Tuesday, January 27, 2009

House of Dies Drear Reading Syllabus- Week of January 26, 2009

House of Dies Drear Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week of January 26, 2009
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Important Information:
 Remember the plot-line summary will be due Thursday, January 29th.
 Last Friday, students received information regarding a final project. It is due Friday, Jan. 30th.
 This will be the last week for our novel study. If we don’t finish the movie by Friday, students may come to my room during lunch next week to finish the movie.

Monday, January 26- No School – Institute Day

Tuesday, January 27-
Read and discuss Ch. 18
Active Reading handout

Homework: Read Ch. 19
Work on plot-line summary – Due Thursday, January 29th

Wednesday, January 28-
Review reading homework
Movie: House of Dies Drear
Ms. Alexander will edit your project draft today
Homework: Finish plot-line summary – Due Thursday, January 29th

Thursday, January 29-
Movie: House of Dies Drear
Ms. Alexander will edit your project draft today
Homework: Finish final project- Due Friday, January 30th.

Friday, January 30-
Movie: House of Dies Drear

Homework: None

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