Monday, February 23, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus - Week of February 23, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 23, 2009
Blog Website:
Important Information:
*My students will take a vocabulary test on Thursday, Feb. 26th, and a concept test Friday, Feb. 27th. *Students received an anticipation guide and Ch. 15 study guide last week. The study guide will be posted on my blog this week.
* Newsbowl competitors will take their first online quiz this week. We will meet during lunch on Wednesday to take the quiz. Good luck to you all. Students will take another quiz the end of March and April.
* Roman differentiation projects are due March 9th.
*I will offer an extra credit assignment to all interested students. It is worth 10 pts. will be due Tues., March 3

Monday, February 23–
Read pp. 236 – 239
Small group work: Complete Section 3 questions p. 240 (#2 – 5)
Homework: Complete questions p. 240 (#2-5) and define: domus, islands, gladiators, pig sticking, and rhetoric. Optional: Do “Latin Word” handout

Tuesday, February 24–
Define: Praetorian Guards, inflation, barter, and rule by divine right
Read pp. 240 – 244
Small group work: Note taking on emperors: Nero, Diocletian, and Constantine I and their reforms
Note taking on fall of the Roman Empire
Homework: Finish notes and study for vocabulary test on Thursday

Wednesday, February 25–
Review homework
Begin Ch. 15 Vocabulary Puzzle p. 66 handout
View clips of Ancient Rome: Age of Emperors movie
Homework: Study for vocabulary test on Thursday

Thursday, February 26– Study session during lunch today
Take vocabulary test
Discuss Roman Architectural Contributions handout
Homework: Study for Ch. 15 concept test

Friday, February 27–
Take Ch. 15 test
Continue with Ancient Rome: Age of Emperors movie
Homework: None. Have a great 3-day weekend!

Ch 15 -Study Guide

Study these vocabulary words for the Ch. 15 Vocabulary Test:

Augustus, emperor, freedmen, census, provincial governor, tariffs, juris prudentes, Pax Romano, standardized, domus, islands, gladiators, pig sticking, rhetoric, inflation, barter, rule by divine right, Praetorian Guards

Study Guide Ch. 15 Test
1. What happened to law during the Pax Romana
2. Effects of Pax Romana
3. Schooling of Roman children
4. Leisure activities
5. Compare and contrast Roman and U.S. families
6. Know what these emperors did and what happened as a result of it:
Augustus, Nero, Diocletian, and Constantine I
7. Reasons for the collapse of the Roman Empire
8. Latin words handout (you will receive it on Monday)
9. Roman Achievements and Contributions to our Modern Society
10. Be able to identify the Colosseum, Circus Maximus, and Aqueducts and what they
were used for.

Chapter 15 Anticipation Guide- Ancient Rome
Answer true or false
____1. The Pax Romana brought a 100 year period of peace.
____2. Inflation in Rome was caused by gladiator games.
____3. The Empire held gladiator games to win the votes of their citizens.
____4. The women of Rome were forbidden to work.
____5. Nero rebuilt Rome after a big fire destroyed most of it.
____6. Constantine I moved the capital of Rome to Alexandria, Egypt.
____7. Constantine I was emperor before Diocletian
____8. Hadrian thought the empire was too big and reorganized it.
____9. The aqueducts were built to carry sewer waste from Rome.
____10. Emperor Nero loved to dance.
____11. Augustus’ real name was Caesar.
____12. Augustus wanted to conquer more territories for Rome.
____13. Gladiator games were held at the Colosseum.
____14. Post Scriptum is Latin that means an addition to a letter
____15. Anno Domini is Latin that means “in the year of our Lord.”
____16. July was named for Julius Caesar’s birthday month.

