Monday, May 23, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus and Ch. 4 Study Guide May 23, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of May 23, 2011
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
*There will be a quiz on Wednesday, May 25th. It will be on the material covered through Tuesday, May 24th. Students received a study guide last Friday. It is at the bottom of the syllabus.
* During the next several advisories, students will be studying the origins of Chicago, the people involved, landmarks, and architecture in preparation for our end of the year Spirit of Chicago cruise.

Monday, May 23, 2011 –
Review homework
Define: sphinx, silt, underworld
Review Gods and Goddess handout and notes on Khufu’s pyramid, Ramses, Hatshepsut
Begin reading pg. 73
Homework- Finish reading pg. 73-74 and answer questions # 1-4 on pg. 74 and study for test

Tuesday, May 24, 2011– Lunchtime Study Session Today
Decipher the Message handout
Review pg. 73 # 1-4
Homework: Study for the test

Wednesday, May 25, 2011-
Egypt Quiz
Begin reading pp. 74-78 and define Amon-Ra, scribe, Aton, hieroglyphics, Akhenaton
Homework: None

Thursday, May 26, 2011 –
Read and review pp. 74-78
Small group work: Section 4 questions # 4 and 5 only
Homework: None

Friday, May 27, 2011 –
Introduce Hieroglyphics & write name in hieroglyphics
Complete Nile Map
Read & discuss pp. 78-79
Homework: None!! Have a great 3-day holiday weekend

Study Guide for Chapter 4 Test

Study pp. 66-80, all notes, and the following:
1. Know what these famous Egyptians were known for: Narmer/Menes, Hatshepsut,
and Ramses II
2. Pharaoh’s responsibilities
3. Purposes of the pyramids
4. Study important events of Old and Middle Kingdom
5. Know impact Hyksos had on Egyptian culture
6. Know Egyptian resources
7. Egyptian religious beliefs
8. Know these gods: Isis, Osiris, Horus, Ra, Hapi, Anubis, Thoth
9. Study these areas indicated on the Egyptian Map: Nile River, Alexandria, Giza, Memphis, & Upper and Lower Egypt
10. Study all the questions completed in Chapter 4 –Sections 1, 2, & 3
11. Why is Egypt called the “Gift of the Nile”
12. The continent Egypt is located on.
13. Study Nile, River of the Gods Movie notes
14. Study vocabulary

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of May 23, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of May 23, 2011

Important Information:
• Our final Team 6-3 PBIS Reward Day is going to be on Friday, May 27th during 8th and 9th period. Students will sign up for an outdoor activity and it will “cost” 15 Bee Tickets to participate.
• Remember the end of the year field trip is on Wednesday June 1st.
• Please turn in your SIGNED, Yearbook Signing Rules sheet no later than Thurs., June 3.
• Lit Circles: Most groups will meet on Wednesday’s either 8th or 9th period, except for the Breadwinner group. The Breadwinner group will meet on Thursday during 8th period. Thanks to all the parents who volunteered their time!
• All Lit circle packets will be due by Tuesday, next week due to the field trip. The groups that meet on Wednesday will meet on Tuesday, instead. The Thurs. group will still meet on Thursday, though.

Monday, May 23
Vocabra Word Story: Topic is Team 6-3
Spelling Race
Lit Circles Work Time
Homework: Vocabra Sheet- Make Believe…

Tuesday, May 24
Lit Circle Work Time
Vocabra: Comic Strip Captions
Homework: Be ready for Lit Circle Meeting #3 tomorrow. Remember you need to have your packet 100% complete and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting.

Wednesday, May 25 – Lit Circle # 3 meetings held in Media Center 8th and 9th Period
Lit Circle Work Time
Study for Vocabra Tests on Thursday
Homework: STUDY for your Vocabra Tests- they will be given tomorrow.

Thursday, May 26
8th Period: Breadwinner - Lit Circle Meeting #3
LAST set of Vocabra TESTS (List 15)
Homework: Work on your last Lit Circle packet- They all will be due on Tuesday, next week due to the field trip.

Friday, May 27
Team 6-3 PBIS Reward Day
Homework: Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!!! Finish your last Lit Circles packet -remember all packets will be due on Tuesday! Come in with your book and packet 100% complete.

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of May 16, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of May 16, 2011

Important Information:
• Our Lit Circle groups are progressing really well so far. Keep up the great work. All the parents were very impressed with your participation and discussions. Thanks to all the parents who volunteered their time!
• All the groups will meet on Wednesday, this week only, because of our field trip on Thursday. The Breadwinner and Code Talker groups will meet 8th period and the other 3 groups will during 9th period.
• Remember, in order to participate in the weekly Lit circle groups students must have the PACKET 100% COMPLETED and HAVE the NOVEL IN CLASS on the day the discussion group meets.
• Don’t forget we have a walking trip to the Hemingway Museum to see School House Rock, Thursday, May 19th.

