Sunday, May 11, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of May 5, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of May 5, 2008
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
• I announced last week that my NewsBowl team placed 9th in the nation. After looking at the results I was very excited to find out that we actually placed 1st in Illinois! What a great honor for our combined Newbowl groups. The following students participated from my class in the competition: Elaine, Daisha, Chris, Desiree, Zach, Mark W., Micah, & Maggie.
• All students in my original Newsbowl Group are invited to a pizza celebration party on Tuesday during 6th period. Please bring $2.00 for the pizza. I will provide something to drink. (So far only one person has paid.)
• There will be a vocabulary test on Monday, May 12th.
• Study these words for the vocabulary test on Monday, May 12. They should all be defined in your spiral. (This review list was given to the students on Friday p.m.)

1. shadoof 11. pyramids
2. delta 12. Book of the Dead
3. cataract 13. embalming
4. Nile River 14. mummy
5. basins 15. natron
6. silt 16. dynasty
7. Memphis 17. mastaba
8. Old Kingdom 18. canopic jar
9. pharaoh 19. sarcophagus
10. granaries 20. demotic

Monday, May 5– Per. 1 & 2 only
Review homework,
Homework: Finish creating cartouche

Tuesday, May 6-
Period 3 only: Review homework, discuss the Rosetta Stone, Cartouche Activity
Homework: Finish creating cartouche

Period 1 only: Pyramid movie and begin Egypt map
Homework: Finish Egypt map, if necessary

Wednesday, May 7- Per. 1, 2, & 3 today
Copy last set of vocabulary words from chalkboard
Read pp. 74-78 in Red textbook
Homework: Complete p. 78 (# 2-5) questions

Thursday, May 8 – Per. 2 & 3 only
Pyramid movie and begin Egypt map
Homework: Finish Egypt map and cartouche, if necessary - due Friday

Friday, May 2– Per. 1, 2, & 3 today
Review homework
Mummy movie and mummify apples slices
Homework: Study for vocabulary test on Monday, May 12th.

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