Reading L/Arts Syllabus-Week of February 23, 2009

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 23, 2009

Important Information:
• Narrative essays are due Thursday February 26. They must be typed final draft is due on Thursday February 26. Please make sure to have a parent, family member, or sibling read over your paper before you turn it in.
• Author Study upcoming due dates:
*The Author Study Timeline due date has been changed to Tuesday, March 3rd.
*Finish reading second novel by Monday, March 9
*Plot-Line summary and differentiation essays are due Tuesday, March 10th.
*Time-line presentations begin Tuesday, March 10th.
• Please send permission slip and money for our end of year cruise by April 17th.
• Don’t forget ISAT Testing next week, Tuesday-Friday, March 3–6th. Please encourage your child to get a good night’s rest. Students may bring a water bottle and a healthy snack.
• If you would like your child to take ISAT practice tests please refer to the following website:
• Monday, March 2nd is no school due to Pulaski Day. Students will not receive a syllabus next week, due to ISAT testing.

Monday, February 23
Writing Workshop - Elaboration
Discuss Sample Narrative Essay Models
Media Center Computers 9th Period: Type Narrative Essay or Work on Biography Time-line
Homework: Work on Narrative Essay- due Thursday

Tuesday, February 24
ISAT Test Practice – Writing Reading Extended Response
Author Study Work Time, time permitting
Homework: Work on Narrative Essay- due Thursday

Wednesday, February 25
Media Center Computers 8th Period: Type Narrative Essay or Work on Biography Time-line
ISAT Test Practice- Review and Evaluate Reading Extended Response
Homework: Work on Narrative Essay- due Thursday

Thursday, February 26 - Collect Narrative Essays
ISAT Test Practice – Literary Devices for Reading and Poetry
Author Study Work Time, time permitting
Homework: Work on Time-Line, due Tuesday, March 3rd

Friday, February 27
ISAT Test Practice – Vocabulary and Author’s Purpose
Author Study Work Time, time permitting
Homework: Finish Time-Line, due Tuesday, March 3rd
Have a great 3-day weekend!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of February 16, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 16, 2009
Blog Website:
Important Information:
*Students wishing to participate in the Newsbowl competition must meet with me during lunch on Thursday. Don’t forget to bring notable articles, newspapers, magazines, or other periodicals.
*Due to the upcoming ISAT Testing, I am forced to give the last Roman test in two weeks. Again I will give two separate social studies tests during the week of February 23. I will give a separate vocabulary test and concept test. Most likely they will be given on Thursday, Feb. 26th, and Friday, Feb. 27th. The date will be confirmed this week.
*Students will receive an Anticipation Guide on Tuesday and a study guide on Wednesday. I will also put both of them online.
*If you are interested in completing a Roman differentiation activity please sign the note at the bottom
. …………………………Monday, February 16– President’s Day - No School ………………
Tuesday, February 17–
Finish Ancient Rome movie from last week
Review Roman Numeral homework
Do Anticipation Guide and introduce Ch. 15
Homework: None but you might want to begin finding the correct answers to the Anticipation Guide and use it as a study guide.

Wednesday, February 18–
Read and discuss pp. 233 - 236
Homework: Define from pp. 233-234: Augustus, emperor, freedmen, census, and provincial governor and
Define from pp. 234-236: tariffs, juris prudentes, Pax Romano, standardized

Thursday, February 19–
Small group work: Answer questions on pp. 234 # 2- 5
Begin note taking for pp. 234-236
Homework: Finish notes for pp. 234-236

Friday, February 20–
Review pp. 234-236 notes
Small group work: “Latin Words” Activity
Homework: Begin studying for test next week
I am requesting the differentiation activity for my child ________________________________.

Parent or guardian signature____________________________________ Date_______________

Language Arts Syllabus - Week of February 16, 2009

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 16, 2009

Important Information:
• Author Study upcoming due dates: finish reading first novel by Wednesday, February 18 and finish first Plot-Line summary by Friday, February 20.
• The Author Study Timeline is due February 27.
• We are introducing the Narrative Essay writing assignment on Thursday February 19, the typed final draft is due on Thursday February 26. Please make sure to have a parent, family member, or sibling read over your paper before you turn it in.
• Please send permission slip and money for our end of year cruise by April 17th. If you are writing a check, please do so a.s.a.p. We need time for checks to clear the bank.
Thank you.

