Monday, April 28, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus-Week of April 28-May 2, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 28 – May 2, 2008
Blog Website:
Hello Parents and Guardians:
• The chapter three tests will be returned by Tuesday of this week.
• Due to limited licenses for the Newsbowl competition, my Newsbowl team joined forces with 6-4’s NewsBowl team. I am very pleased to announce that our team placed 1st in Illinois and 9th in the nation. Congratulations to the following students from my class who participated: Elaine, Daisha, Chris, Desiree, Zach, Mark C., Mark W., Micah, and Maggie.

Monday, April 28–
Review movie handout from last Friday & Section 1 questions p. 69
Define: Memphis, Old Kingdom, pharaoh, granaries, pyramids, Book of the Dead, embalming, mummy
Homework: Finish defining vocabulary words, if necessary

Tuesday, April 29–
Read and discuss pp. 69 - 73
Homework: Complete Section 2 questions p. 73 (# 2 – 5)

Wednesday, April 30-
Review homework
Read pp. 88 – 90 in blue textbook
Homework: Complete God’s handout

Thursday, May 1 –
Review homework
Read and discuss pp. 73 - 74
Complete Section 3 questions p. 74 (# 1-4)
Homework: Complete Hieroglyphic handout & finish Section 3 questions

Friday, May 2–
Review homework
Map on p. 75 Questions # 1-3
Write name using hieroglyphics
Homework: None

Language Arts/Reading Syllabus Week of April 28-May 2, 2008

Team 6-3 Ms. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of April 28 – May 2, 2008

Important Information:
• We will begin Literature Circles next week. I plan to do them on next Monday, May 5. I still need parent volunteers. If would like to facilitate a group please email me or give me a call. They will be held in the afternoon beginning about 2:50.
• Students will receive their edited rough drafts on Tuesday, April 29. They have one week to make all corrections; the final draft is due on Tuesday, May 6. Remember the final research paper must have the following; cover page, final draft, works consulted page, final outline, and adult edited rough draft (students will lose points if they do not have all of these items included in this order).
• The research visual aid tri-fold board is due on Thursday, May 8. Students received a rubric with all of the requirements last week.
• We are having a research fair on Monday, May 12 from 2:20 to 3:20pm. This will give all the students on the team a chance to view each other’s boards and present their information. Parents are more than welcome to attend!
• Our LAST reading log of the year is due on Wednesday, May 28.

Monday, April 28
Select Literature Circle novels
Works Consulted page requirements
Research: Go to Tech Lab -9th period
Homework: Work on Visual Aid.

Tuesday, April 29
How to Lead a Lit Circle
Edited drafts returned today
Research: Go to Tech Lab- 9th Period
Homework: Work on your research project final draft and visual aid.

Wednesday, April 30
Assign Lit Circle groups and role dates
Introduce Packet Requirements
Media Center to check out books -9th Period
Homework: Work on your research project final draft and visual aid. Work on Lit Circles.

Thursday, May 1
High/Low Question Sorting activity
Lit Circle work time
Research: Go to Tech Lab- 9th Period
Homework: Work on your research project final draft and visual aid. Work on Lit Circles.

Friday, May 2 (SPIRIT DAY!!!)
Lit Circle work time
Research: Go to Tech Lab- 9th Period
Homework: Be sure you are ready for your lit circle discussion on Monday. Remember you cannot
participate if you do not have your book and completed packet with you in class. You
will be given an alternate assignment if you have not completed the required materials.
Work Research- your final draft is due on Tuesday, May 6 and your Visual Aid is due
on Thursday, May 8.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 21, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 21, 2008
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
• The chapter three tests will be returned by Friday or Monday of next week.
• Student did not receive their syllabus until Tuesday. Sorry for the delay.

