Monday, March 31, 2008

Egypt Game Reading Syllabus - Week of March 31-April 4, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Egypt Game Reading Syllabus
Week of March 31-April 4, 2008

Important Information:
• Please note the following differentiation activity. Students wishing to participate in the differentiation activity should only complete the odd number of questions in the Egypt Game packet. Differentiation will be worth 30 points– Due Friday, April 4th. See the activity section after the comprehension questions for each chapter in your packet. Complete the following:
Ch. 1 – Activity # 2; Ch. 2 & 3 – Activity #1 ; Ch. 4 & 5- Activity # 2
• There will be a quiz on Chapters 1-8 on Thursday or Friday of next week. More information will be forthcoming.
• Remember do not read ahead since this is a mystery novel. If this is difficult for you please plan to read another novel along with our novel study.
• I will give your reading teacher one total grade for this novel study once it is completed. The novel study will be completed by April 25th.
• Finally, I will not accept late work except due to an absence or extreme emergency. I must have a note for an extreme emergency.

Monday, March 31-
Review Ch. 1 & 2
In groups complete Ch. 2 questions # 1-4b
Homework: Complete vocabulary for Ch. 4 & 5

Tuesday, April 1-
Review homework
In groups, read Ch. 3, “Enter Melanie and Marshall”
Make prediction about Ch 4, “Egypt Girls”

Homework: Complete Ch. 2 questions # 5-8 and read Ch. 4 “Egypt Girls

Wednesday, April 2- No Class. Report to L/Arts teacher for double period of research

Thursday, April 3-
Discuss foreshadowing and complete handout
In groups read Ch. 5, “The Evil God and the Secret Spy”

Homework: Finish reading Ch. 5, if necessary
If you are participating in the differentiation activity, it is due on Friday, April 4th

Friday, April 4-
In groups, complete Ch. 4 & 5 questions and discuss
Begin drawing “Wanted Poster” due Tuesday, April 8th. See # 3 in the activity section in your packet

Homework: Finish wanted poster- due Tuesday, April 8th

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