Monday, January 12, 2009

Language Arts Syllabus - Week of January 12, 2009

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
9th Period Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 12, 2009

Important Information:
• To celebrate MLK,Jr’s birthday, three students volunteered to memorize either a poem or part of MLK,Jr’s speech to be recited on Friday. Ask your child about it.
• The February reading log will due on Wednesday, February 11th.
• Remember the sixth grade honor roll breakfast is on Friday, January 16 @ 8:00am.
• Midterm progress reports will be sent home on Friday, January 16. The spring conference signup will also be sent home then. Remember conferences are assigned on a first come first serve basis so please return your time choices ASAP to ensure a conference time that works for your schedule.
• My grades will be ready for viewing by Tuesday morning.

Monday, January 12
Spelling Pretest: Lesson 28
Spelling page 123 Part A

Homework: Spelling Master 28A

Tuesday, January 13
Review Spelling Homework
Spelling Master 28B

Homework: Spelling Part B pages 123-124

Wednesday, January 14
Media Center Front Tables: Return and Check Out Books

Homework: Read your pleasure book!

Thursday, January 15
Read and Discuss Writing His Way to Greatness
Read and Discuss What is Your Life’s Blueprint

Homework: Write a letter to future readers.

Friday, January 16
Spelling Test: Lesson 28
Drawing Activity: Do You Have a Dream?
Student Speeches: I Have a Dream

Homework: Have a wonderful three-day weekend! Please get your second trimester midterm progress reports signed! Bee Tickets for anyone that has it signed when we return on Tuesday.

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