Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of March 17, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of March 17, 2008 (updated March 18th)
Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Students received their Chapter 15 test back last week.
* Newsbowl meeting during lunch on Tuesday. Bring an article.
*In the spirit of promoting tolerance and respect for diversity, my students have been working in groups and independently to discover information regarding three major monotheistic religions: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity,. The children will also compare and contrast these religions.
*In addition, we will discuss modern day Iraq, Israel, and Palestine.
*My students will answer the same six questions regarding each religion. See reverse side of this syllabus for the questions.
* FYI… A Roman differentiation activity was offered last week but no students were interested.

Monday, March 17–
Finish reading pp 110 – 114 in textbook and define judge, psalm, prophets, Sabbath
Homework: Complete “Jerusalem: Armies and Faiths” handout

Tuesday, March 18–
In groups answer questions on back of syllabus regarding Judaism
Review and discuss homework
Homework: None

Wednesday, March 19–
In class define: parables, messiah, crucified, resurrection, gentiles, missionary, Old and New Testatement
Introduce Christianity
Read pp. 247-252 in textbook
Begin Movie on Religions Around World, time permitting
Homework: Complete questions 1-3 on back of syllabus regarding Christianity.

Thursday, March 20 -
Review homework
View 2nd Movie regarding religions
Play game, time permitting
Homework: None

Friday, March 21– Holiday and beginning of our Spring Vacation
Have a great vacation!

( Back of Syllabus)
(March 17th 2008 Social Studies syllabus

Religions Around the World Questions

Copy and answer the following questions for each religion in your spiral:

1. What do the followers of (add name of religion here) believe?

2. When and where did (add name of religion here) originate?

3. Name 2-3 major religious leaders of (add name of religion here) and tell what each
leader did.

4. What important holidays do or does (add name of religion here) celebrate?
Explain what this holiday is about.

5. Who or what contributed to the spread of (add name of religion here)?

6. What are several Roman connections to (add name of religion here)?

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