Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus - Week of February 25, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 25, 2008
Important Information:
• Students must have their first A/Study novel read by Thursday, February 28.
• They will be required to complete a plotline graphic organizer and use that information to write a summary of their book. Students will be given an assessment noting the expectations. Students doing the differentiation assignment only have to do one graphic organizer and summary. They may choose which book to summarize.
• The first plotline summary is due on Friday, February 29.
• Next week is ISAT testing week. Students should come to school on time, well rested, with a healthy snack, and bring two #2 pencils. I will begin to collect them this week for use only during ISAT testing.
• Due to the ISAT testing schedule next week students will not receive a syllabus in any of their core classes. Their only core homework next week will be to read their author study novels and work on their timeline. The A/Study timeline is due on Monday, March 10.
• Our next reading log is due on Tuesday, March 19.

Monday, February 25
Introduce Timeline, Plot-line Graphic Organizer, and discuss expectations
Review Practice ISAT Reading Test
Author Study Work Time
Homework: Work on Author Study projects and novels

Tuesday, February 26
ISAT Practice Test: Persuasive Essay
Vocabulary Practice: Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes
Author Study Work Time, time permitting
Homework: ISAT Practice: Words by Themselves. Work on Author Study projects and novels.

Wednesday, February 27
Media Center Computer Lab (8th Period)- Timeline Research
ISAT Practice Test: Narrative Essay
Author Study Work Time, time permitting
Homework: Read Author Study Novels- first novel must be finished by tomorrow.

Thursday, February 28
Author Study Work Time, time permitting
Media Center Computer Lab (9th Period)- Timeline Research
Homework: Finish Plotline Summary for first novel- due tomorrow

Friday, February 29
Poetry and Figurative Language Review
Author Study Work Time
Homework: Enjoy your weekend! Continue working on Author Study Novel and Timeline

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