Monday, April 12, 2010

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- April 12, 2010

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of April 12, 2010

Important Information:
• April is National Poetry Month! In honor of this we will spend the entire month reading, exploring, and writing poetry. Students must have their poetry packet with them in class everyday! The final poetry project will be due on Friday, April 30!
• We are continuing our work in Grammar Chapter 5 this week! Students will have a variety of opportunities to do challenge and differentiation for this chapter. Watch the syllabus for the different options! The chapter 5 grammar test will be on Thursday, April 22.
• Students received a letter on Friday regarding an upcoming internet safety assembly. I requested a parent signature. Please show parents if you did not do so already.
• The April Reading Log is due on Tuesday, April 20. Don’t forget signatures!!!

Monday, April 12
Finish Poetry Exploration Sheet – due Wednesday. You may use poetry found at home or online, too.
Grammar Lesson 5.3 (Handout 5.2 Pg 106)
Media Center: Poetry Packet -“Idioms”
Homework: Poetry Packet: Metaphors
Complete ☺ Trick #8
Finish Idioms sheet in poetry packet

Tuesday, April 13
Visualize Poetry
Poetry Packet: Descriptive Words
☺ Trick #2
Grammar Lesson 5.4
Vocabra Word Story: Topic is Poetry (you can write poems, write a story about writing a poem, explain what poetry means to you… Whatever you want as longs as it relates to poetry in general
Homework: Finish Poetry Exploration sheet - due Wednesday. You may use poetry found at
home or poems found online.
Grammar Handouts- Pick ONE!
1.) Average Difficulty- Lesson 5.4 Re-teaching page 109
2.) Challenge- 5.4 More Practice page 110

Wednesday, April 14
Intro Poetry Project
Concrete Poetry: Write one Concrete Poem
Share Vocabra cards and do Quickie Skits
Homework: Write a 2nd Concrete Poem

Thursday, April 15 (FLIPPED SCHEDULE) 8/9/1/2/3
8th Period: Continue Advisory Cyber bullying Discussion
9th Period: Grammar Lesson 5.5
Spelling Race
Homework: Read Haiku Handout (Both Sides). Study for #12 Vocabra Tests!

Vocabra Tests #12
Write Haiku Poetry
Write Dream Poetry
Homework: Have a wonderful weekend!!!! Get your Midterm Progress Report SIGNED!

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