Monday, September 29, 2008

Reading/Language Arts Syllabus- September 29, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 29, 2008

Important Information:
• The final Seedfolks draft is due Wednesday Oct. 1st. Students must include their teacher edited draft and their blue (or white) peer edit sheet with the final draft.
• Reading logs are due Thursday, Oct 2nd and don’t forget to get parent signatures. The Seedfolks novel can be counted as one of the books.
• Oktoberfest, our Julian Family picnic, is this Friday, October 3rd, at 5:30 P.M.
• We’ll begin our Where the Red Fern Grows novel study this week. Students will complete a blue Red Fern packet. I recommend the packet be fastened in the blue reading folder for safekeeping. Students may not read ahead of the assigned chapters due to certain prediction activities. We’ll notify students regarding differentiated activities at a later date.
• Only students who have turned in Seedfolks books will be assigned a Red Fern novel
• There will be a Red Fern quiz on Oct. 8th and a vocabulary quiz on Oct.14th.
• Late work must be turned in by this Thursday and I will not accept it after Thursday. Late work must be turned in during lunch.
• All students will receive a mid-term progress report next Friday, Oct. 3rd.

Monday, September 29
Reading: Finish Literary Concepts handout
Introduce new novel study, Where the Red Fern Grows, by Wilson Rawls
Discuss setting, Ch. 1 vocabulary,
and make predictions
Language Network Book: Fragments and Run-On’s pp. 25-26, do p. 27 Pt. A
Homework: Finish grammar work p. 27- Pt. A Practice & Apply, and Challenge Sentences
Finish Literary Concepts handout

Tuesday, September 30
Reading: Ch. 1 Pre-reading, reading, and discussion
In Red Fern blue packet: Do odd questions # 1, 3, 5, & 7 and Ch. 1 Activity # 2
Introduce Word Wall Week 3 words
Language Network Book: Review grammar homework
Homework: Final typed, Seedfolks draft is due tomorrow, Oct. 1st . Be sure to include the teacher edited draft and the blue (or white) peer edit sheet with the final draft.

Wednesday, October 1
Final Seedfolks draft due today
Reading: Ch. 2 Pre-reading, introduce vocabulary, reading and discussion
In Red Fern blue packet: Do odd questions # 1, 3, 5, & 7
Homework: Reading Logs due Thursday. Don’t forget to get parent signatures
Fragments and Run-On’s Practice handout

Thursday: October 2
Reading: Ch. 3 reading and discussion. Complete odd questions # 9, 11, & 13 in packet
Begin Red Fern Math handout- due Friday
Language Network Book: Review grammar homework
Homework: Do Ch. 2 & 3 vocab in Red Fern packet. You may need to define unfamiliar words.
Finish Red Fern Math handout – due Friday

Friday, October 3
Reading: Ch. 4 Pre-reading, reading, and discussion. Do questions # 1, 2, 3, & 4 in blue packet
Begin Ch. 4 & 5 vocabulary puzzle.
Review Word Wall Week 3 handout
Homework: None. Have a FANTASTIC WEEKEND!

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