Monday, September 8, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of September 8, 2008

Mrs. Alexander Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus
Week of September 8, 2008
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*We will have our first quiz on Wednesday. Each student should know the following parts of our textbook, what material can be found there and/or learned in each of the following parts: Table of Contents, Copyright Page, Atlas, Political Map, Physical Map, Glossary, Index, Spanish Glossary, Primary Sources Library, Chapter Focus Box, Terms, Graphic Organizer Activity, and Unit.
*A study guide was given to students last week on the back of their first syllabus.
* I found more CD’s to exchange for a textbook. If students would still like a CD please obtain a pass
to see me at lunch to return the textbook.
*Homework Club begins this week, Tuesday – Thursday from 3:30 – 4:30 P.M.

Monday, September 8 – Review TS176
Begin scavenger hunt
Homework: Complete study guide – due Tuesday

Tuesday, September 9 – Finish scavenger hunt and discuss
Review study guide
Homework: Study for Wednesday’s quiz

Wednesday, September 10 – Take Parts of the Book Quiz
Discuss skimming and scanning. Students will skim and/or scan pp. 5-8 in Chapter 1 to locate and define the following terms: geography, absolute location, relative location, place, region, ecosystems, adapt, modify, and environment. If no definition can be found, then students should use the glossary.
Homework: Finish defining the above terms, due Thursday

Thursday, September 11–Briefly discuss-Remembering 9/11
Read and discuss pp. 5-8
Homework: None

Friday, September 12 – Take geography pre-assessment
Finish reading and discussing pp. 5
Homework: None

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