Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Egypt Game Reading Syllabus - Week of March 17, 2008

Team 6-3 Ms. Alexander
Egypt Game Reading Syllabus (Updated March 17th 5:30 P.M.)
Week of March 17, 2008

Important Information:
• Books will not be assigned until after vacation. Since this is a mystery novel, please do not read ahead when you do receive your assigned book.
• You will have a packet of vocabulary work and questions to complete. Expect to have several quizzes on this book instead of one big test. You will also be required to complete and present a culminating project during the last week of our novel study.
• Beginning after vacation, I plan to offer differentiation activities each week. They will be done instead of other designated assignments. You’ll receive more information about it after vacation.
• I will give your reading teacher one total grade for this novel study once it is completed. The novel study will be completed by April 25th.
• Finally, I will not accept late work except due to an absence or extreme emergency. I must have a note for an extreme emergency.

Monday, March 17
No Class

Tuesday, March 18
Introduce book, genre, and author
Begin reading Ch. 1, time permitting

Homework: None

Wednesday, March 19
Introduce vocabulary for Ch. 1, “ The Discovery of Egypt”
Read and discuss Ch. 1,“The Discovery of Egypt”
Complete Ch. 1 questions # 1- 3 in packet

Homework: None

Thursday, March 20
Discuss Vocabulary for Ch. 2 and 3
Read and discuss Ch. 2 “Enter April”

Homework: None

Friday, March 21
No class. Spring vacation begins. See you Monday, March 31st.

Have a FANTASTIC vacation!

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