Monday, May 16
Introduce Vocabra List #15
Lit Circles Work Time
Homework: Vocabra Word Drawing.

Tuesday, May 17
Lit Circle Work Time
Vocabra: Divide up 12 Words with a Partner
Homework: 1. Write 6 Vocabra sentences with YOUR 6 words.
2. The extra credit letter to your Lit Circle Author is due tomorrow. Remember- it must be
typed and you need to also bring in an addressed envelope with postage on it.
3. Be ready for Lit Circle Meeting #2 tomorrow. Remember you need to have your packet
100% complete and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting.

Wednesday, May 18 – Media Center for Lit Circle Groups
Lit Circle Letter to your author is due today.
8th period - Breadwinner and Code Talker Groups
9th period - Day of Tears, Habibi, & Other Side of Truth Groups
Read Socratic Seminar Article: “Should Kids Hunt”
Mark/Highlight “Should Kids Hunt”
Lit Circle Work Time, when done with Socratic articles
Homework: Read “Should Kids Hunt” again!
Tomorrow is the field trip- you need to remember your lunch money and dress for the
weather! 

Thursday, May 19 (Shortened Class due to Field Trip)
Lit Circle Work Time when we return from trip
Homework: Write TWO high level discussion questions about “Should Kids Hunt” for the Socratic
Seminar Tomorrow.
You must have your marked article and 2 questions in class with you to participate in the

Friday, May 20
8th Period: Socratic Seminar- Should Kids Hunt?
All Other Groups- Work Time for Lit Circles
Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!! Work on your Lit Circles.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus May 9, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of May 9, 2011
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
*Last week students were assigned a topic for a Newsbowl article regarding news for last week, Sunday, May1st – Saturday, May 7th . Students were given an extra day to locate the article making it due Tuesday, May 10th.

Monday, May 9, 2011 –
Ch. 6 Ancient Hebrews Quiz
Homework- If you didn’t turn in an article, you may still find one – Due Tuesday, no exceptions

Tuesday, May 10, 2011–
Begin summary of article
Newsbowl Jeopardy Competition
Homework: Finish Newsbowl article summary, if necessary – Due Wednesday

Wednesday, May 11, 2011 –
Mesopotamia Movie
Identify 4 elements of Mesopotamian culture
Homework: Finish identifying cultural elements. Use Ch. 3 in textbook, if necessary

Thursday, May 12, 2011 –
Complete Anticipation Guide
Egyptian artifact activity
Homework: None

Friday, May 13, 2011 –
Begin reading and discussing pp. 82-83 in “To See a Worl.d” resource book
Homework: None

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of May 9, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of May 9, 2011
Important Information:
• Our first Literature Circle discussion groups will meet this week! Most groups will meet on Wednesday’s, either 8th or 9th period, except for the Breadwinner group. The Breadwinner group will meet on Thursdays during 8th period. Thanks to all the parents who volunteered their time!
• In order to participate in the weekly Lit circle discussion groups students must have their PACKET 100% COMPLETED and HAVE the NOVEL IN CLASS on the day the discussion group meets.
• Our eighth Reading Log is due on Thursday, May 12.
• Students received a field trip permission slip last week, for a walking trip to the Hemingway Museum to see School House Rock. All money is due by Friday, May 13th.

Monday, May 9
Vocabra- Write 12 Detailed Sentences
White Board Sentences
Lit Circles Work Time
Homework: Finish Reading Logs- due Tursday
Work on Lit Circle packets – Due _____________________

Tuesday, May 10
Media Center 8th Period- Check Out/Return Books
Lit Circle Work Time
Homework: Finish Lit Circle packet, if necessary – Due ________________
Attention all groups except for the Breadwinner group. Be ready for Lit Circle
Meeting #1 tomorrow. Remember you need to have your packet 100%
completed and your novel in class to participate in your group meeting.

