Monday, February 23, 2009

Ch 15 -Study Guide

Study these vocabulary words for the Ch. 15 Vocabulary Test:

Augustus, emperor, freedmen, census, provincial governor, tariffs, juris prudentes, Pax Romano, standardized, domus, islands, gladiators, pig sticking, rhetoric, inflation, barter, rule by divine right, Praetorian Guards

Study Guide Ch. 15 Test
1. What happened to law during the Pax Romana
2. Effects of Pax Romana
3. Schooling of Roman children
4. Leisure activities
5. Compare and contrast Roman and U.S. families
6. Know what these emperors did and what happened as a result of it:
Augustus, Nero, Diocletian, and Constantine I
7. Reasons for the collapse of the Roman Empire
8. Latin words handout (you will receive it on Monday)
9. Roman Achievements and Contributions to our Modern Society
10. Be able to identify the Colosseum, Circus Maximus, and Aqueducts and what they
were used for.

Chapter 15 Anticipation Guide- Ancient Rome
Answer true or false
____1. The Pax Romana brought a 100 year period of peace.
____2. Inflation in Rome was caused by gladiator games.
____3. The Empire held gladiator games to win the votes of their citizens.
____4. The women of Rome were forbidden to work.
____5. Nero rebuilt Rome after a big fire destroyed most of it.
____6. Constantine I moved the capital of Rome to Alexandria, Egypt.
____7. Constantine I was emperor before Diocletian
____8. Hadrian thought the empire was too big and reorganized it.
____9. The aqueducts were built to carry sewer waste from Rome.
____10. Emperor Nero loved to dance.
____11. Augustus’ real name was Caesar.
____12. Augustus wanted to conquer more territories for Rome.
____13. Gladiator games were held at the Colosseum.
____14. Post Scriptum is Latin that means an addition to a letter
____15. Anno Domini is Latin that means “in the year of our Lord.”
____16. July was named for Julius Caesar’s birthday month.

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