Monday, April 7, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 7, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 7, 2008
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Students will take a test on Ancient Mesopotamia and cultures that lived in the Fertile Crescent on next Friday, April 18th.
*A study guide will be given next week. Students should begin to study the extra credit quiz, and religions around world questions regarding Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.
*Due to time restrictions I was unable to check in the “Religions Around the World” questions and given vocabulary. Be sure to bring them this week.

Monday, April 7–
Finish Gilgamesh the King story
Draw scene from story
Homework: Finish drawing- due Tuesday

Tuesday, April 8–
Share scenes from Gilgamesh the King story
Read and discuss pp. 61 – 63
Homework: Define Sargon I, empire, reform, Hammurabi, reign, code of law, monotheism, polytheism

Wednesday, April 9-
Read pp. 63-64
Begin “Guided Reading Questions”
Homework: Finish “Guided Reading Questions” handout

Thursday, April 10 –
Review homework
Homework: None

Friday, April 11–
Ancient Mesopotamia Movie
Cylinder seal activity – students need two pencils or one pencil and one pen, to do this activity
Homework: None

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