Monday, April 5, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus and Study Guide- Week of April 5, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 5, 2010
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
• For the next few weeks we will begin to study the spread of Christianity, Islam, and the Jewish Diaspora or the dispersion of the Jews from Palestine to various parts of the world.
• Students will complete a quiz covering only pp. 247-253 on next Thursday. I advise the students to study questions, given vocabulary, and take their own notes on the covered sections below. The quiz will cover pp. 247-253 only.
• Students will be assigned a Newsbowl group on Tuesday and each student must locate and summarize an article regarding their Newsbowl category using the given summary sheet. Due next Wednesday, April 14th.

Monday, April 5, 2010 –
Introduce Ch. 16 - Think, Pair, and Share
Begin reading and discussing pp. 247-248 and discuss
Homework: Finish reading pp. 247-250 and define- Christianity, parables, scriptures, messiah, crucified, resurrection, gospel, gentiles, and missionary

Tuesday, April 6, 2010 –
Review homework
Students will complete Section 1 assessment questions on top of p. 250 # 2-5 in their groups
Homework: Finish Section 1 questions p. 250 # 2-5, if necessary

Wednesday, April 7, 2010 –
Review homework
Begin reading and discussing pp. 250-252
Homework: Finish reading pp.250-252

Thursday, April 8, 2010 – No Class- Field Trip

Friday, April 9, 2010 –
Read and retell: students will reread each paragraph on pp. 250-252 and give an oral, short summary to a partner. The partner will ask a question of the reader. Then they switch roles.
Homework: None

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