Monday, April 21–
Review and discuss “Stalemate in Middle East” handout in Scholastic News Magazine
Anticipation Guide
Homework: None

Tuesday, April 22–
Introduce Ancient Egypt
Anticipation Guide
Read pp. 66-67
Homework: None

Wednesday, April 23-
Define: delta, cataracts, basins, shadoof, silt
Complete & discuss questions on p. 67
Roll cylinder seal on moist clay
Homework: Finish class work, if necessary

Thursday, April 24 – Institute Day, no school

Friday, April 25–
Movie: Nile: River of Gods
Complete guided notes
Homework: None

Egypt Game Reading Syllabus - Week of April 21, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Egypt Game Reading Syllabus
Week of April 21, 2008

Important Information:
• Remember do not read ahead since this is a mystery novel. If this is difficult for you please plan to read another novel along with our novel study.
• Don’t forget that your project is due this Friday, April 25th.
• This is the last week for our Egypt Game novel study. Students will return to their regular L/Arts Reading class on Monday.
• Students received this syllabus on Tuesday. Sorry for the delay.

Monday, April 14-
Review for test
Complete selected Ch.14 & 15 questions
Read Ch. 16
Homework: Finish reading Ch. 16, “The Oracle of Thoth” and then read Ch. 17,
“The Oracle Speaks”

Tuesday, April 15-
Review Ch. 16 & 17 and complete questions
Complete Ch. 16 – 18 vocabulary
Read & discuss Ch. 18 “Where is Security” & Ch. 19, “Confession & Confusion” in class
Homework: Read Ch.20, “Fear Strikes” and Ch. 21 “The Hero”

Wednesday, April 16-
Vocabulary for Ch. 19-21 & Complete questions
Review Ch. 20 & 21
Read Ch. 22, “Gains and Losses
Homework- Read Ch. 23, “Christmas Keys”
Finish project – due Friday

Thursday, April 17-
No School due to Institute Day

Friday, April 18-
Complete Book Survey
Review Ch. 23
Homework: None – you will return to your normal L/Arts Reading Class on Monday.

It has been a pleasure to have you in my class. : > )
Mrs. Alexander

Language Arts Research Syllabus - Week of April 21, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week of April 21, 2008

Important Information:
• All students were required to have a Tri-Fold Presentation Board by Monday, April 21 for their research visual aid. Please turn them in a.s.a.p. if they were forgotten on Monday.
• Students will receive the visual aid rubric and requirements on Monday, April 21.
• Your typed research paper rough draft is due on Tuesday, April 22.
• The sixth grade end of the field trip permission slip and money is due on Friday, April 18. Please get those into me as soon as possible! If you need a scholarship please see me before the due date.
• Our student selected reading groups will conclude this Friday, April 25th. Students will return to their normal reading groups beginning next Monday, April 28th.
• I am looking for parents who would be interested in facilitating a literature circle group, starting next week. My reading students will receive a letter on Monday highlighting all the necessary details. Please return it a.s.a.p. Thanks for all your help

Monday, April 21
Introduce visual aid requirements
Study for classroom Spelling Bee

Homework: Begin working on visual aid.
Finish draft of research paper- due Tuesday.

Tuesday, April 22
Spelling Bee review
Work on visual aid

Homework: Continue working on your visual aid

Wednesday, April 23
Computer Lab

Homework: Continue working on your visual aid

Thursday, April 24
No School –Institute Day

Friday, April 25
Spelling Bee
Work on Visual Aid, time permitting

Homework: Continue working on your visual aid

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus and Study Guide: Week of April 14, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 14, 2008
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Students will take a test on Ancient Mesopotamia and cultures that lived in the Fertile Crescent on this Friday, April 18th.
*The study guide is on the back of this syllabus.

Monday, April 14–
Add these words to your vocabulary list: migrating, surplus, city-states
Finish Ancient Mesopotamia movie
Homework: Complete Map

Tuesday, April 15–
Review homework
Read and discuss Hammurabi’s Code of Laws pp. 676-677
Homework: Complete questions on p. 677

Wednesday, April 16-
Review homework
Complete Ch. 3 Reteaching Worksheet
Homework: Study for test

Thursday, April 17 –
Review for test
Homework: Study for test

Friday, April 18–
Take test
Complete Stalemate in Middle East handout
Homework: None

