Monday, September 28, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of September 28, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of September 28, 2009
Blog Website:

Please Read the following Information:
*We will finish our in-class country mini project this week. All posters must be completed by Wednesday. Some groups may need to complete the poster during their lunch period. Please see Ms. Alexander for a pass.
*I had to extend the due date for the handouts given last Thursday due to a fire drill that happened when we were on our way to take pictures. It is now due on Monday.
*Students should turn in late work this week. As announced on last week’s syllabus, I am no longer accepting late work for our Parts of the Book unit. Although, I will accept late work for assignments given after the Parts of the Book unit was over. Please see me during lunch or after school to turn in late work.

Monday, September 28– Country mini-project work time
Skim pp. 9 - 11 and begin defining these terms: landforms, elevation, relief, core, mantle, crust, tectonic plates, continental drift, volcanoes, and earthquakes
Draw pictures of 4 major landforms in spiral. Label the elevation of each landform
Due today
Regular Group: “Name That Continent and Understanding Latitude and Longitude” handouts and
Differentiation Group: Complete “Crack the Code and Graphing” activities
Homework: None

Tuesday, September 29 – Review homework handouts from last week
Finish landform pictures, if necessary
Begin reviewing p. 9and begin pp. 9 – 11 questions handout
Homework: Finish questions # 3 -5, if necessary - due Wednesday

Wednesday, September 30– Continue reviewing pp. 10 – 11 and question handout
Begin presenting country posters
Homework: Complete questions # 6 - 7, if necessary – due Thursday

Thursday, October 1 - Finish reviewing pp. 10 – 11 and given questions
Finish presenting country posters
Homework: None

Friday, October 2– Introduce and review movie: Earthquakes and Volcanoes
Homework: None

Chapter One Study Guide - Part 2 (pp. 5 – 21)
Answer the following questions. You use the back of this paper, if necessary

1. Study these Elements of Geography: World in Spatial Terms, Human Systems, and
Environment and Society.

2. Know where the 7 continents and four oceans are located on a map.

3. What are the four major landforms?

4. What is a common cause of earthquakes?

5. What happens at the core that can cause volcanoes?

6. What is the connection between tectonic plates and continental drift?

7. How can scientists tell that the Pangaea theory is possible?

8. What are the three forces that can change the earth’s surface?

9. What are the three climate zones?

9 A. What determines the temperature in these zones?

10. Give an example of a renewable resource:

11. What makes fossil fuel a non renewable resource?

12. Give another example of a non renewable resource:

13. Why do we need to preserve our natural resources?

14. How have natural resources affected the history of the United States?

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- September 28, 2009

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 28, 2009 (updated today 4:45 p.m.)

Important Information:
• YOUR FIRST READING LOG IT IS DUE ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. Students must read 2 or more books month, log the book, and obtain PARENT SIGNATURES for each book read.
• I will return the Teacher Edited Seedfolks Essay on Tuesday, September 29th. You must make teacher suggested corrections and turn in their FINAL draft on Friday, October 2.
• During our short story unit the students have been studying many literary skills. They will have a test over these skills (theme, setting, plot, conflict, characterization, and inferring) on Tuesday, October 6.
• Beginning Tuesday we will read a new short story and working on the theme and setting. Students who scored a 90% or higher on their last reading test will work in a differentiated group. These students will read a more challenging story independently, work on activities, and complete a mini-project. They will have some class time to work on this but will also need to work on this at home. All portions of this differentiation assignment are due on Friday, October 2.
• Students will take a Chapter 1 Grammar Test on Thursday, October 8th. If you would like to check out a grammar book to study with please see me!

Monday, September 28
Review The Tail Critical Thinking questions
Review Learning Styles Inventory
Spelling: Lesson 4 Pretest
Grammar 1.4 and 1.5
Homework: Your FIRST Reading Log is due tomorrow! Be sure to have all books from the month logged and PARENT SIGNATURES! I will not collect your reading log without parent signatures!

Tuesday, September 29 - Reading Log #1 Due & Students Receive Edited Seedfolks Essay
Introduce and Read “The Circuit”- Answer Critical Thinking Questions p. 282 in packet
*Introduce Differentiation Short Story “The All American Slurp” and Assignments
Finish Grammar Lessons 1.4 and 1.5
Spelling: Begin Spelling Master 4A and 4B
Homework: Finish Spelling Master 4A and 4B- due Wednesday
Also, work on making final edits to your Seedfolks essay. The FINAL draft is due on Friday.

