Monday, February 2, 2009

Reading Language Arts Syllabus- February 2, 2009

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 2, 2009
Important Information:
*Conference confirmation times were sent home and emailed on Friday, January 30. If you need to change your time please contact me ASAP. They are posted on my blog as well.
*Reading logs are due on Wednesday, February 11.
*The students were introduced to their Persuasive Essay Writing Assignment last Friday. My students will type their first draft in school. The first draft must be typed andcompleted by Monday, February 9th. Students will have in-class time to type the essay. If it is not done by Friday, Feb. 6, students must finish typing the essay at home. The final typed draft will be due on Tuesday, February 17. Students will need a flash drive.
*We are beginning an Author Study unit this week. They will receive a letter on Monday explaining the project expectations and listing all due dates. The students must have their author selected, two or three books, and their completed contract by Friday, February 6.

Monday, February 2
Finish Persuasive Writing handout began on Friday
Super Bowl Homonyms
Complete Persuasive Essay Prewrite
Introduce Author Study Project

Homework: Finish Persuasive Prewrite and Super Bowl Homonyms, if necessary.

Tuesday, February 3
Prepare for Socratic Seminar: Read, Mark and Write 2 Questions
Begin Writing Persuasive Essay- a typed first draft is due on Monday, Feb. 9

Homework: Work on getting Author Study books and Complete contract- due by Friday
Socratic Seminar Post Reading Activity-due Wednesday

Wednesday, February 4
Media Center Front Tables 8th Period: Get books for Author Study Project
Socratic Seminar: Cloning

Homework: Work on getting Author Study books and complete contract- due by Friday

Thursday, February 5- Stuffing Day
Type Persuasive Essay. Peer Conferences and/or with Ms. Alexander
Author Study Work Time and Q&A

Homework: Reading contract due tomorrow with parent signatures. You must have, at least, your first book with you in class tomorrow. Points will be given.

Friday, February 6
Author Study: Author Study Work Time . Peer Conferences and/or with Ms. Alexander
Media Center: Type Persuasive Essay

Homework: Have a nice weekend. Work on Reading your first Author Study novel and your persuasive essay final draft if not completed and turned in today.

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