Wednesday, May 11 - Lit Circle Meetings today for all groups except for Breadwinner Grp.
__________________________________ group will meet during: _________ Period
Vocabra Charades
Homework: Finish your Reading Log- due tomorrow! Don’t forget to get your
parent signatures on the log. You CAN add Lit Circle Novel on the Rdg Log
Breadwinner Group: Finish Lit Circle Packet and be ready for Lit Circle Mtg #1
tomorrow. Packet must be 100% completed and you must have you novel in
class, in order to participate

Thursday, May 12 - Turn in Reading Log
Breadwinner Lit Circle Meeting – 8th period
Discuss Week #1 Meetings: Tips for Next Week
Lit Circle Work Time
Spelling Race
Work on Lit Circle packet

Friday, May 13
Vocabra List #14 Tests
Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!! Work on your Lit Circles.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Social Studies Syllabus & Review Questions May 2, 2011

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of May 2, 2011
Blog Website:
Please read the following information:
*Due to MAP Testing, and the lost of a class session, the Judaism quiz has been changed to
Monday, May 9th. To prepare for quiz, students should study: Founder of Judaism, beliefs, what contributed to spread of Judaism and how, important rituals and why performed, holidays and why they are celebrated, the Jewish Diaspora or the dispersion of the Jews from Palestine to various parts of the world., all vocabulary words, guided notes, & questions on back of this syllabus.
*Students should locate an article about this week’s news beginning Sunday, May1st – Saturday, May 7th – Due Monday, May 9th. Your topic is: ______________________________________

Monday, May 2, 2011 –
Define: Moses, social justice, drought, psalm
Read pp. 109-112
Two column-notes: Founder of Judaism, & beliefs
Homework- Bring coloring pencils to class on Tuesday for map activity

Tuesday, May 3, 2011–
Read pp. 112-114 and define: Sabbath, Torah, rabbi, synagogue
Scholastic News article and map – “Jerusalem: A Divided City”
Two column-notes: Jewish rituals
Homework: Complete map questions in Scholastic News Jerusalem packet - due Thursday
Finish questions on back of syllabus – due Friday

Wednesday, May 4, 2011 – No Class due to MAP Testing
Homework: Complete map questions in Scholastic News Jerusalem packet - due Thursday
Complete questions on back of syllabus – due Friday

Thursday, May 5, 2011 –
Review Map questions
Finish Scholastic News article, “Jerusalem: A Divide City” & discuss reasons for Palestinian and Israeli conflicts
Homework: Study for quiz

Friday, May 6, 2011 –
Complete “Jerusalem: Armies and Faiths” handout
Review homework & for quiz
Homework: Study for quiz on Monday, May 9th

Review Questions

Answer each of the following questions in your spiral and use very specific details.

1. Explain why Hebrews left Ur in c1800 B.C. and where they settled.
2. Explain why Hebrews left Canaan and where they settled next.
3. Explain what happened in Egypt in c1200 B.C. & why they the Hebrews
left Egypt.
4. What important event happened in the Sinai Desert?
5. Explain how Joshua helped the Hebrews to move back to Canaan.
6. Explain how the Hebrews were able to farm the rocky and dry soil in
Canaan, after returning from Egypt.
7. On page 112, tell accomplishments of each king.
8. In c586 B.C. explain why Hebrews moved to Babylonia.
9. Explain changes Jews made to religion while in Babylonia.

Reading & L/Arts Syllabus- Week of May 2, 2011

Mrs. Alexander
Language Arts Syllabus
Week of May 2, 2011

Important Information:
• We are beginning Literature Circles activities this week! Although, the discussion groups will not meet until next Wednesday, May 11th. Thank you, to all the parents who volunteered their time! Most groups will meet on Wednesday’s during 9th period however one group will meet on Thursday’s during 9th period.
• In order to participate in the weekly meeting students must have your Packet 100% COMPLETED and HAVE the NOVEL IN CLASS on the day the discussion group meets.
• Students who scored below a 75% will be able to complete test corrections on their Ch. 6 Grammar Test if the test is signed by Tuesday, May 5th. Students should review their packet and study guide and be ready to make test corrections on Thursdsay, May 7th during their lunch period.
• Our eighth Reading Log is due on Thursday, May 12.

Monday, May 2
Introduce List #14 Vocabra
Introduce Authors- Complete Author Activity
How To Lead a Lit Circle & Identify Higher and Lower level Questions
Homework: Finish your Lit Circle Author Activity.

Tuesday, May 3
Assign Books to Groups
Review Lit Circle Terms
Introduce Packets for Lit Circles
Lit Circle Work Time

Homework: Vocabra Word Drawing- Using the WORD itself

Wednesday, May 4
Team 6-3 Meeting
Vocabra Word Story- Topic is Reality Shows
Discussion Directors & Illustrators
Lit Circle Work Time
Brainstorm Words for “Year in Review: Team 6-3”

Homework: Work on your Lit Circles Packet and Reading

Thursday, May 5
No Reading due to MAP Testing

Homework: Work on your Lit Circles Packet and Reading

Friday, May 6
Vocabra Quickie Skits
All Other Groups- Work Time for Lit Circles

Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!! Work on your Lit Circles.