Saturday, January 31, 2009

February 12, 2009 - Conference Schedule

Mrs. Alexander's Conference Schedule

Below are the designated conference time slots. Please indicate a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice. If possible, indicate an afternoon time as the most requested conference slots are in the evenings. Please let me know if you need a time not indicated on this sheet. Plan to arrive 15 minutes earlier than your slot in order to preview your child’s portfolio.

Thursday Afternoon
February 12, 2009

12:35 – 12:50 p.m. Molly

12:50 – 1:05 p.m. Samatha

1:05 – 1:20 p.m.

1:25 – 1:40 p.m. Nina F.

1:40 – 1:55 p.m.

1:55 – 2:10 p.m.

2:10 – 2:25 p.m. Jeremy

2:25 – 2:40 p.m.

2:40 – 2:55 p.m.

2:55 – 3:10 p.m. Talmage

3:10 – 3:25 p.m. Jessie

3:25 – 3:40 p.m. Bremen

3:40 – 3:55 p.m. Kyle

3:55 – 4:10 p.m. Imani

4:10 – 4:25 p.m.

4:25 – 4:40 p.m. Fiona

4:40 – 4:55 p.m. Charlie

4:55 – 5:10 p.m. Megan

Dinner 5:15 - 5:45

Thursday Evening - February 12, 2009

5:45 – 6:00 p.m. Emma

6:00 – 6:15 p.m. Erin

6:15 – 6:30 p.m. Eric

6:30 – 6:45 p.m. Brooke

6:45 – 7:00 p.m. Hanna

7:00 – 7:15 p.m. Katie

7:15 – 7:30 p.m. Daniel

7:30 – 7:45 p.m. Nia K.

7:45 – 8:00 p.m. William

8:00 – 8:15 p.m. Mackenzie

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus - Week of January 26, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 26, 2009
Blog Website:

Important Information:
*Students wishing to participate in the Newsbowl competition must meet with me during lunch on Wednesday. We cannot meet on Thursday due to our field trip. Don’t forget to bring notable articles, newspapers, magazines, or other periodicals.
*Start preparing for a social studies test during the week of February 9th. More infor coming soon.

Monday, January 26–No School- Institute Day

Tuesday, January 27–
Review Friday’s homework
Compare and Contrast Roman Republic and U.S. Government
Homework: None

Wednesday, January 28–
Define maniple – see p. 221 in textbook
Use textbook glossary to define legions and legionaries
Read and discuss pp. 221-222
Homework: Complete Section 2 Questions p. 222 # 2 – 4 – Due Friday
Due Friday - Read pp. 222 – 224 and define: Carthage, Punic Wars, corvus, Hannibal Barca

Thursday, January 29– Field Trip - No Class
Finish following homework – due Friday
Homework: Read pp. 222 – 224 and define: Carthage, Punic Wars, corvus, Hannibal Barca

Friday, January 30–
Review homework
Discuss pp. 222 – 224
Small group work
Homework: None

Language Arts Syllabus-Week of January 27, 2009

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
9th Period Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 26, 2009

Important Information:
• Conference sign-up confirmation sheets will be sent home Wednesday.
• There will be a punctuation test Wednesday, January 28th.
• Don’t forget to bring your lunch for our field trip on Thursday

Monday, January 26- No School, Institute Day

Tuesday, January 27
Lesson 10 Spelling Pre-test and Rule
Do P. 47 Part B and P. 48- Part C

Homework: Finish class work, if necessary- due Thursday
Study for punctuation test tomorrow- You may check out a Language Network book
to use to study for your test tomorrow

Wednesday, January 28
Take Grammar Test
Writing Workshop: “Writing a Topic Sentence” P. 13
“Writing Paragraphs”

Homework: “Writing Topic Sentences” handout p. 14
Don’t forget to bring your lunch for our field trip tomorrow

Thursday, January 29
Review Spelling Homework
Writing Workshop: “Write a Persuasive Paragraph” handout p. 24

Homework: Study for spelling test on Friday

Friday, January 30
Take Lesson 10 Spelling Test
Peer review “Persuasive Paragraph” handout
Introduce Persuasive Writing Assignment

Homework: Choose your persuasive writing topic from the given handout by Monday, Feb. 1

House of Dies Drear Reading Syllabus- Week of January 26, 2009

House of Dies Drear Reading Syllabus

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week of January 26, 2009

Important Information:
 Remember the plot-line summary will be due Thursday, January 29th.
 Last Friday, students received information regarding a final project. It is due Friday, Jan. 30th.
 This will be the last week for our novel study. If we don’t finish the movie by Friday, students may come to my room during lunch next week to finish the movie.