Monday, February 16
No School President’s Day

Tuesday, February 17
Discuss Plot Line Summary
Diagramming Sentences Worksheets: Basic Sentence Parts, Articles and Verb Phrases, and Simple Sentences pages 4-7
Dictionary Scavenger Hunt
Author Study Work Time, time permitting
Homework: Finish your first Author Study book by tomorrow
Work Plot-Line summary- Due Friday

Wednesday, February 18
Diagramming Sentences Worksheets: Adjectives and Adverbs pages 8-11
Elements of a Narrative essay
Introduce Author Study Timeline
Homework: Work on Author Study project
Begin gathering information about your author for the timeline

Thursday, February 19
Introduce Narrative Writing prompts
Diagramming Sentences Worksheets: Review Sentence Basics pages 12 and 13
Media Center - Computer Lab: Look up Author biographical information 8th period
Homework: Work on Author Study Plot-Line summary- due Friday
Continue to work on narrative essay due on Thursday February 26.

Friday, February 20
Diagramming Sentences: Compound Subjects and Predicates exercise 1 and 2 pages 14-17
Literary Devices
Author Study Work Time
Homework: Work on Reading your second Author Study novel
Continue to work on narrative essay rough draft.
Have a nice weekend!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of February 9, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 9, 2009
Blog Website:

Important Information:
*No Newsbowl this week due to study session on Wednesday.
*There will be two separate social studies tests during the week of February 9th. I will give a separate vocabulary test and concept test.
*Students will take the vocabulary test on Wednesday, Feb. 11 and the concept test on Thursday, Feb 12.
*Students received a study guide last week. It was on the back of last week’s syllabus.
*Grades have been updated

Monday, February 9–
Review map of Rome handout
Note taking - Roman Leaders: Sulla, Caesar, Crassus, Pompeius, Antonius, Octavian
Homework: Finish Roman Leader notes pp. 227 – 230 study for vocabulary and concept test.

Tuesday, February 10–
Review homework
Review for vocabulary test
Begin movie: Ancient Rome
Homework: Study for vocabulary and concept test.

Wednesday, February 11–
Vocabulary test today
Finish Ancient Rome movie
Review for concept test
Homework: Study for concept test.

Thursday, February 12– ½ Day Students Dismissed at noon
Take test
Begin Roman Numeral handout – due Tuesday, February 17th
Homework: Finish Roman Numeral handout

Friday, February 13– ½ Day Students Dismissed at noon
No class today
Homework: Complete Roman Numeral handout – due Tuesday, February 17th
Don’t forget, Monday, February 16th is President’s Day, therefore we will not have school.
Have a great 3 day weekend!

Reading Language Arts Syllabus- February 9, 2009

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 9, 2009

Important Information:
• Remember that Spring Conferences are on Thursday, February 12. Conference confirmation times were sent home on Friday, January 30. Times are also listed on my blog. If you need to change your time please contact me ASAP.
• Reading Logs are due on Wednesday, February 11.
• Persuasive essays will be returned by Thursday. The final typed draft of the will be due Tuesday, February 17.
• Author Study upcoming due dates: Finish reading first novel by Wednesday, February 18
Plotline summary is due- Friday, February 20.
* Grades have been updated.

Monday, February 9
Turn in Persuasive Essay First Draft Today.
Review Simple Subjects and Predicates: L/Network page 528 – entire page
Review Simple Predicates or Verbs: L/Network page 529 Part 3- only do top of page
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Finish L/Network work, if necessary

Tuesday, February 10
Introduce Author Study Plot Line Summary
Persuasive Essay Peer Editing
Author Study Work Time

Homework: Finish reading log- due tomorrow! Remember you must have parent signatures. Continue to read novel for Author Study.