Wednesday, September 30
Grammar Lesson 1.6 and 1.7
“The Circuit” Literary Analysis Theme
Differentiation Grp: Continue working on above reading assignments
Spelling: Review homework
Pleasure reading, time permitting
Homework: Continue editing Seedfolks essay. Final draft is due Friday
Differentiation Grp: Be sure to work on “The All American Slurp” project – all is due Friday

Thursday October 1
“The Circuit” Setting Activity
Writing About the BIG Question: Is Conflict Always Bad?
Science Fiction Book Talk and Pick
Spelling: Review for test
Homework: FINISH making the final edits to your Seedfolks Essay! The FINAL draft is due tomorrow! Remember you must attach the FINAL copy on top followed by the 2nd draft.
Differentiation Grp: Be sure to work on “The All American Slurp” project – all is due Friday

Friday, October 2 - Differentiation Assignments/Project Due TODAY
Grammar: Lesson 1.8 and 1.9
Plot Diagram
Spelling: Lesson 4 Post Test
Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of September 21, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of September 21, 2009 (updated 5:30 today)
Blog Website:

Please read the following Information:
*I am pleased to announce that many students earned an A or B on the Parts of the Book quiz. Way to Go!! The test was returned last Friday. Please ask your child about his or her test.
*We will continue working on our in-class mini project researching an assigned country. This week students should complete their artifact drawings and the Elements of Geography handout.
* Students will put their drawings and one completed group handout on a poster.
*Students who performed well on the geography pre-assessment last week will complete an enrichment differentiation activity instead of the regular assignment.
*I am extending the due date for the World Map activity and Differentiation assignment. It is now due on Wednesday.
*Finally, the last day to turn in late work from our “Parts of the Book” unit will be Friday.

Monday, September 21– Media Center computers
Complete Elements of Geography handout and/or research artifact
Homework: None

Tuesday, September 22 - MCRC to finish drawing 2 artifacts for each group and write captions.
Each caption should be two or more sentences explaining who, what, when, where, why, and/or how.
Begin decorating posters, time permitting.
Homework: Finish “World Map” activity or “How Well Do You Know World Geography handouts– Due Wednesday

Wednesday, September 23– Finish Poster
Review homework handouts
Copy vocabulary words and definitions from back of this syllabus in your spiral – due Thurs.
Homework: Finish copying vocabulary words and definitions from back of this syllabus in your spiral

Thursday, September 24 - Picture Day
Complete “Name That Continent and Understanding Latitude and Longitude” handouts
Differentiation Group: Complete “Crack the Code and Graphing” activities
Homework: Finish above class work– due Friday

Friday, September 25 – Review homework
Skim pp. 9 - 11 and begin defining these terms: landforms, elevation, relief, core, mantle, crust, tectonic plates, continental drift, volcanoes, earthquakes
Homework: None

Map Vocabulary

1. Latitude - distance north or south of the equator

2. Longitude - the distance east and west of the prime meridian

3. Equator - a latitude line that divides the world into northern
and southern hemispheres

4. Prime meridian - a longitude line that divides the world into
eastern and western hemispheres

5. Compass rose - symbols used to point out east, west, north,
and south

6. Scale - A small ruler used to measure relative distance on a

7. Inset map -A small map related to a larger one

8. Border - An imaginary line that separates two countries, continents, etc

9. Map key –Information given to explain symbols on a map

10. Hemisphere – An imaginary line that separates our world into
2 - 4 parts

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- September 21, 2009

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 21, 2009 (Updated 5:30 p.m. today)
Important Information:
• Your first Reading Log it is due on Tuesday, September 29. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• We are beginning a short story unit this week to work on a variety of Literary Skills.
• Homework club is held in the Media Center from 3:30 to 4:30 with Mrs. Alexander on Tuesdays, with Ms. Koplin on Wednesdays, and with Mr. Morrell on Thursdays.
• The second Vocabra Vocabulary Test is Friday, September 25.
• Students began a Seedfolks Writing Assignment last week. The typed first draft is due on Tuesday, September 22. Students will peer edit in class that day then the make the peer suggested edits- the second typed draft is due on Thursday, September 24. I will edit the papers and return them on Tuesday, September 29th. The students must make teacher suggested corrections and turn in their FINAL draft on Friday, October 2.
• Mark your calendars! Picture Day is Tuesday, September 24 and our Julian Back to School Picnic is on Friday, September 25.
• If you missed Curriculum Night last Thursday, conference sign-up sheets and Curriculum Night information packets were sent home with your child. Please return the conference sheet A.S.A.P.
• If your child is interested in attending the Young Author’s Conference he/she can still turn in a form. It is due this week.

