Monday, September 29, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of September 29, 2008

Mrs. Alexander Team 6 – 3 - Social Studies Syllabus
Week of September 29, 2008
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
* Some students didn’t finish their poster last week. Posters are due by the end of the day on Tuesday. It is the responsibility of each group to obtain a pass to come to my room to complete the poster.
*On October 3rd students will take a vocabulary test on Ch. 1- Section 1 & 2 given vocabulary terms from pp. 5 – 11. Students were told to begin studying the Ch 1 given terms last Friday. All words have been listed on my previous syllabi which can be found on my blog.
* *Important** All late work is due by this Thursday. This includes: Parts of the Book handouts, Elements of Geography work, and Ch. 1 definitions. I will not accept any late work after Thursday.
*Progress reports go home next Friday, October 1oth.

Monday, September 29 –
Present posters; review vocabulary definitions; begin reading and discussing pp. 9-11
Homework: Study for Friday’s test

Tuesday, September 30 –
Review last week’s geography handouts
Small group work: Complete questions handout for pp. 9 - 11
Homework: Study for Friday’s test

Wednesday, October 1 –
Finish small group work and review
Pangaea activity
Homework: Study for Friday’s test

Thursday, October 2–
Review for Friday’s vocabulary test
Homework: Study for Friday’s test

Friday, October 3–
Take vocabulary test
Skim and scan pp. 12 – 15 to define these terms: erosion, glaciers, river system, climate, tropical zone, temperate zone, polar zone
Homework: None

Social Studies Syllabus-Chapter 1 Study Guide (pp. 9-11)

Chapter One Study Guide - Part 1 (pp. 9 – 11)
In your small groups answer the following questions. You use the back of this paper, if necessary-due Thursday

1. List the four major landforms, the elevation, and relief of each one:
Landform: Elevation in Feet Type of relief
2. Explain the main characteristics of each layer of the earth’s structure (what is each layer made of)
A. Inner Core –

B. Outer Core-

C. Mantle-

D. Crust-

3. What is the connection between tectonic plates and continental drift?

4. What evidence led scientists to believe Pangaea could be a valid theory?

5. How were the Himalayas formed?

6. How were the Hawaiian Islands formed?

7. What is a common cause of earthquakes?

8. What happens at the core that can cause volcanoes?

9. How can scientists tell that the Pangaea theory is possible?

10. Why do geographers think California will be separated from the U.S. thousands of years from now?

Reading/Language Arts Syllabus- September 29, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 29, 2008

Important Information:
• The final Seedfolks draft is due Wednesday Oct. 1st. Students must include their teacher edited draft and their blue (or white) peer edit sheet with the final draft.
• Reading logs are due Thursday, Oct 2nd and don’t forget to get parent signatures. The Seedfolks novel can be counted as one of the books.
• Oktoberfest, our Julian Family picnic, is this Friday, October 3rd, at 5:30 P.M.
• We’ll begin our Where the Red Fern Grows novel study this week. Students will complete a blue Red Fern packet. I recommend the packet be fastened in the blue reading folder for safekeeping. Students may not read ahead of the assigned chapters due to certain prediction activities. We’ll notify students regarding differentiated activities at a later date.
• Only students who have turned in Seedfolks books will be assigned a Red Fern novel
• There will be a Red Fern quiz on Oct. 8th and a vocabulary quiz on Oct.14th.
• Late work must be turned in by this Thursday and I will not accept it after Thursday. Late work must be turned in during lunch.
• All students will receive a mid-term progress report next Friday, Oct. 3rd.

Monday, September 29
Reading: Finish Literary Concepts handout
Introduce new novel study, Where the Red Fern Grows, by Wilson Rawls
Discuss setting, Ch. 1 vocabulary,
and make predictions
Language Network Book: Fragments and Run-On’s pp. 25-26, do p. 27 Pt. A
Homework: Finish grammar work p. 27- Pt. A Practice & Apply, and Challenge Sentences
Finish Literary Concepts handout

Tuesday, September 30
Reading: Ch. 1 Pre-reading, reading, and discussion
In Red Fern blue packet: Do odd questions # 1, 3, 5, & 7 and Ch. 1 Activity # 2
Introduce Word Wall Week 3 words
Language Network Book: Review grammar homework
Homework: Final typed, Seedfolks draft is due tomorrow, Oct. 1st . Be sure to include the teacher edited draft and the blue (or white) peer edit sheet with the final draft.

