Monday, January 5, 2009

Reading Syllabus- Week of January 5, 2009

House of Dies Drear Syllabus
Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week of January 5, 2009

Important Information:
➢ Books will be assigned on Tuesday therefore ziploc style baggies will be needed.
➢ Students will be expected to read chapters most nights and some weekends.
➢ They will have a vocabulary and comprehension quiz next Tuesday, January 13th
➢ Students must not read ahead due to prediction and/or journal activities.
➢ Some students will be required to create group discussion questions or literary comments

Monday, January 5-
Introduce novel and author
Begin to read Ch. 1

Homework: None

Tuesday, January 6-
Assign novels
Finish reading and discussing Ch. 1 and copy vocabulary definitions
Begin to read Ch. 2

Homework: Finish reading Ch. 2 – Assigned students create questions or literary comments for their group

Wednesday, January 7-
Continue copying vocabulary definitions
Review Ch. 2 and read Ch. 3

Homework: Finish reading Ch. 3, if necessary
Read Ch.4 - -Assigned students create questions or literary comments for their group

Thursday, January 8-
Continue copying vocabulary definitions
Begin crossword puzzle – due Monday, January 9th
Review Ch. 3 and 4 and read Ch. 5

Homework: Finish reading Ch.5

Friday, January 9-
Finish copying vocabulary definitions
Begin Graphic Organizer-due Monday
Review Ch. 5 and begin reading Ch. 6
Homework: Finish Ch. 6, if necessary
Finish crossword puzzle and graphic organizer, if necessary- due Monday
Study for test on Tuesday, January 13th

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