit this week. Students will begin an “If” poem this week and a handwritten copy must be completed by Monday, March 23. We will type the poems in school the following week.

Monday, March 16
Finish presenting time-lines
Partners share the Poems found this weekend- be sure to explain why you selected it
Finish poetry exploration (using the poetry cart) with your group

Homework: Alliteration

Tuesday, March 17
Poetry exploration: Each group will report out one poem from the cart exploration
Listen to rhythmic poetry
Explore adding beats to some of the samples
View “Line Break Explorer”

Homework: None

Wednesday, March 18
“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost
Media Center Computers 9th Period: Line Break Explorer and select a poem to add a rhythmic beat
to. We will begin exploring rhythms, in class on Friday

Homework: Finish Comprehension Questions to “The Road Not Taken” – Due Friday

Thursday, March 19
Likes and Dislikes Handout
Introduce “If” poem
Develop 3 original “IF” poem prompts
Begin writing “IF” poem, time permitting

Homework: Reading Logs are due tomorrow!
Decide what prompt you will use and begin writing your “If” Poem. Remember a handwritten draft is due by Monday. We will type “If” poems in school on Monday.

Friday, March 20 - Collect Reading Logs Today
Review The Road Not Taken homework.
Work on “IF” poem
Explore Instrument Options— Using given instruments you and a partner will begin adding rhythm to selected poetry. If you play an instrument you can bring it in to class to use, as well!

Homework: Continue your plan for adding rhythm to the poem your group selected- you will perform it on Monday. Your handwritten copy of the “IF” Poem must be completed by Monday, March 23. Enjoy your weekend!!!

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of March 16, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of March 16, 2009
Blog Website:

Important Information:
* Optional extra credit was offered last week to all students who brought in a recent article regarding our economy on Monday. Students must summarize an approved article using a given pink form. It is due on Tuesday.
*Newsbowl competitors will meet on Thursday during lunch. Bring an article and see me for a pass.
*Remember our team will not accept late work from students unless they were absent. It is the responsibility of the student to check in with teachers upon returning to school to collect and/or turn in missing work and/or homework.

Monday, March 16–
Introduce and discuss “Understanding Economic Terms” handout
Begin Newsbowl game in small groups
Homework: None

Tuesday, March 17–
Read and discuss “Bailing Out” article
Finish Newsbowl game
Homework: Complete political cartoon

Wednesday, March 18–
Small Group Work: “Snapshots From Around the U.S.”
Review and discuss student’s responses to given graph questions
Homework: None

Thursday, March 19
Begin reading and discussing “Jerusalem: Divided City” article
Homework: Complete Jerusalem: Armies and Faiths” chronology

Friday, March 20
Review homework
Finish reading and discussing “Jerusalem: Divided City” article
Homework: None. Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of March 9, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of March 9, 2009
Blog Website:
Important Information:
* Congratulations to the Red Lightning Newsbowl team. They took first place by scoring 39/50 questions correctly. Way to Go! The team will take another quiz the end of March and April.
*Newsbowl competitors will meet on Thursday during lunch. Bring an article. See me for a pass.
*We had an absolutely awesome Roman Fest last Friday. Thank you to the many students and parents who contributed food, Melissa Elsmo for her contribution, help with organization, and set-up on Friday. The Grape Leaves restaurant even donated several complimentary, very tasty dishes. Wow! I also appreciate Ms. Koplin and Mr. Morrell’s help, as well. Our fest wouldn’t have been so successful without their help.
*My students will receive their tests back by Wednesday.
*Familiarize yourself with notable news for this week. We will have an in class Newbowl competition next week
Remember our team will not accept late work from students unless they were absent. It is the responsibility of the student to check in with teachers upon returning to school to collect and/or turn in missing work and/or homework.

Monday, March 9–
Finish Mosaics today. If not completed it will be homework.
Homework: Finish Mosaic- due Tuesday

Tuesday, March 10–
Introduce Scholastic News graph, “Money Matters”
Current Events: Summarize one given short article
Homework: Complete “Money Matters” graph questions- due Wednesday

Wednesday, March 11–
Review “Money Matters” graph
Begin defining: consume, scarcity, goods, services, supply, demand, capital, credit and debit, interest, stocks, consumers, and producers (This is not homework. It will be finished on Thursday)
Introduce and discuss Scholastic News article “Economics 101”
Homework: None

Thursday, March 12
Finish work from Wednesday
Begin reading Scholastic News “An Economy in Crisis” article
Homework: None

Friday, March 13
Finish “An Economy in Crisis” article
Complete Economics Quiz Wiz and Understanding Economic Terms handouts
Homework: None. Have a great weekend!

Reading Language Arts Syllabus- March 9, 2009

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of March 9, 2009
Important Information:
• Author Study upcoming due dates:
o Finish reading second novel by Monday, March 9
o Plot-Line summary and differentiation essays are due Tuesday, March 10th.
o Time-line presentations begin Tuesday, March 10th.
• Please send permission slip and money for our end of year cruise by April 17th.
• We are starting the 3rd trimester TODAY! Remember that our team is no longer accepting any late work. Be sure to stay organized, bring work to class, and turn in all work on the due date. If you are absent, you have the number of days you missed you missed school to turn in the work. If you do not turn it in within the allotted time, the work will be considered late and not accepted. Please let the team know if you have any questions about our Third Trimester Late Work Policy.

Monday, March 9
Second Author Study Book must be finished by today
Sign-up for Timeline Presentation Order
Rehearse for Presentation of Timeline
Introduction to Poetry: What do you visualize?

Homework: Finish 2nd Plotline Summary- due tomorrow. Differentiation: Your Author Study Essay is due tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 10
Turn in 2nd Author Study Plotline
Begin Timeline Presentations
Descriptive Words: Now Say that Again

Homework: None

Wednesday, March 11
Finish Timeline Presentations
Metaphor Exercise

Homework: Finish Idiom Sheet. You may need to ask your family members for help with the meanings of some idioms. You may also want to do some online research to discover the meaning of tricky idioms.

Thursday, March 12
Onomatopoeia and Personification
Explore Poetry Cart Individually, if time permits

Homework: Begin looking online to find a poem you really enjoy. You will need to print a copy of the poem with the author included. Then you will need to write a minimum of four sentences explaining why you selected this poem. This is due on Monday, March 16.

Friday, March 13
Media Center Front Tables 8th Period: Return Author Study Books and select new pleasure books
Explore Poetry Cart with Groups- look for the elements of poetry we learned about this week.

Homework: Find your great poem online and print a copy. Write at least four sentences explaining why you selected this poem.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

No Syllabus This Week but Please Read About This Extra Credit Opportunity

March 3, 2009

Hello Parents and Guardians,
We will not have a syllabus this week due to ISAT testing. Although, I am sending home this note to inform you that we will have a Roman Festival on Friday afternoon, March 6th, in the Commons. I am encouraging my students to contribute something tasty for our festival. The Ancient Romans ate lots of:
Whole wheat or other whole grain breads
Fresh or cooked vegetables
Various fruits
Cooked rice
Wheat porridge.
Boiled Eggs
Naturally we will need: (for 40-50 people )
Dessert size paper plates
6 – 8 o/z cups
Forks and Spoons
Please indicate below if you will be able to donate one of the above items or some other tasty dish for our festival on Friday, March 6th. Please do not send anything that contains nuts or fish.
Any child that returns the following form and contributes something will receive 5 extra credit points. Thank you,
Mrs. Alexander
My child _________________________________________ Per. ________
will bring _______________________________________ to Friday’s Roman festival.