Wednesday, October 1
Final Seedfolks draft due today
Reading: Ch. 2 Pre-reading, introduce vocabulary, reading and discussion
In Red Fern blue packet: Do odd questions # 1, 3, 5, & 7
Homework: Reading Logs due Thursday. Don’t forget to get parent signatures
Fragments and Run-On’s Practice handout

Thursday: October 2
Reading: Ch. 3 reading and discussion. Complete odd questions # 9, 11, & 13 in packet
Begin Red Fern Math handout- due Friday
Language Network Book: Review grammar homework
Homework: Do Ch. 2 & 3 vocab in Red Fern packet. You may need to define unfamiliar words.
Finish Red Fern Math handout – due Friday

Friday, October 3
Reading: Ch. 4 Pre-reading, reading, and discussion. Do questions # 1, 2, 3, & 4 in blue packet
Begin Ch. 4 & 5 vocabulary puzzle.
Review Word Wall Week 3 handout
Homework: None. Have a FANTASTIC WEEKEND!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Seedfolks Assignment and Rubric

Seedfolks Writing Assignment and Scoring Rubric

In a narrative writing style, each student is expected to create his/her own chapter about being a seedfolk in the garden as mentioned in the Seedfolks novel. The chapter should fit within the book using a similar writing style as Paul Fleischman. Your character may be someone from the novel, a character based on your own life, or a new character. Definitely the story should explain what the character plants and why. Somewhere within your narrative you must explain why the character is in the garden and what the character may gain from being in the garden. Your chapter must be typed, double spaced, and 1-2 pages in length. You will also need a picture at the top of the first page of what was planted or something pertaining to your chapter; the picture can be clip art or student drawn as long as it looks neat.

An interesting introductory paragraph that:
_____ grabs the reader’s attention.
_____ introduces the characters by including their ethnicity, and other
necessary background information.
_____ includes a vivid description of the setting.
_____ explains the personality of the characters.

The body of the story should:
_____introduce a conflict or describe the character’s experience.
_____use a sequence of events to explain the conflict or character’s
_____develop the character(s) through words, actions, and/or dialogue.
_____use vivid sensory images that help the reader to see, smell, feel,
hear, and/or taste details mentioned in the story.

The conclusion will finish the story by:
_____ stating the last event or outcome, or resolving the conflict.
_____ including information that tells the character’s feelings or emotions
about the conflict or experience.

The student must edit his/her story correcting mistakes in:
_____ grammar.
_____ spelling.
_____ capitalization.
_____ punctuation.
Student Name________________________________________

Seedfolks Writing Assignment Rubric

Required Essay Elements:
3 Pts =Excellent 2 Pts =Satisfactory 1 Pt= Needs Improvement 0 Pts = Not included

_______ Introduction grabbed the reader’s attention
_______ Character development
• included information about ethnicity of characters
• included other information such as character’s background, personality traits, etc.
_______ Included vivid description of setting
_______ Used vivid sensory images
_______ Plot was adequately developed
• conflict and/or character experience’s were described
• explained events using logical sequence
_______ Explained why character was in garden
_______ Explained what character gained from being a part of the garden
_______ Concluding paragraph
• stated last event, outcome, or resolved conflict, etc.
• described character’s feelings or emotions concerning conflict/experience,
2 Pts =Few Mistakes 1 Pt= Many Mistakes 0 Pts = Significant Mistakes
________ Grammar
________ Mechanics
________ Spelling

_______ /2 Included picture
_______ /2 Essay is 1-2 pages in length
_______ /2 Essay was double space and typed neatly using 12 point font
_______ /2 Draft edited by teacher is included
_______ /2 Peer Editing sheet is included

_______/ 40 TOTAL POINTS

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of September 22, 2008

Mrs. Alexander Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus
Week of September 22, 2008
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*We began our in class mini project researching an assigned country last week. I am providing all research materials to students. Students have begun drawing their picture of a cultural item relating to their country that they found in the Multicultural Resource Center (MCRC ).
* Since some students didn’t finish their drawings last week, all pictures will be due by Tuesday. The MCRC is holding the artifact of any student who didn’t finish his/her drawing. It is the responsibility of each child to obtain a pass to go to the MCRC during their lunch to complete the drawing.
* Very soon there will be a vocabulary test on given Ch. 1 vocabulary terms. The test will be given the end of next week or during the week of October 6th. Students should begin studying given Ch. 1 terms.

