Monday, January 12, 2009

Chapter 13 Study Guide for Test on January 21st, 2009

Study Guide- Chapter 13 Test on January 21, 2009

1. All given vocabulary words
2. Roman Gods handout
3. Know the Early Italian landforms: major rivers, seas, mountains
Map Questions
^review questions 1 - 3 on p. 211 and the following questions:
^Who were the people that controlled the Arno River?
^What city was ruled by the Etruscans?
^Why do you thing the Etruscans became know as the "people of the sea"?
^What shape does Italy look very similar to?
4. Section 1 and 2 questions and answers
5. Study notes taken on pp. 210 – 216 regarding Etruscan:
*Origins and background information
* Jobs
* Natural resources
*Religious beliefs
*Burial Practices
*Ruler of Rome
*Architecture contributions
*Language contributions
*Customs borrowed from Romans
*How they founded their cities
*Underworld customs
6. Chart and Graph Activity handout
7. Students may wish to do the Section 3 questions on p. 216 (#2 – 5)

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