Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Reading Language Arts Syllabus- October 6, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 6, 2008 - Modified Oct. 7th
Website: http://d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Important Information: Syllabus has been modified from student copy. Changes are bolded.
• Students who have turned in their Seedfolks novel will be assigned a Red Fern novel on Monday, 10/6. It is very important that students do not read ahead. At the end of the week we will introduce a differentiated read ahead activity for eligible students who are interested.
• Students will have a quick comprehension quiz over chapters 1-7 on Wednesday, October 8.
• The day after Columbus Day, October 14th, students will take a Chapter 1-11 Vocabulary Test
• Don’t forget that conferences are on Thursday, October 23. Students will be given a copy of the conference schedule by Wednesday of this week.
• I am still missing many reading logs. Students may still turn them in for late credit.
• Mid-term progress reports will be sent home with students on Friday, Oct. 10th. Do not return the progress report. Please cut, sign, and the bottom of the goldenrod Team 6-3 Progress report sheet instead.
• Remember schools will be closed on Monday, October 13th due to Columbus Day

Monday, October 6
Spelling Pre-Test: Lesson 3
Read and Discuss Chapter 5
Review Chapter 4-5 Vocabulary
Chapter 4-5 Comprehension Questions #5-8
Introduce Chapter 6-7 Vocabulary Words
Homework: Read Chapter 6

Tuesday, October 7
Read and Discuss Chapter 7
Chapter 6-7 Comprehension Questions
Complete Chapter 6-7 Vocabulary
Homework: Finish reading Ch. 7 and complete Ch. 6 & 7 questions
Study for Chapter 1-7 Red Fern Quiz

Wednesday, October 8
Introduce Word Wall # 4
Spelling Page 17 Part A
Quick Quiz: Red Fern Comprehension Chapters 1-7
Complete Chapter 8-9 Vocabulary
Read Chapter 8
Homework: Finish Class work, if necessary.

Thursday: October 9
Chapter 8 Comprehension Questions #1-5
Introduce Chapter 10- 11 Vocabulary Words
Read and Discuss Chapter 9
Spelling Master 3A
Homework: Study for Spelling Test Lesson 3
Finish Word wall handout-due Friday

Friday, October 10
Introduce Differentiated Read Ahead Assignment
Spelling Test: Lesson 3
Review Word Wall handout # 4
Read and Discuss Chapter 10
Chapter 9-10 Comprehension Questions and Vocabulary

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