Monday, September 21
Copy literary skill terms
Learning About Fiction and Nonfiction- handout
Introduce and begin reading short story: The Tail
Introduce last 6 Vocabra words and complete chart – due Thursday
Homework: The first typed draft of your Seedfolks Writing Assignment is due TOMORROW.
You must use a 12-point font and the essay must be double-spaced.
Finish reading short story: The Tail highlighting vocabulary and making
comments in margin of reading packet

Tuesday, September 22 - Turn in Typed 1st Draft of Seedfolks Essay Today
RTI Student Assessment
Using Details to Make Inferences - handout
Peer Edit Seedfolks Essays
Homework: Work on making recommended peer edits to your Seedfolks essay.
The 2nd draft is due on Thursday.

Wednesday, September 23
The Tail Response Questions- p. 202
Characterization Activity
Vocabra: “Sell It –Create an ad selling one of your Vocabra words. You must use 3 or more
Vocabra words in the ad!
Homework: Work on Seedfolks Writing Assignment edits. The 2nd draft is due TOMORROW!
Finish Vocabra Sell it adds, if necessary.

Thursday: September 24 –
Turn In 2nd Draft of Seedfolks Essay today. (I will edit it and return it to you on 9/29)
Writing About the BIG Question: Is Conflict Always Bad?
Vocabra: Review homework
Media Center 9th per: Return and check out books
Homework: STUDY! You will have your 2nd Vocabra test - TOMORROW!
Bring your pleasure to school on Friday.

Friday, September 25
Grammar: Chapter 1 - Lesson 4 and 5
Vocabra Vocabulary Test #2
Work on your Reading Log- First one is due next Tuesday, September 29th.
Homework: You may wish to finish reading pleasure books because Reading Logs are due
Tuesday, September 29th.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of September 14, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of September 14, 2009
Blog Website:

Please Read the following Information:
*The Parts of the Book quiz will be returned by Thursday
*We will begin an in-class mini project, researching an assigned country. Students must find examples of Elements of Geography for their assigned country and complete a handout. I will provide all research materials to students.
*Students will take geography pre-assessment this week.
*Based on the geography pre-assessment, I will offer a differentiation activity for all students who do well on the assessment

Monday, September14– Read and discuss pp. 5-8
Locate examples of Elements of Geography
Homework: Finish defining the following terms if not completed in class last week: geography, absolute location, relative location, place, region, ecosystems, adapt, modify, and environment – Due Wednesday

Tuesday, September 15 - Media Center computers – locate information regarding Physical
Systems and Environment and Society for assigned country
Homework: Finish above definitions, if necessary – Due Wednesday

Wednesday, September 16– Take Geography Pre-Assessment
Review homework and continue to work on mini-project
Homework: None

Thursday, September 17- Begin copying definitions for new geography terms in spiral: latitude, longitude, map key, hemisphere, scale, inset map, compass rose, borders, prime meridian, and equator. Begin A – Z Coordinates World Map activity - due next Tuesday or
Differentiation Group will complete: “How Well do you Know World Geography” research handout - due next Tuesday
Homework: Continue to work on above geography assignment – due Tuesday

Friday, September 18- Multicultural Resource Center to locate cultural artifact for assigned country and to create a drawing. Artifact must be labeled
Work on Elements of Geography handout
Homework: None

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- Week of September 14, 2009

Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 14, 2009
Important Information:
• The typed final copy of Vital Statistics is due on Monday, September 14.
• Your first Reading Log it is due on Tuesday, September 29. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.
• Don’t forget about Team 6-3 Homework Club! Homework club is held from 3:30 to 4:30 with Mrs. Alexander on Tuesdays, with Ms. Koplin on Wednesdays, and with Mr. Morrell on Thursdays.
• The second Vocabra Spelling and Vocabulary Test is Friday, September 25.
• Students will have a Seedfolks comprehension test on Wednesday, September 16. Be sure to study a little bit each night!
• Students will begin a Seedfolks Writing Assignment this week. The typed first draft is due on Tuesday, September 22. Students will peer edit in class that day then the make the peer suggested edits- the second typed draft is due on Thursday, September 24. I will edit the papers and return them on Tuesday, September 29th. The students must make teacher suggested corrections and turn in their FINAL draft on Friday, October 2.
• Mark your calendars! Curriculum Night is Thursday, September 17, at 6:45 P.M. and Picture Day is Tuesday, September 24 (information will be sent home soon). Also, our Julian Back to School Picnic is on Friday, September 25.
• Students completed a blue class schedule for you to use for Curriculum Night. Please ask your child for the schedule.

