Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus - Week of January 26, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 26, 2009
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Important Information:
*Students wishing to participate in the Newsbowl competition must meet with me during lunch on Wednesday. We cannot meet on Thursday due to our field trip. Don’t forget to bring notable articles, newspapers, magazines, or other periodicals.
*Start preparing for a social studies test during the week of February 9th. More infor coming soon.

Monday, January 26–No School- Institute Day

Tuesday, January 27–
Review Friday’s homework
Compare and Contrast Roman Republic and U.S. Government
Homework: None

Wednesday, January 28–
Define maniple – see p. 221 in textbook
Use textbook glossary to define legions and legionaries
Read and discuss pp. 221-222
Homework: Complete Section 2 Questions p. 222 # 2 – 4 – Due Friday
Due Friday - Read pp. 222 – 224 and define: Carthage, Punic Wars, corvus, Hannibal Barca

Thursday, January 29– Field Trip - No Class
Finish following homework – due Friday
Homework: Read pp. 222 – 224 and define: Carthage, Punic Wars, corvus, Hannibal Barca

Friday, January 30–
Review homework
Discuss pp. 222 – 224
Small group work
Homework: None

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