Monday, September 22 –
Using given research materials begin completing “Elements of Geography” handout.
Homework: Finish coloring picture- due Tuesday

Tuesday, September 23 – Picture Day- Pictures will be taken during our morning classes
Complete: “ Name the Continent and Understanding Latitude and Longitude” handout- due Thurs.
Different Grp: Complete “Cracking the Code and Tallest Mountains ” handout –due Thursday.
Homework: Finish above handouts- due Thursday

Wednesday, September 24 –
Finish “Elements of Geography” handout
Create a poster using group’s pictures
Homework: Finish Tuesday’s handouts - due Thursday

Thursday, September 25–
Finish poster
Review Tuesday’s handouts
Homework: Skim pp. 9 - 11 and begin defining these terms: landforms, elevation, relief, core, mantle, crust, tectonic plates, continental drift, volcanoes, earthquakes - due Friday

Friday, September 26 –
Review terms; begin reading and discussing pp. 9-11
Homework: None

Reading/Language Arts Syllabus- September 22, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 22, 2008

Important Information:
• Last week students were introduced to our next writing assignment of creating a Seedfolks chapter. They peer edited another student’s first draft of the essay. The second typed, rough draft will be due on Tuesday Sept 23 and Mrs. Alexander will edit it. The final draft is due on Wednesday Oct 1.
• Reading logs are due on Thursday, Oct 2nd. Students are required to read at least two books each month and turn in a completed log with parent signatures. The Seedfolks novel can be counted as one of the books.
• Reminder, Picture Day is on Tuesday, September 23.

Monday, September 22
Spelling Pre-Test: Lesson 2
Spelling Page 13 Part A
Review Word Wall Week 1
Begin Literary Concept Notes
Homework: Finish making peer corrections to your Seedfolks Essay- the 2nd Draft is due tomorrow. Remember Picture Day is tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 23 (PICTURE DAY! Pictures will be taken in the morning classes)
2nd Seedfolks Essay Draft is due
Finish Literary Concept Notes
Introduce Word Wall Week 2
Spelling Master 2B
Homework: Read your pleasure book and work on your reading log.

Wednesday, September 24
Work on Reading Logs
Beyond the Reef Text: Year Walk pages 208-220
Homework: Spelling Page 15: Build Word Power

Thursday: September 25
Media Center 9th period back tables
Homework: Study for Spelling Test, Word Wall Week 2- due tomorrow

Friday, September 26
Return Seedfolks Drafts Today
Review Word Wall Week 2
Spelling Test: Lesson 2
Identify Literary Concepts from notes in Year Walk
Homework: Have a FANTASTIC WEEKEND! Work on Final Draft Edits- the FINAL DRAFT is due on Wednesday, Oct 1st.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Language Arts/ Reading Syllabus-September 15, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 15, 2008

Important Information:
• Students will take a Seedfolks comprehension & vocabulary test on Thursday, Sept. 18th.
• This Monday, students will be introduced to our next assignment, writing a Seedfolks chapter. The first typed rough draft of the essay is due on Friday, Sept 19 for a peer-editing session, a second typed rough draft will be due on Tuesday Sept 23 to be edited by the teacher, and the final draft is due on Wednesday Oct 1.
• Curriculum Night is Thursday, Sept. 18th. It begins at 6:45 P.M. Each student will bring home a letter with his or her schedule on Tuesday Sept. 16th Student should not attend Curriculum Night.
• The reading log is due on Thursday, Oct 2nd. Students are required to read at least two books each month and turn in a completed log with parent signatures. The Seedfolks novel can be counted as one of the books.