Monday, January 26- No School – Institute Day

Tuesday, January 27-
Read and discuss Ch. 18
Active Reading handout

Homework: Read Ch. 19
Work on plot-line summary – Due Thursday, January 29th

Wednesday, January 28-
Review reading homework
Movie: House of Dies Drear
Ms. Alexander will edit your project draft today
Homework: Finish plot-line summary – Due Thursday, January 29th

Thursday, January 29-
Movie: House of Dies Drear
Ms. Alexander will edit your project draft today
Homework: Finish final project- Due Friday, January 30th.

Friday, January 30-
Movie: House of Dies Drear

Homework: None

Friday, January 23, 2009

The House of Dies Drear- Characterization Project

Name __________________________________ Date __________________ Period ________

Students received a handout containing this information on Friday, Jan. 23rd. This is an abbreviated copy of the handout.
The House of Dies Drear
Characterization Project-Due Friday, Jan. 30th

• Pick a main character or major supporting character from the novel.
• Construct some sort of medium that represents that character (i.e. diorama, clay model, poster-size image, etc.) Be CREATIVE!!!
• Include 2 characterization methods on your project. You must provide 2 characteristics and 2 examples for each of the two methods.
• For your examples you must use specific QUOTES/EVENTS from the story to support each characteristic.
• The project must be neatly typed in 12 or 14-point font.

Please remember to select from these 4 characterization methods:
Speech and Actions
Thoughts and Feelings
Other Character's Reaction

Grading Rubric:

_________/ 10 Use of characterization methods (2 characterizations and examples are needed for each method of the four
methods below)
Which two of the following are included and points earned?
_______ Speech and Actions
_______ Thoughts and Feelings
_______ Appearance
_______ Other Characters Reactions

_________/ 10 Creativity and Neatness
_________/ 10 Constructed Character
_________/ 5 Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation
________/ 35 TOTAL POINTS

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of January 19, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 19, 2009
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Students wishing to participate in the Newsbowl competition must meet with me during lunch on Thursday. Don’t forget to bring notable articles and newspapers, magazines, or other periodicals.
*I will have a test review session on Tuesday, Jan. 20 during our lunch period.

Monday, January 19– MLK , Jr. Holiday -No School

Tuesday, January 20–
Inauguration Webquest
Homework: Study for test on Wednesday

Wednesday, January 21–
Take Test
Read Scholastic News article: “Muddy Boots! The Inauguration of Andrew Jackson”
Homework: Complete handout questions regarding given political cartoon

Thursday, January 22–
Review homework
Read and discuss Scholastic News Article- Understanding Time Zones
Complete “Time Zone” questions
Homework: None

Friday, January 23–
Introduce Ch. 14
Begin reading pp. 219 - 220
Homework: Define: republic, patricians, plebeians, consuls, veto, and tribunes
Finish reading pp. 219 – 220, if necessary
Answer Section 1questions on p. 220 (# 2 -4)-due Tuesday, January 27th

Remember: Monday, January 26, will be Institute Day and students will not have school that day.

Language Arts Syllabus - Week of January 19, 2009

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
9th Period Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 19, 2009

Important Information:
• Please return your field trip permission slip forms and money. They were due Tuesday.
• Progress reports were sent home on Friday along with a conference sign-up sheet. Remember conferences are assigned on a first come first serve basis so please return your time choices, as soon as possible, in order to ensure a conference time that works best for your schedule.
• If you haven’t shown Ms. Alexander your signed progress report please do so a.s.a.p.
• There will be a punctuation test next Wednesday, January 28th.
• Finally, Monday, January 26th, is Institute Day and schools will be closed.

