Monday, February 2, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus and Ch. 14 Study Guide- Week of February 2, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 2, 2009
Blog Website:
Important Information:
*Students wishing to participate in the Newsbowl competition must meet with me during lunch on Thursday. Don’t forget to bring notable articles, newspapers, magazines, or other periodicals.
*There will be two separate social studies tests during the week of February 9th. I will give a
separate vocabulary test and concept test. The schedule for the week has not been posted yet,
therefore as of now I plan to give the vocabulary test on Tuesday, Feb. 10 and the concept test on Thursday , Feb 12. If things change I will inform my students and post the new dates on my blog.
*Please note the study guide on the back of this syllabus.
*Finally, grades will be posted by the end of this week. Please turn in all late work.

Monday, February 2–
Review notes from last week
Begin to take Punic War notes pp.222 - 224
Homework: Finish Punic War notes pp. 222-224

Tuesday, February 3–
Review homework
Begin reading pp. 224 - 226
Homework: Finish reading pp. 224-226 and define: latifundias, typhus, and publicans
I strongly urge you to begin studying for the tests next week

Wednesday, February 4–
Small group note taking: Agricultural Changes pp. 225-226
Begin reading pp. 227 - 230
Homework: Finish reading pp. 227 – 230 and define: dictator, booty, triumvirate, and ritual
I strongly urge you to begin studying for the tests next week

Thursday, February 5– Stuffing Day
Small group note taking: Roman Leadership note taking pp. 227-230
Homework: Finish notes – due Friday
Complete a map of Rome - due Monday

Friday, February 6–
Chinese New Year Web Quest
Homework: Study for vocabulary test and concept test

Study Guide for Chapter 14 Tests

Vocabulary Test on Tuesday, February10, 2008
and Concept Test on Thursday, February12, 2008

Study these Vocabulary Words

allies, dictator, booty, triumvirate, ritual, legion, legionary, legionaries, maniple, latifundias, typhus, publicans, republic, patricians, plebeians, consuls, veto, senators, Twelve Tables, tribunes, Julius Caesar, Hannibal Barca

Study the following for the test on Ch. 14 concepts

1. How Romans obtained control from the Etruscan King
2. Date republic was established and date republic ended
3. Date Punic Wars began and ended
4. Date of Ides of March
5. Organization of republic
6. Similarities of Roman military and U.S. military
7. Similarities of Roman government and U.S. government
8. Know how all 3 Punic Wars ended
9. What happened to Rome and the people after the Punic Wars
were over
10. Territories Rome controlled
11. Major sea that linked all Rome’s territories
12. Know who these leaders are, what they did and why, what happened
them and why: Sulla, Caesar, Crassus, Pompeius, Antonius, and Octavian

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