Monday, October 20, 2008

Reading L/Arts Syllabus October 20, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 20, 2008

Important Information:
o Don’t forget that conferences will be this Thursday, October 23rd. Check my blog if you have forgotten your conference time.
o Students will be dismissed at noon on Thursday and Friday. Students must attend conferences with their parents. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the conference to view your child’s portfolio.
o Differentiated students will get the results of their Where the Red Fern Grows differentiated test today and the Tic-Tac-Toe Board containing differentiated activities. They should still complete the odd comprehension questions and all of the vocabulary activities in the blue Where the Red Fern Grows packet. Packets are due Wednesday, October 22nd and projects are due Friday, October 31st.
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, Nov 4th.
o Remember, Spirit Week begins next Monday, October 27th. Wear Red on next Monday.
o Field Trip permission slips and the $12 are due by Friday, October 30th. Cash only please.
o Tests: Ch. 12- 20 Vocabulary Test Oct. 28th and Ch 1 – 20 Comprehension Test Oct. 30th

Monday, October 20
Spelling Pretest – Lesson 4
Word Wall review
Ch 14 & 15 questions
Ch. 16-18 Pre-reading and Vocabulary and read Ch. 16
Review Figurative Speech with Local Flavor handout
Homework: Finish Ch. 14 & 15 questions, if necessary
Spelling Pt. B p. 21

Tuesday, October 21
Spelling: Review homework
Take Word Wall Review Test
Active Reading Ch. 8-14 handout
Read Ch. 17 and 18 and Complete Ch. 16 -18 Vocabulary
Homework: Do Ch. 16 - 18 comprehension questions 1-9
Complete Spelling Master 4B and Reach Out for New Words handout

Wednesday, October 22
6th Grade Assembly: Meteorologist Ginger Zee
Spelling: Review homework
Read Ch. 19
Introduce Red Fern project
Homework: Study for spelling test on Friday
Finish reading Ch. 19, if necessary

Thursday, October 23
No Class/Half Day
Homework: Study for spelling test on Friday
Students may wear P.J.’s on Friday and bring several good books to read. They may bring a healthy snack and one comfort item such as a pillow, stuff animal, blanket, etc.,as well.

Friday, October 24 – Pajama Day and READ-A-THON
Spelling: Take Lesson 4 PostTest
Homework: Remember Spirit Week begins on Monday. Wear Red on Monday

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