Monday, September 29, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of September 29, 2008

Mrs. Alexander Team 6 – 3 - Social Studies Syllabus
Week of September 29, 2008
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
* Some students didn’t finish their poster last week. Posters are due by the end of the day on Tuesday. It is the responsibility of each group to obtain a pass to come to my room to complete the poster.
*On October 3rd students will take a vocabulary test on Ch. 1- Section 1 & 2 given vocabulary terms from pp. 5 – 11. Students were told to begin studying the Ch 1 given terms last Friday. All words have been listed on my previous syllabi which can be found on my blog.
* *Important** All late work is due by this Thursday. This includes: Parts of the Book handouts, Elements of Geography work, and Ch. 1 definitions. I will not accept any late work after Thursday.
*Progress reports go home next Friday, October 1oth.

Monday, September 29 –
Present posters; review vocabulary definitions; begin reading and discussing pp. 9-11
Homework: Study for Friday’s test

Tuesday, September 30 –
Review last week’s geography handouts
Small group work: Complete questions handout for pp. 9 - 11
Homework: Study for Friday’s test

Wednesday, October 1 –
Finish small group work and review
Pangaea activity
Homework: Study for Friday’s test

Thursday, October 2–
Review for Friday’s vocabulary test
Homework: Study for Friday’s test

Friday, October 3–
Take vocabulary test
Skim and scan pp. 12 – 15 to define these terms: erosion, glaciers, river system, climate, tropical zone, temperate zone, polar zone
Homework: None

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