Monday, September 15
Final Vital Statistics is due today
Introduce Seedfolks writing assignment
Discuss good and bad examples of a Seedfolks chapter
Seedfolks Prewriting Assignment
Writing Time
Homework: Begin Writing Seedfolks Rough Draft

Tuesday, September 16
Complete Curriculum Night schedules for parents
Introduce Word Wall assignment due Friday Sept 19th
Write sentences with Seedfolks vocabulary words
Homework: Give parents Curriculum Night schedule
Study for Seedfolks Test
Seedfolks Review Worksheet

Wednesday, September 17
Discuss Seedfolks character review sheet
“Fire Line” Seedfolks review activity
Peer-edit Seedfolks vocabulary sentences
Homework: Study for Seedfolks Test.

Thursday: September 18- Curriculum Night begins at 6:45 P.M.
Seedfolks Test
Pg 6 and 7 in Language Network book, Introducing complete subject and predicate
Important: Remind parents to bring your schedule to Curriculum Night
Homework: Word Wall sheet due tomorrow
Work on your Seedfolks Essay
Rough Draft- due tomorrow for peer-editing session

Friday, September 19
Go over Word Wall sheet
Peer-edit 1st Seedfolks Rough Draft
Review Language Network books page 7
Language Network book pages 8 and 9 apply and practice part a and b
Homework: Finish your Seedfolks 2nd rough draft - due on Tuesday Sept 23rd.
It must be typed and return peer edit sheets and 1st draft.

Social Studies Syllabus and Vocabulary Terms - September 15, 2008

Mrs. Alexander Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus
Week of September 15, 2008
Blog Website:
Hello Parents and Guardians:
*The Parts of the Book quiz will be returned by Wednesday
*I will offer a differentiation activity for all students who did well on their geography assessment
*Don’t forget that students may attend our Homework Club Tuesday, Wednesday,
and/or Thursday from 3:30 – 4:30 P.M. in order to study or finish homework.
*We will begin an in class mini project researching an assigned country. I will provide all research materials to students. Students will need one picture of a cultural item relating their country. Although, some students may wish to do independent research for this picture at home. See below.

Monday, September 15 –
Finish reading and discussing pp 7-8 then do small group activity
Introduce Elements of Geography Activity and select country for mini project activity
Homework: None

Tuesday, September 16 –
Begin copying definitions for new geography terms in spiral: latitude, longitude, map key, hemisphere, scale, inset map, compass rose, borders, prime meridian, and equator.
Complete A – Z Coordinates World Map- activity due Friday
Differentiation Grp: Complete “How Well do you know World Geography” research handout –due Friday
Homework: A – Z Coordinates World Map- activity due Friday
Different. Grp handout- due Friday

Wednesday, September 17 –
In groups, begin working on Elements of Geography Activity handout in groups given handout
Homework: A – Z Coordinates World Map- activity due Friday
Different. Grp handout- due Friday

Thursday, September 18–Go to Multicultural Center to locate cultural artifact for assigned country and share- create a drawing of it and label artifact, and continue working on handout
Homework: A – Z Coordinates World Map- activity due Friday
Different. Grp handout- due Friday

Friday, September 19 – Go to Multicultural Center to locate cultural artifact for assigned country and share - create a drawing of it and label artifact, and continue working on handout
Homework: Drawings due Monday

Map Terms

1. Latitude - distance north or south of the equator

2. Longitude - the distance east and west of the prime meridian

3. Equator - a latitude line that divides the world into northern
and southern hemispheres

4. Prime meridian - a longitude line that divides the world into
eastern and western hemispheres

5. Compass rose - symbols used to point out east, west, north,
and south

6. Scale - A small ruler used to measure relative distance on a

7. Inset map -A small map related to a larger one

8. Border - An imaginary line that separates two countries, continents, etc

9. Map key –Information given to explain symbols on a map

10. Hemisphere – An imaginary line that separates our world into
2 - 4 parts

Monday, September 8, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of September 8, 2008

Mrs. Alexander Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus
Week of September 8, 2008
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*We will have our first quiz on Wednesday. Each student should know the following parts of our textbook, what material can be found there and/or learned in each of the following parts: Table of Contents, Copyright Page, Atlas, Political Map, Physical Map, Glossary, Index, Spanish Glossary, Primary Sources Library, Chapter Focus Box, Terms, Graphic Organizer Activity, and Unit.
*A study guide was given to students last week on the back of their first syllabus.
* I found more CD’s to exchange for a textbook. If students would still like a CD please obtain a pass
to see me at lunch to return the textbook.
*Homework Club begins this week, Tuesday – Thursday from 3:30 – 4:30 P.M.