Monday, January 19- Holiday - Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday

Tuesday, January 20
Review Apostrophes- handout p. 179
Punctuating Titles - textbook p. 224

Homework: None

Wednesday, January 21
Punctuating Titles - Do p. 225 in textbook
Mixed Review – handout p. 211

Homework: Finish p. 211 handout, if necessary

Thursday, January 22
Punctuating Poetry –p. 226
Handout p. 277 - Students Must Copy Poem and Make Corrections in Spiral

Homework: Finish class work, if necessary

Friday, January 23
Review Poem Corrections
Mixed Review –Textbook p. 228 - Pt. A

Homework: You may wish to begin studying for next week’s punctuation test.
Wow! Have another wonderful three-day weekend.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

House of Dies Drear Reading Syllabus- Week of January 19, 2009

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week of January 19, 2009
Updated Wednesday, Jan. 21st

Important Information:
➢ Instead of a final test, students will complete a final project – due Friday, Jan. 30th. Students will receive information this Friday.
➢ Students must not read ahead due to prediction and/or journal activities.
➢ We’ll watch the House of Dies Drear movie next week.
➢ Differentiation Assignment: Research the path escaped slaves took and write about it. Next create a map showing the path the slaves took.

Monday, January 19- No School – MLK, Jr. Holiday

Tuesday, January 20-
Take Ch. 7 - 13 quiz
Begin to read Ch. 14

Homework: Finish reading Ch. 14

Wednesday, January 21-
Discuss reading homework and identifying the climax of the story
Read and discuss Ch. 15

Homework: Read Ch. 15

Thursday, January 22-
Discuss reading homework and identifying the falling actions
Introduce plot line summary – Due Thursday, January 29th
Begin reading Ch. 16

Homework: Finish Reading Ch. 16 and read Ch. 17

Friday, January 23-
Review homework and read and discuss Ch. 18
Give final assignment - Due Friday, January 30th.

Homework: Work on Plot Line Summary and
Final Assignment- Due Friday, January 30th.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of January 12, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 12, 2009
Blog Website:
Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Last Friday, students were informed we will have a test on Wednesday, Jan 21st. See reverse side of this syllabus for the study guide.
*Our first in class Newsbowl current events activity will be held this Friday. This will be done every other week. You may preview the Newsbowl website at:
*Students wishing to participate in the Newsbowl competition must meet with me during lunch on Thursday. Signed Newsbowl notes are due this week. Students were also given a set of questions to answer and they are due Thursday as well.
*I will have a test review session on next Tuesday, Jan. 20 during our lunch period.

Monday, January 12–
Finish Etruscan religious & burial practices note taking
Homework: Finish note taking, if necessary
Define Capitoline, forum, gladiatorial, triumph, fasces, municipal,
and mundus as defined on pp. 215-216

Tuesday, January 13–
Review homework
Read and and take notes for pp. 215 - 216
Homework: Finish notes that are studied in class, if necessary

Wednesday, January 14–
Finish note taking for pp. 215-216
Complete Ch. 13 Chart and Graph Activity handout
Homework: Study for Ch. 13 test

Thursday, January 15–
Review for test
Homework: Study for Ch. 13 test

Friday, January 16– Honor Roll Breakfast begins at 8:00 A.M.
Newsbowl Current Events Activity
Homework: Study for Ch. 13 test

Chapter 13 Study Guide for Test on January 21st, 2009

Study Guide- Chapter 13 Test on January 21, 2009

1. All given vocabulary words
2. Roman Gods handout
3. Know the Early Italian landforms: major rivers, seas, mountains
Map Questions
^review questions 1 - 3 on p. 211 and the following questions:
^Who were the people that controlled the Arno River?
^What city was ruled by the Etruscans?
^Why do you thing the Etruscans became know as the "people of the sea"?
^What shape does Italy look very similar to?
4. Section 1 and 2 questions and answers
5. Study notes taken on pp. 210 – 216 regarding Etruscan:
*Origins and background information
* Jobs
* Natural resources
*Religious beliefs
*Burial Practices
*Ruler of Rome
*Architecture contributions
*Language contributions
*Customs borrowed from Romans
*How they founded their cities
*Underworld customs
6. Chart and Graph Activity handout
7. Students may wish to do the Section 3 questions on p. 216 (#2 – 5)

