Saturday, October 11, 2008

Notes for Social Studies Test- Oct. 15, 2008 (given to students on Friday, Oct. 10th)

1. Scientists believe Pangaea is possible because of scientific evidence found on continents that are not in the in similar regions such as: Similar mountain chains and animal fossils, rocks of the same age, and glacier markings.
2. Scientist believe in the future heat and pressure released from the mantle will cause sea floor spreading at the Mid Atlantic Ridge in the Atlantic Ocean. The continents will move in various directions and as it moves the Atlantic ocean will become wider thus making the Pacific Ocean smaller.
3. Basic Geography Facts:
A. Ural Mountains and the Caspian Sea separate Europe from Asia.
B. Russia is a part of two continents: Europe and Asia.
C. Part of Turkey is on the European continent and the other part is on the Asian continent.

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