Monday, September 8 – Review TS176
Begin scavenger hunt
Homework: Complete study guide – due Tuesday

Tuesday, September 9 – Finish scavenger hunt and discuss
Review study guide
Homework: Study for Wednesday’s quiz

Wednesday, September 10 – Take Parts of the Book Quiz
Discuss skimming and scanning. Students will skim and/or scan pp. 5-8 in Chapter 1 to locate and define the following terms: geography, absolute location, relative location, place, region, ecosystems, adapt, modify, and environment. If no definition can be found, then students should use the glossary.
Homework: Finish defining the above terms, due Thursday

Thursday, September 11–Briefly discuss-Remembering 9/11
Read and discuss pp. 5-8
Homework: None

Friday, September 12 – Take geography pre-assessment
Finish reading and discussing pp. 5
Homework: None

Reading L/Arts Syllabus -Week of September 8,2008

Mrs. Alexander - Team 6-3
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 8, 2008
Blog Website:

Important Information:
*You will find my syllabi posted on the above website.
*The edited Vital Statistics draft will be returned by Tuesday, Sept 9th. The typed final copy will
be due Mon. Sept. 15th. If students do not have a computer, please plan to use the public library.
*Our school library will only be open Monday of this week due to teacher training. Although, it may
open during our 6th period lunch for student use. We'll check to see if training is over for the day.
*There will be a Seedfolks test on Thursday, September 18th.
*Students received their Reading Logs last week and their first Reading Log is due on October 2nd.
Students must read 2 or more books, log it, & obtain parent signatures for each book read.
*Mark your calendars! Curriculum Night is Thursday, Sept. 18th, at 6:45 P.M.
Picture Day is Tuesday, Sept. 23rd (information will be sent
home soon)
*Homework Club begins this week Tuesday - Thursday from 3:30 - 4:30 P.M.

Monday, September 8 –
Leona and Sam completed chart due today
Spelling pre-test- Lesson 1
Spelling - Part A (only)-top of page 9
Read Virgil story and complete chart, including character traits
Homework: Finish spelling Pt. A - p. 9, if necessary
Read Sae Young story and complete chart including character traits

Tuesday, September 9
Read Curtis and Nora story and complete chart, including character traits
Spelling -Review Pt. A- p. 9
Return Vital Statistics survey and discuss
Homework: Finish Curtis and Nora story and chart, if necessary

Wednesday, September 10
Seedfolks activity # 1 (a surprise)
Spelling Pt. B- bottom p. 9 and top of p. 10
Homework: Finish spelling work, if necessary

Thursday: September 11
Seedfolks activity # 2 (a surprise) & begin wrap-up activity # 3
Read Amir story and complete chart, including character traits
Copy given vocabulary definitions for Seedfolks test next week
Spelling- review Pt. B p. 9-10
Homework: Study for spelling test tomorrow

Friday, September 12
Take Lesson 1 spelling post test
Read Florence story and complete chart, including character traits
Finish Seedfolks wrap-up activity and share
Homework: None but you may wish to begin studying for your Seedfolks test.
Enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus, Week of September 1, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of September 1, 2008
Blog Website -