Monday, September 14 –
Final Draft of Vital Statistics due TODAY
Spelling - Lesson 2 Pretest and spelling pattern
Seedfolks: Review Amir and Florence and do Wrap Up Activity
Homework: Continue to study for Seedfolks test on Wednesday
Finish Video Game story due- Tuesday
Finish defining student selected 16 vocabualry words from Seedfolks-due Wed.

Tuesday, September 15
Introduce Seedfolks Writing Assignment (1st draft due 9/22)
Complete Seedfolks Pre-Writing
Review for Seedfolks Test
Homework: Seedfolks Review Sheet
and study for Seedfolks test - TOMORROW!

Wednesday, September 16
Seedfolks Test
Grammar: Chapter 1 Lesson 1
Literary Concept Notes
Spelling - Write misspelled spelling words 2 times each in syllables
Homework: Work on Seedfolks Writing Assignment.
Spelling Pt. A page 13
Remember to bring your Seedfolks essay to school on Thursday

Thursday: September 17
Read your Please Book and Work on Reading Log
Grammar: Chapter 1 Lesson 2
Spelling review
Seedfolks writing time
Homework: Draw a picture of your assigned spelling word without using the actual word in your drawing. On the back you should write a good sentence for the word. NO PENCIL!!!

Friday, September 18
Spelling: “Act Out” and review Spelling word drawings
Spelling Test
Grammar: Chapter 1 Lesson 3
Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of September 7, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of September 7, 2009

Blog Website:


Please Read the following Information:

*Students should know the following parts of our textbook, and what material can be found or learned in each of the following parts: Table of Contents, Copyright Page, Atlas, Political Map, Physical Map, Glossary, Index, Spanish Glossary, Primary Sources Library, Chapter Focus Box, Terms, Graphic Organizer Activity, and Units. My students will take a short quiz on these parts of the book this Thursday, September 10th.

*A study guide was last Friday. Please ask your sixth grader about it.

Monday, September 7– No School- Labor Day

Tuesday, September 8– Review terms for quiz

Homework: Finish study guide and correct Parts of the Book pre-assessment

-both due Wednesday

Continue to study for quiz on Thursday

Wednesday, September 9– Lunch Time Quiz Review Session (see Ms. A for a pass)

Review homework and begin scavenger hunt handout

Homework: Finish scavenger hunt handout and study for quiz

Thursday, September 10- Briefly review scavenger hunt handout

Take quiz

Homework: None

Friday, September 11- Introduce Ch. 1 and begin to define given vocabulary words

Homework: None

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus- September 7, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3

Reading/Language Arts Syllabus

Week of September 4, 2009

Blog Website:


Important Information:

· The Vital Statistics typed, final copy will be due Monday, September 14.

  • We are finishing Seedfolks this week. Students will have a comprehension test on Wednesday, September 16. Be sure to study a little bit each night!

· Reading Logs will be due Tuesday, September 29. Students must read 2 or more books each month, log the book, and obtain parent signatures for each book read.

· This is our vocabulary week and students will receive another five Vocabra words to add to the previous 5 bonus words they received last week. We will have a vocabulary test on these ten words on Friday.

· Team 6-3 Homework Club will begin this week. Homework club is held from 3:30 to 4:30 in Mrs. Alexander’s room on Tuesdays, Ms. Koplin’s room on Wednesdays, and Mr. Morrell’s room on Thursdays.

· Mark your calendars! Curriculum Night is Thursday, September 17, at 6:45 P.M. and Picture Day is Tuesday, September 24 (information will be sent home soon). Finally, our Julian Back to School Picnic is on Friday, September 25 from 5:30-7:30 P.M.

Monday, September 7- Holiday No School

Tuesday, September 8

Pre and Post President Obama’s speech activities

Introduce last 5 Vocabra words

Read and chart Virgil and Sae Young story

Homework: Read and chart Curtis story; finish Virgil and Sae Young charts, if


Create a colorful drawing of your given Vocabra Word without using the

word In your picture. On the back of your drawing write a detailed

sentence about your word – due Thursday

Wednesday, September 9

Seedfolks activity

Review homework then read and chart Nora story

Homework: Read and chart Marcella; finish Nora chart, if necessary

Thursday: September 10

Review homework then read and chart Amir

Review vocabulary pictures and review for test

Homework: Study for Vocabra test on Friday

Work on Vital Statistics final typed draft – Due Monday, Sept. 14th

Friday, September 11 –

Take Vocabra Test on all 10 words

Read and Chart Florence

Post - Seedfolks activities

Write a story about Video Games using at least 7 or more Vocabra and or spelling words- due Tuesday.

Homework: Don’t forget to finish the Vital Statistics final, typed draft. It is due Monday, Sept. 14th