Wednesday, February 11
Media Center Computers: Interactive ISAT Practice Tests

Homework: Continue to read novel for Author Study work and on plotline summary.

Thursday, February 12 (CONFERENCE DAY!) Noon Dismissal
No Reading/LA Today

Homework: Continue to read novel for Author Study and on plotline summary. Be sure to have your books and pj’s for tomorrow. You may also bring in a snack and one comfort item if you wish.

Friday, February 13 (PJ DAY!!!) Noon Dismissal
Read-A-Thon and Pajama Day

Homework: Have a nice weekend. Continue reading your first Author Study novel and work on your plotline summary.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Social Studies Syllabus and Ch. 14 Study Guide- Week of February 2, 2009

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 2, 2009
Blog Website:
Important Information:
*Students wishing to participate in the Newsbowl competition must meet with me during lunch on Thursday. Don’t forget to bring notable articles, newspapers, magazines, or other periodicals.
*There will be two separate social studies tests during the week of February 9th. I will give a
separate vocabulary test and concept test. The schedule for the week has not been posted yet,
therefore as of now I plan to give the vocabulary test on Tuesday, Feb. 10 and the concept test on Thursday , Feb 12. If things change I will inform my students and post the new dates on my blog.
*Please note the study guide on the back of this syllabus.
*Finally, grades will be posted by the end of this week. Please turn in all late work.

Monday, February 2–
Review notes from last week
Begin to take Punic War notes pp.222 - 224
Homework: Finish Punic War notes pp. 222-224

Tuesday, February 3–
Review homework
Begin reading pp. 224 - 226
Homework: Finish reading pp. 224-226 and define: latifundias, typhus, and publicans
I strongly urge you to begin studying for the tests next week

Wednesday, February 4–
Small group note taking: Agricultural Changes pp. 225-226
Begin reading pp. 227 - 230
Homework: Finish reading pp. 227 – 230 and define: dictator, booty, triumvirate, and ritual
I strongly urge you to begin studying for the tests next week

Thursday, February 5– Stuffing Day
Small group note taking: Roman Leadership note taking pp. 227-230
Homework: Finish notes – due Friday
Complete a map of Rome - due Monday

Friday, February 6–
Chinese New Year Web Quest
Homework: Study for vocabulary test and concept test

Study Guide for Chapter 14 Tests

Vocabulary Test on Tuesday, February10, 2008
and Concept Test on Thursday, February12, 2008

Study these Vocabulary Words

allies, dictator, booty, triumvirate, ritual, legion, legionary, legionaries, maniple, latifundias, typhus, publicans, republic, patricians, plebeians, consuls, veto, senators, Twelve Tables, tribunes, Julius Caesar, Hannibal Barca

Study the following for the test on Ch. 14 concepts

1. How Romans obtained control from the Etruscan King
2. Date republic was established and date republic ended
3. Date Punic Wars began and ended
4. Date of Ides of March
5. Organization of republic
6. Similarities of Roman military and U.S. military
7. Similarities of Roman government and U.S. government
8. Know how all 3 Punic Wars ended
9. What happened to Rome and the people after the Punic Wars
were over
10. Territories Rome controlled
11. Major sea that linked all Rome’s territories
12. Know who these leaders are, what they did and why, what happened
them and why: Sulla, Caesar, Crassus, Pompeius, Antonius, and Octavian

Author Study Information Packet

February 2, 2009

Dear Students,

We are about to begin an Author Study unit. You are expected to choose an author you absolutely love or an author you what to know more about. Be prepared to read two books you have not read before regarding the author you have chosen. If you wish to participate in our differentiation activity, you will be required to read 3 books. You will be given some time to read your novels in class so be sure to bring your novel to school everyday. Nevertheless, you should still plan to finish reading most of your novels at home. As an added bonus you will be able to use the books completed for the author study on your reading log and you don’t have to complete a log entry for each book. We will make available a study guide for students who need help comprehending and remembering information read. Please let us know if you would like the study guide.