Important Information-Please Read:
*You will receive a syllabus in each core subject at the beginning of each week. You will find my
syllabi posted on the above website.
*Students will receive their first monthly Reading Log this week. All students are required to read 2 or
more books a month and record the books on their log, with a parent signature for each book read.
* By this Wednesday, my students should have a pleasure book that he/she has not read before. Bring
book to reading/language arts class, or plan to check one out from Ms. A or one of our core teachers.
*Please plan to bring a quart size Ziploc bag by Wednesday, Sept. 3rd, for our Seedfolks novel study.
Students may purchase bags from his/her teacher for 25 cents.
*A typed draft of the students' Vital Statistics survey is due by Fri. Sept. 5th to be returned back to
students by Tues. Sept. 9th. The typed final copy will be due Mon. Sept. 15th. If students do not have
a computer to type the Vital Statistics survey, please plan to use the public library.
*Mark your calendars! Curriculum Night is Thursday, Sept. 18th, at 6:45 P.M.
Picture Day is Tuesday, Sept. 23rd (during school hours)
*Starting this week, our library is now open for students to check out books, do homework, research,
use computers, etc. It is open everyday except Wednesday's from 8 - 8:50 A.M. Students may not use
the computers until they receive their log-ins, which will happen by the end of the week. To be
allowed in the library in the a.m., students must wear their I.D. In order to use the computers, students must bring their planner to the library with proof the student/parent contracts have been read & signed.

Monday, September 1 - Labor Day: No School

Tuesday, September 2
Begin Vital Statistics Survey
Introduce Reading Logs
Finish pre-reading packet, read and discuss Ana story, then complete chart
Homework: Get your syllabus signed & bring pleasure book to class-due Wednesday
Finish handwritten draft of Vital Statistics survey- due Wednesday for check-in only

Wednesday, September 3
Read and discuss Ana & Wendell stories, then complete chart
Team 6-3 meeting-discuss team procedures & policies
Homework: Books will be assigned on Thurs.-You need to have your Ziploc bag in class-due Thursday

Thursday: September 4
8th period- Library orientation - Front library tables
Read & discuss Gonzalo story then complete chart
Complete spelling/grammar pre-assessment
Assign SeedFolks books (only if you have your Ziploc bag)
Homework: Vital Statistics typed draft-due Friday

Friday, September 5 – Spirit Day! - Wear Red and White or Julian Apparel
Typed Vital Statistics survey due today (Ms. A will edit it and returned it by Tues., Sept 9th)
Read and discuss Leona & Sam stories, then complete chart
9th period- Library Media Center Computers-receive login information
Homework: None! Enjoy your weekend!

Parents and Guardians:
Please sign below indicating you have seen your child’s syllabi for all core subjects (reading, math, science, social studies, and language arts). This syllabus will be returned to your child the same day.

Parent signature __________________________________________Date_____________

Social Studies Syllabus- Week of September 1, 2008

Team 6 – 3 Mrs. Alexander
Social Studies Syllabus
Week of September 1, 2008
Blog Website:
Voice Mail: (708) 524-5830 Ext. 1305

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Your child will receive a syllabus at the beginning of each week. If the syllabus is lost you may go to my blog to print another copy of it.
*This will be the first full week of classes so each child should have a folder and spiral that is the same color. The folder and spiral should be purple, if at all possible. Matching materials help students to stay organized.
*Students should know the following parts of our textbook, what material can be found and/or learned in each of the following parts: Table of Contents, Copyright Page, Atlas, Political Map, Physical Map, Glossary, Index, Spanish Glossary, Primary Sources Library, Chapter Focus Box, Terms, Graphic Organizer Activity, and Units. My students will take a short quiz on these parts of the book next Wednesday, September 10th.
**A study guide can be found on the back of this syllabus

Monday, September 1 – No School-Labor Day

Tuesday, September 2 – CD/Book Swap letters due today
Social studies introductory activities
Homework: None

Wednesday, September 3 – Preview textbook
Discuss social studies strategies
Homework: None

Thursday, September 4– Textbooks or CD’s given to students to take home today.
Copy and review vocabulary terms
Homework: Complete worksheets TS 175 and TS 176

Friday, September 5 – Review homework and continue discussing parts of book
Homework: None but you may wish to start studying for test next

Study Guide For Parts of the Book Test

1. Using the Contents page:
a. How many units are on p. iii

b. How many chapters are listed only on p. iv

c. In what chapter would you probably find information about King Tut?

2. In what part of your textbook, is the best place to look up information
about glaciers?

3. Define caliph here:

4. What is the Spanish word for civil wars?

5. In the Primary Sources section, when was Nelson Mandela freed from

6. On the Reference Atlas page draw the symbol that indicates the
national capital here:

7. On the World Political map, what does this abbreviation, EST., mean?