Monday, April 19, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- April 19, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of April 19, 2010
Important Information:
• April is National Poetry Month! In honor of this we will spend the entire month reading, exploring, and writing poetry. Students must have their poetry packet with them in class everyday! The final poetry project will be due on Friday, April 30!
• We are finishing our work in Grammar Chapter 5 this week! The Chapter 5 grammar test will be on Thursday, April 22.
• During the month of May we will be have Multicultural Literature Circles. I am sending home a letter about this later this the week asking for parent volunteers to come in each week and lead a group. Please check your schedule and hopefully you will be able to help out ☺
• The April Reading Log is due on Tuesday, April 20. Don’t forget signatures!!!

Monday, April 19
Introduce Vocabra List #13
Finish Lesson 5.5 notes
Grammar Lesson 5.6 (Handout pgs 115-116)
Write Experience Poems
Homework: Write 6 Sentences using at least 6 Vocabra Words. Finish your Reading Log and get SIGNATURES- it is due tomorrow! Type your poems!

Tuesday, April 20
Reading Log #7 DUE TODAY!
Grammar Lesson 5.7 (Handout pgs 118 and 120)
Write Emotion Poems
9th Period Media Center: Check Out/Return Books
Homework: Vocabra Newspaper Captions. Keep typing your poems- this will only help you get your final project done!
Bring Poems to class to type on Wednesday

Wednesday, April 21
Grammar Chapter 5 Review Game
Write Rhetorical Question Poems
9th per.-Media Center Computers- Type poems
Homework: STUDY for your Chapter 5 Adjective and Adverb Test. Vocabra: Draw the Meaning of the Word using the Word ITSELF!

Thursday, April 22
Chapter 5 Grammar Test
Write Bill Durham Credo Poems & Write Just Because.. Poems
9th per. - Media Center to check out books
Hand out Literature Circle- Parent Volunteer Letter
Homework: Get your Lit Circle Parent Letter Completed and Signed - due on Tuesday! Keep working on your Poetry Project!!! Enjoy your three-day weekend☺

Friday, April 23
Institute Day: No School!
Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!!

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