Study Guide for test on Chapter 3

1. Know about Gilgamesh’s personality traits and lesson he learned for the
story, Gilgamesh the King.

2. Why is ancient Mesopotamia called the cradle of civilization?

3. What country is ancient Mesopotamia located in today and when did the civilization begin?

4. Know the four cultures who lived in ancient Mesopotamia

5. How did the government of Sumeria work?

6. Know about the religion of Sumeria.

7. What were the leadership roles in Sumeria?

8. What area did Sargon I control and the date.

9. What is Sargon I accomplish?

10. What area did Hammurabi control and the date.

11. What were Hammurabi’s accomplishments? (especially his Code of Laws)

12. Know the contributions of the Mesopotamians.

13. Study your assessment questions on p. 59 and guided reading questions.

14. What additional areas were included in the “fertile crescent”?

15. Study the following things from the extra credit sheet:
A. Know the religions that originated in the fertile crescent?
B.What city Christians, Jews, and Muslims all claim as their holy city?

16. Know two connections of the Torah and the Bible to ancient Mesopotamia?

17. Study all your vocabulary words:
irrigation, city-states, artisans, ziggurat, cuneiform, scribe, priest-kings, levees, Sumer, & hereditary, empire, reform, reign, code of law, monotheism, polytheism, surplus, migrating

18. Know about women’s role in Mesopotamia.

19. Know about Mesopotamian schools.

Egypt Game Reading Syllabus - Week of April 14, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Egypt Game Reading Syllabus
Week of April 14, 2008

Important Information:
• If you are interested in completing a differentiation activity please see me.
• There will be a quiz on Chapters 8 -15 next Monday. You should study all the questions and vocabulary for Ch. 8-15.
• Remember do not read ahead since this is a mystery novel. If this is difficult for you please plan to read another novel along with our novel study.
• You will receive a Tic-Tac-Toe grid on Tuesday for an upcoming project due next Friday, April 25th.

Monday, April 14-
Ch. 8 questions # 2-4
Read Ch. 9, “Summoned by the Mighty Ones”
Homework: Complete 2nd discussion group topic for Ch. 9 and finish questions for Ch. 9

Tuesday, April 15-
Review homework
2nd Discussion groups for Ch. 9
Ch. 10 Vocabulary and begin reading Ch. 10, “Return to Egypt”
Homework: Read Ch.11, “Egypt Invaded”

Wednesday, April 16-
Complete Ch. 10 & 11 questions
Vocabulary for Ch. 12 & 13
Homework- Read Ch. 12, “Elizabethan Diplomacy and do questions 1-4

Thursday, April 17-
Review homework
Read Ch. 13, “Moods and Maybes”
Finish questions
Ch. 14 & 15 Vocabulary definitions
Homework: Read Ch. 14,“Hieroglyphics” and complete 3rd discussion topic for Ch. 14

Friday, April 18-
Discussion groups for Ch. 14
Complete Ch. 14 & 15 vocabulary in packet
Read Ch. 15, “Ceremonies for the Dead”
Homework: Read Ch. 16 and study for Ch. 8-15 test on Monday

Language Arts Research Syllabus - Week of April 14, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week of April 7, 2008

Important Information:
• Our next reading log is due on Thursday, April 17.
• All students must have a Tri-Fold Presentation Board by Monday, April 21 for the research visual aid. Students will receive the visual aid rubric and requirements on Monday, April 21.
• Your typed research paper rough draft is due on Tuesday, April 22.
• The sixth grade end of the field trip permission slip and money is due on Friday, April 18. Please get those into me as soon as possible! If you need a scholarship please see me before the due date.

Monday, April 14
Continue Outline and Note Card Conferences
Distribute School Wide Spelling Bee Lists
Research Work Time

Homework: Continue working on note cards and your research paper rough draft.

Tuesday, April 15
Research Work Time

Homework: Finish your note cards- a minimum of 25 cards are due tomorrow. Continue working on your research paper rough draft.

Wednesday, April 16
Final Note Cards are due today (minimum of 25)
Research Work Time

Homework: Continue working on your research paper rough draft. Finish your reading log- due tomorrow with parent signatures.

Thursday, April 17
Reading Log due
Research Work Time

Homework: Continue working on your research paper rough draft- the typed draft is due on Tuesday, April 22. END OF THE YEAR FIELD TRIP MONEY AND PERMISSION SLIP IS DUE TOMORROW- NO EXCEPTIONS! DON’T FORGET!