Our goal is for each student to be able to identify the setting, development of the characters, notice examples of foreshadowing, conflict, rising and falling action, the climax, and the theme(s) within the story. You will complete the following:
1. Complete and sign the Author Study Reading Contract
2. Read two books by one author
3. A plot line summary using a graphic organizer for two books
4. Research your author and complete a timeline of his/her life
5. Present your timeline to your peers.

As far as the timeline, you will research to discover information regarding your author’s lifestyle, significant occurrences, milestones in his/her life, etc. You will receive a separate handout regarding the timeline activity and information to include in it. Before finalizing your decision regarding your books and author, you may want to determine if you can find sufficient information to complete a thorough timeline. In the past, some children have been disappointed and/or frustrated because they were unable to find suitable information about their author.

Students wishing to participate in the differentiation activity please note the following expectations:
1. Complete and sign the Author Study Reading Contract
2. Read three books by one author
3. Complete a plot line summary using a graphic organizer for only one book
4. Research your author and complete a timeline of his/her life
5. Present your timeline to your peers.
6. Write an essay comparing and contrasting the theme, setting, characters, author’s writing style, etc of the three books you read. You will receive a separate handout concerning this essay.

Author Study: Due Dates

Friday, February 6
· Reading Contract and books selected with a parent signature

Wednesday, February 18
· Finish reading first book by today

Friday, February 20
· Plot line summary is due for all students

Friday, February 27
· Author Study Timeline is due for all students

Monday, March 9
· Finish reading second book

March 10
· Second plot line summary
· Begin Timeline Presentations
· Differentiation comparison paper

Reading Language Arts Syllabus- February 2, 2009

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 2, 2009
Important Information:
*Conference confirmation times were sent home and emailed on Friday, January 30. If you need to change your time please contact me ASAP. They are posted on my blog as well.
*Reading logs are due on Wednesday, February 11.
*The students were introduced to their Persuasive Essay Writing Assignment last Friday. My students will type their first draft in school. The first draft must be typed andcompleted by Monday, February 9th. Students will have in-class time to type the essay. If it is not done by Friday, Feb. 6, students must finish typing the essay at home. The final typed draft will be due on Tuesday, February 17. Students will need a flash drive.
*We are beginning an Author Study unit this week. They will receive a letter on Monday explaining the project expectations and listing all due dates. The students must have their author selected, two or three books, and their completed contract by Friday, February 6.

Monday, February 2
Finish Persuasive Writing handout began on Friday
Super Bowl Homonyms
Complete Persuasive Essay Prewrite
Introduce Author Study Project

Homework: Finish Persuasive Prewrite and Super Bowl Homonyms, if necessary.

Tuesday, February 3
Prepare for Socratic Seminar: Read, Mark and Write 2 Questions
Begin Writing Persuasive Essay- a typed first draft is due on Monday, Feb. 9

Homework: Work on getting Author Study books and Complete contract- due by Friday
Socratic Seminar Post Reading Activity-due Wednesday

Wednesday, February 4
Media Center Front Tables 8th Period: Get books for Author Study Project
Socratic Seminar: Cloning

Homework: Work on getting Author Study books and complete contract- due by Friday

Thursday, February 5- Stuffing Day
Type Persuasive Essay. Peer Conferences and/or with Ms. Alexander
Author Study Work Time and Q&A

Homework: Reading contract due tomorrow with parent signatures. You must have, at least, your first book with you in class tomorrow. Points will be given.

Friday, February 6
Author Study: Author Study Work Time . Peer Conferences and/or with Ms. Alexander
Media Center: Type Persuasive Essay

Homework: Have a nice weekend. Work on Reading your first Author Study novel and your persuasive essay final draft if not completed and turned in today.