Monday, April 28, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus-Week of April 28-May 2, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 28 – May 2, 2008
Blog Website:
Hello Parents and Guardians:
• The chapter three tests will be returned by Tuesday of this week.
• Due to limited licenses for the Newsbowl competition, my Newsbowl team joined forces with 6-4’s NewsBowl team. I am very pleased to announce that our team placed 1st in Illinois and 9th in the nation. Congratulations to the following students from my class who participated: Elaine, Daisha, Chris, Desiree, Zach, Mark C., Mark W., Micah, and Maggie.

Monday, April 28–
Review movie handout from last Friday & Section 1 questions p. 69
Define: Memphis, Old Kingdom, pharaoh, granaries, pyramids, Book of the Dead, embalming, mummy
Homework: Finish defining vocabulary words, if necessary

Tuesday, April 29–
Read and discuss pp. 69 - 73
Homework: Complete Section 2 questions p. 73 (# 2 – 5)

Wednesday, April 30-
Review homework
Read pp. 88 – 90 in blue textbook
Homework: Complete God’s handout

Thursday, May 1 –
Review homework
Read and discuss pp. 73 - 74
Complete Section 3 questions p. 74 (# 1-4)
Homework: Complete Hieroglyphic handout & finish Section 3 questions

Friday, May 2–
Review homework
Map on p. 75 Questions # 1-3
Write name using hieroglyphics
Homework: None

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