Language Arts Syllabus - Week of January 12, 2009

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
9th Period Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 12, 2009

Important Information:
• To celebrate MLK,Jr’s birthday, three students volunteered to memorize either a poem or part of MLK,Jr’s speech to be recited on Friday. Ask your child about it.
• The February reading log will due on Wednesday, February 11th.
• Remember the sixth grade honor roll breakfast is on Friday, January 16 @ 8:00am.
• Midterm progress reports will be sent home on Friday, January 16. The spring conference signup will also be sent home then. Remember conferences are assigned on a first come first serve basis so please return your time choices ASAP to ensure a conference time that works for your schedule.
• My grades will be ready for viewing by Tuesday morning.

Monday, January 12
Spelling Pretest: Lesson 28
Spelling page 123 Part A

Homework: Spelling Master 28A

Tuesday, January 13
Review Spelling Homework
Spelling Master 28B

Homework: Spelling Part B pages 123-124

Wednesday, January 14
Media Center Front Tables: Return and Check Out Books

Homework: Read your pleasure book!

Thursday, January 15
Read and Discuss Writing His Way to Greatness
Read and Discuss What is Your Life’s Blueprint

Homework: Write a letter to future readers.

Friday, January 16
Spelling Test: Lesson 28
Drawing Activity: Do You Have a Dream?
Student Speeches: I Have a Dream

Homework: Have a wonderful three-day weekend! Please get your second trimester midterm progress reports signed! Bee Tickets for anyone that has it signed when we return on Tuesday.

House of Dies Drear Reading Syllabus- Week of January 12, 2009

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week of January 12, 2009

Important Information:
➢ Students will be expected to read chapters most nights and some weekends.
➢ They will have another vocabulary and comprehension quiz next Tuesday, January 20th
➢ Students must not read ahead due to prediction and/or journal activities.
➢ Some students will be required to create group discussion questions or literary comments
➢ Differentiation Assignment: Research the path escape slaves took to be free. Write a report detailing the path and include a map showing their “path to freedom.”

Monday, January 12-
Review homework and for Ch. 1 - 6 test on Tuesday, January 13

Homework: Study for test on Tuesday, January 13th

Tuesday, January 13-
Take Ch. 1 – 6 quiz
Begin to read and discussing Ch. 7 and Ch. 8

Homework: Finish reading Ch. 7 & 8
Assigned students will create questions or literary comments for Ch. 8

Wednesday, January 14-
Ch. 8 Discussion groups
Ch. 8 – 13 Active Reading Handout
Begin to read and discussing Ch. 9 and read Ch. 10

Homework: Finish reading Ch. 9 & 10
Assigned students will create questions or literary comments for Ch. 10

Thursday, January 15-
Ch. 10 Discussion groups
Ch. 8 – 13 Active Reading Handout
Begin reading and discussing Ch. 11 and Ch. 12

Homework: Finish reading Ch.11 & 12

Friday, January 16-
Ch. 8 – 13 Active Reading Handout
Begin crossword puzzle – due Tuesday, January 20th
Read and discuss Ch. 13

Homework: Finish Ch. 13, if necessary, and crossword puzzle - due Tuesday
Study for test on Tuesday, January 20th

Monday, January 5, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of January 5, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of January 5, 2009
Blog Website:
Hello Parents and Guardians:
* Students will receive their S.S. Tests and Comic Strips grades on Tuesday. Please ask them to share them with you. Anyone who did not turn in their comic strip will be expected to complete a comic strip regarding the Romulus and Remus legend as found in our textbook on pp. 209-210. It will be worth 13 points. (Note the change from previous syllabus)
*Students must show parents the make-up assignment note and get a parent signature in order to qualify to complete the make-up assignment.
*Students wishing to participate in the Newsbowl competition will meet with me during lunch on Thursday.
Interested students will receive a parent permission letter by Friday.
*Starting next week, all my classes will participate in a Newsbowl current events activity. This will be done every other week. I would like for my students to begin finding notable information regarding national, world, family, society, sports, arts, & entertainment news for this current week only. The Newsbowl questions given next week will be about this week’s news. You may preview the Newsbowl website at:

