Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Egypt Game Reading Syllabus - Week of April 14, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Egypt Game Reading Syllabus
Week of April 14, 2008
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Important Information:
• If you are interested in completing a differentiation activity please see me.
• There will be a quiz on Chapters 8 -15 next Monday. You should study all the questions and vocabulary for Ch. 8-15.
• Remember do not read ahead since this is a mystery novel. If this is difficult for you please plan to read another novel along with our novel study.
• You will receive a Tic-Tac-Toe grid on Tuesday for an upcoming project due next Friday, April 25th.

Monday, April 14-
Ch. 8 questions # 2-4
Read Ch. 9, “Summoned by the Mighty Ones”
Homework: Complete 2nd discussion group topic for Ch. 9 and finish questions for Ch. 9

Tuesday, April 15-
Review homework
2nd Discussion groups for Ch. 9
Ch. 10 Vocabulary and begin reading Ch. 10, “Return to Egypt”
Homework: Read Ch.11, “Egypt Invaded”

Wednesday, April 16-
Complete Ch. 10 & 11 questions
Vocabulary for Ch. 12 & 13
Homework- Read Ch. 12, “Elizabethan Diplomacy and do questions 1-4

Thursday, April 17-
Review homework
Read Ch. 13, “Moods and Maybes”
Finish questions
Ch. 14 & 15 Vocabulary definitions
Homework: Read Ch. 14,“Hieroglyphics” and complete 3rd discussion topic for Ch. 14

Friday, April 18-
Discussion groups for Ch. 14
Complete Ch. 14 & 15 vocabulary in packet
Read Ch. 15, “Ceremonies for the Dead”
Homework: Read Ch. 16 and study for Ch. 8-15 test on Monday

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