Monday, September 22, 2008

Seedfolks Assignment and Rubric

Seedfolks Writing Assignment and Scoring Rubric

In a narrative writing style, each student is expected to create his/her own chapter about being a seedfolk in the garden as mentioned in the Seedfolks novel. The chapter should fit within the book using a similar writing style as Paul Fleischman. Your character may be someone from the novel, a character based on your own life, or a new character. Definitely the story should explain what the character plants and why. Somewhere within your narrative you must explain why the character is in the garden and what the character may gain from being in the garden. Your chapter must be typed, double spaced, and 1-2 pages in length. You will also need a picture at the top of the first page of what was planted or something pertaining to your chapter; the picture can be clip art or student drawn as long as it looks neat.

An interesting introductory paragraph that:
_____ grabs the reader’s attention.
_____ introduces the characters by including their ethnicity, and other
necessary background information.
_____ includes a vivid description of the setting.
_____ explains the personality of the characters.

The body of the story should:
_____introduce a conflict or describe the character’s experience.
_____use a sequence of events to explain the conflict or character’s
_____develop the character(s) through words, actions, and/or dialogue.
_____use vivid sensory images that help the reader to see, smell, feel,
hear, and/or taste details mentioned in the story.

The conclusion will finish the story by:
_____ stating the last event or outcome, or resolving the conflict.
_____ including information that tells the character’s feelings or emotions
about the conflict or experience.

The student must edit his/her story correcting mistakes in:
_____ grammar.
_____ spelling.
_____ capitalization.
_____ punctuation.
Student Name________________________________________

Seedfolks Writing Assignment Rubric

Required Essay Elements:
3 Pts =Excellent 2 Pts =Satisfactory 1 Pt= Needs Improvement 0 Pts = Not included

_______ Introduction grabbed the reader’s attention
_______ Character development
• included information about ethnicity of characters
• included other information such as character’s background, personality traits, etc.
_______ Included vivid description of setting
_______ Used vivid sensory images
_______ Plot was adequately developed
• conflict and/or character experience’s were described
• explained events using logical sequence
_______ Explained why character was in garden
_______ Explained what character gained from being a part of the garden
_______ Concluding paragraph
• stated last event, outcome, or resolved conflict, etc.
• described character’s feelings or emotions concerning conflict/experience,
2 Pts =Few Mistakes 1 Pt= Many Mistakes 0 Pts = Significant Mistakes
________ Grammar
________ Mechanics
________ Spelling

_______ /2 Included picture
_______ /2 Essay is 1-2 pages in length
_______ /2 Essay was double space and typed neatly using 12 point font
_______ /2 Draft edited by teacher is included
_______ /2 Peer Editing sheet is included

_______/ 40 TOTAL POINTS

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