Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Egypt Game Reading Syllabus - Week of April 21, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Egypt Game Reading Syllabus
Week of April 21, 2008
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Important Information:
• Remember do not read ahead since this is a mystery novel. If this is difficult for you please plan to read another novel along with our novel study.
• Don’t forget that your project is due this Friday, April 25th.
• This is the last week for our Egypt Game novel study. Students will return to their regular L/Arts Reading class on Monday.
• Students received this syllabus on Tuesday. Sorry for the delay.

Monday, April 14-
Review for test
Complete selected Ch.14 & 15 questions
Read Ch. 16
Homework: Finish reading Ch. 16, “The Oracle of Thoth” and then read Ch. 17,
“The Oracle Speaks”

Tuesday, April 15-
Review Ch. 16 & 17 and complete questions
Complete Ch. 16 – 18 vocabulary
Read & discuss Ch. 18 “Where is Security” & Ch. 19, “Confession & Confusion” in class
Homework: Read Ch.20, “Fear Strikes” and Ch. 21 “The Hero”

Wednesday, April 16-
Vocabulary for Ch. 19-21 & Complete questions
Review Ch. 20 & 21
Read Ch. 22, “Gains and Losses
Homework- Read Ch. 23, “Christmas Keys”
Finish project – due Friday

Thursday, April 17-
No School due to Institute Day

Friday, April 18-
Complete Book Survey
Review Ch. 23
Homework: None – you will return to your normal L/Arts Reading Class on Monday.

It has been a pleasure to have you in my class. : > )
Mrs. Alexander

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