Monday, January 5–
Define: Tiber River, Palatine, Aeneas, and Latins
Introduce Ch 13; read and discuss pp. 209-210
Homework: Do Section 1 Assessment questions # 1-5 on p. 210 –due Tuesday

Tuesday, January 6–
Review homework
Begin reading and discussing pp. 210-214
Homework: Define Vocabulary pp. 210-214- Etruscans, social order, soothsayers, omens, catacombs, and necropolis;

Wednesday, January 7–
Finish reading and discussing pp. 210-214
Begin homework, time permitting
Homework: Do Section 2 Assessment questions #2 – 4 on p. 214 –due Thursday

Thursday, January 8–
Review homework
Complete map on p. 211 and corresponding questions (on chalkboard)
Homework: Finish map and chalkboard questions, if necessary

Friday, January 9–
Review map questions
Do Roman Gods handout
Homework: None

Reading Syllabus- Week of January 5, 2009

House of Dies Drear Syllabus
Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week of January 5, 2009

Important Information:
➢ Books will be assigned on Tuesday therefore ziploc style baggies will be needed.
➢ Students will be expected to read chapters most nights and some weekends.
➢ They will have a vocabulary and comprehension quiz next Tuesday, January 13th
➢ Students must not read ahead due to prediction and/or journal activities.
➢ Some students will be required to create group discussion questions or literary comments

Monday, January 5-
Introduce novel and author
Begin to read Ch. 1

Homework: None

Tuesday, January 6-
Assign novels
Finish reading and discussing Ch. 1 and copy vocabulary definitions
Begin to read Ch. 2

Homework: Finish reading Ch. 2 – Assigned students create questions or literary comments for their group

Wednesday, January 7-
Continue copying vocabulary definitions
Review Ch. 2 and read Ch. 3

Homework: Finish reading Ch. 3, if necessary
Read Ch.4 - -Assigned students create questions or literary comments for their group

Thursday, January 8-
Continue copying vocabulary definitions
Begin crossword puzzle – due Monday, January 9th
Review Ch. 3 and 4 and read Ch. 5

Homework: Finish reading Ch.5

Friday, January 9-
Finish copying vocabulary definitions
Begin Graphic Organizer-due Monday
Review Ch. 5 and begin reading Ch. 6
Homework: Finish Ch. 6, if necessary
Finish crossword puzzle and graphic organizer, if necessary- due Monday
Study for test on Tuesday, January 13th

Language Arts Syllabus - Week of January 5, 2009

Team 6-3 Mrs. alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of January 5, 2009

Important Information:
• Happy New Year!
• Because we are having a student choice novel study for the next 4 weeks, you will receive a separate Language Arts syllabus.
• Don’t forget Reading Logs are due on Thursday, January 8th.
• I still have not received all the signed report card envelopes. Please return it a.s.a.p.
I need them for the second trimester report cards.

Monday, January 5-
Finish Watching Hercules Movie

Homework: Turn in signed report card envelopes, please.

Tuesday, January 6-
Finish Movie, if necessary
Pleasure Reading Time-Reading Logs due Thursday, January 8th

Homework: Work on Reading Logs- due Thursday.

Wednesday, January 7-
Grammar: Read and discuss p. 220 in Language Network book
Complete Part A –Top of P. 221

Homework: Finish Reading Logs- due Thursday

Thursday, January 8-
Reading Logs Due Today
Read and discuss p. 222 in Language Network book
Complete Hyphens, Dashes, and Parentheses handout- p. 176

Homework: Finish handout, if necessary

Friday, January 9-
Review Hyphens, Dashes, and Parentheses
Apostrophes: P. 178 handout

Homework: None