Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of February 16, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 16, 2009
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org
Important Information:
*Students wishing to participate in the Newsbowl competition must meet with me during lunch on Thursday. Don’t forget to bring notable articles, newspapers, magazines, or other periodicals.
*Due to the upcoming ISAT Testing, I am forced to give the last Roman test in two weeks. Again I will give two separate social studies tests during the week of February 23. I will give a separate vocabulary test and concept test. Most likely they will be given on Thursday, Feb. 26th, and Friday, Feb. 27th. The date will be confirmed this week.
*Students will receive an Anticipation Guide on Tuesday and a study guide on Wednesday. I will also put both of them online.
*If you are interested in completing a Roman differentiation activity please sign the note at the bottom
. …………………………Monday, February 16– President’s Day - No School ………………
Tuesday, February 17–
Finish Ancient Rome movie from last week
Review Roman Numeral homework
Do Anticipation Guide and introduce Ch. 15
Homework: None but you might want to begin finding the correct answers to the Anticipation Guide and use it as a study guide.

Wednesday, February 18–
Read and discuss pp. 233 - 236
Homework: Define from pp. 233-234: Augustus, emperor, freedmen, census, and provincial governor and
Define from pp. 234-236: tariffs, juris prudentes, Pax Romano, standardized

Thursday, February 19–
Small group work: Answer questions on pp. 234 # 2- 5
Begin note taking for pp. 234-236
Homework: Finish notes for pp. 234-236

Friday, February 20–
Review pp. 234-236 notes
Small group work: “Latin Words” Activity
Homework: Begin studying for test next week
I am requesting the differentiation activity for my child ________________________________.

Parent or guardian signature____________________________________ Date_______________

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