Friday, April 18
Research Work Time

Homework: Enjoy your weekend! Continue working on your research paper rough draft.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 7, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of April 7, 2008
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Students will take a test on Ancient Mesopotamia and cultures that lived in the Fertile Crescent on next Friday, April 18th.
*A study guide will be given next week. Students should begin to study the extra credit quiz, and religions around world questions regarding Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.
*Due to time restrictions I was unable to check in the “Religions Around the World” questions and given vocabulary. Be sure to bring them this week.

Monday, April 7–
Finish Gilgamesh the King story
Draw scene from story
Homework: Finish drawing- due Tuesday

Tuesday, April 8–
Share scenes from Gilgamesh the King story
Read and discuss pp. 61 – 63
Homework: Define Sargon I, empire, reform, Hammurabi, reign, code of law, monotheism, polytheism

Wednesday, April 9-
Read pp. 63-64
Begin “Guided Reading Questions”
Homework: Finish “Guided Reading Questions” handout

Thursday, April 10 –
Review homework
Homework: None

Friday, April 11–
Ancient Mesopotamia Movie
Cylinder seal activity – students need two pencils or one pencil and one pen, to do this activity
Homework: None

Egypt Game Reading Syllabus - Week of April 7, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Egypt Game Reading Syllabus
Week of April 7, 2008

Important Information:
• If you are interested in completing a differentiation activity please see me. Choose one of the Ch. 6 & 7 Activities or Ch.
8 & 9 Activities.
• There will be a quiz on Chapters 1-7 on Friday. You should study all the questions and vocabulary for Ch. 1-7.
• Remember do not read ahead since this is a mystery novel. If this is difficult for you please plan to read another novel along with our novel study.
• Finally, I will not accept late work except due to an absence or extreme emergency. I must have a note for an extreme emergency.

Monday, April 7-
Read Ch. 6, “Eyelashes and Ceremony
Complete assigned discussion topic

Homework: Finish above work and poster is due on Tuesday

Tuesday, April 8-
Present poster to group
Discussion groups
Begin reading Ch. 7, “Neferbeth”

Homework: Finish reading Ch. 7 and do Ch. 6 & 7 questions # 1-8
Complete Foreshadowing handout
Study for test on Friday

Wednesday, April 9- No Class. Report to L/Arts teacher for double period of research

Thursday, April 10-
Review homework, vocabulary words, and for test

Homework: Study for test

Friday, April 11-
Take Ch. 1-7 quiz
Prediction about Ch. 8, “Prisoners of Fear”
Introduce vocabulary words and copy definitions
Begin to read Ch. 8, “Prisoners of Fear”

Homework: Finish reading Ch. 8

Language Arts Research Syllabus - Week of April 7, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week of April 7, 2008

Important Information:
• Our next reading log is due on Thursday, April 17.
• Don’t forget to turn in both the permission slip and a check, for our sixth grade end of the year field trip. It is due by this Friday, April 18. No Exceptions! If you need a scholarship please see me as soon as possible, but definitely before the due date.
• Be sure to bring your research folder and materials to class every day in the mornings and afternoon. You will be researching in Science this week.
• I have changed the due date for the source cards to Wednesday, April 9th, because my students have not had the opportunity to use the books we have on reserve in the library.
• Honor Roll Breakfast, Friday, April 11th
• Don’t forget your outline and 15 correctly completed note cards are due Friday.

Monday, April 7-
Technology Lab to continue research
Homework: Remember source cards are due Wednesday.

Tuesday, April 8
Media Center Tables - discuss how to complete the outline and note cards
Homework: Remember source cards are due Wednesday.

Wednesday, April 9 (8th & 9th period)
Media Center to continue researching topic
Continue discussing how to complete outline and collect Source Cards
Homework: Bring research materials to class everyday.

Thursday, April 10
Technology Lab to continue research
Homework: 15 correctly completed note cards are due Friday

Friday, April 11
Media CenterTables- continue researching topic
Homework: Continue researching at home or the public library.