Monday, March 31, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of March 31-April 4, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of March 31-April 4, 2008
Blog Website:
Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Students took an extra credit pop quiz before vacation. It was worth 8 points
and they will receive it back by Wednesday.
* Our Newsbowl meetings are over since we completed the competition
Thursday before vacation. In a couple of weeks we will meet one last time to
celebrate. Information will be forthcoming.
*By Wednesday, all students must check in their Judaism and Christianity,
Religions Around the World questions from week of March 17, as well as the
given vocabulary. These assignments will not be accepted after Wednesday.

Monday, March 31–
Introduce Mesopotamia
Complete “Fertile Crescent” Map
Homework: Finish map, if necessary

Tuesday, April 1–
Begin to read and discuss pp. 54-59
Homework: Define irrigation, city-states, artisans, ziggurat, cuneiform, scribe, priest-kings, levees, Sumer, & hereditary

Wednesday, April 2-
In groups, finish reading pp. 54-59
Begin Section 1questions on p. 59 # 2-5
Homework: Finish Section 1 questions p. 59 #2-5

Thursday, April 3 –
Review homework
Introduce cuneiform writing
Homework: Complete cuneiform handout

Friday, April 4–
Review homework
Read aloud: “Gilgamesh the King” story
Homework: None

Egypt Game Reading Syllabus - Week of March 31-April 4, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Egypt Game Reading Syllabus
Week of March 31-April 4, 2008

Important Information:
• Please note the following differentiation activity. Students wishing to participate in the differentiation activity should only complete the odd number of questions in the Egypt Game packet. Differentiation will be worth 30 points– Due Friday, April 4th. See the activity section after the comprehension questions for each chapter in your packet. Complete the following:
Ch. 1 – Activity # 2; Ch. 2 & 3 – Activity #1 ; Ch. 4 & 5- Activity # 2
• There will be a quiz on Chapters 1-8 on Thursday or Friday of next week. More information will be forthcoming.
• Remember do not read ahead since this is a mystery novel. If this is difficult for you please plan to read another novel along with our novel study.
• I will give your reading teacher one total grade for this novel study once it is completed. The novel study will be completed by April 25th.
• Finally, I will not accept late work except due to an absence or extreme emergency. I must have a note for an extreme emergency.

Monday, March 31-
Review Ch. 1 & 2
In groups complete Ch. 2 questions # 1-4b
Homework: Complete vocabulary for Ch. 4 & 5

Tuesday, April 1-
Review homework
In groups, read Ch. 3, “Enter Melanie and Marshall”
Make prediction about Ch 4, “Egypt Girls”

Homework: Complete Ch. 2 questions # 5-8 and read Ch. 4 “Egypt Girls

Wednesday, April 2- No Class. Report to L/Arts teacher for double period of research

Thursday, April 3-
Discuss foreshadowing and complete handout
In groups read Ch. 5, “The Evil God and the Secret Spy”

Homework: Finish reading Ch. 5, if necessary
If you are participating in the differentiation activity, it is due on Friday, April 4th

Friday, April 4-
In groups, complete Ch. 4 & 5 questions and discuss
Begin drawing “Wanted Poster” due Tuesday, April 8th. See # 3 in the activity section in your packet

Homework: Finish wanted poster- due Tuesday, April 8th

Language Arts Research Syllabus - Week of March 31-April 4, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Week of March 31-April 4, 2008

Important Information:
• Second trimester report cards went home on Thursday, March 20. Please sign and return only the report card envelope by Wednesday of this week.
• Remember our team does not accept late work during the 3rd trimester.
• Students will be assigned their research topic today. For the next two weeks we will spend time in the media center (or tech lab) using the computers and reference books to gather research material. We will focus on necessary research skills and how to write a research report.
• Our next reading log is due on Thursday, April 17.
• Don’t forget to turn in both the permission slip and a check, for our sixth grade end of the year field trip. It is due by Friday, April 18. No Exceptions! If you need a scholarship please see me as soon as possible, but definitely before the due date.
• As a reminder, before vacation we have began a student choice novel study. On most days language arts meets during 8th period and the reading class meets during 9th period. Each core teacher, teaches a different novel. Students will receive a separate reading syllabus from his/her reading teacher.
• Be sure to bring your research folder and materials to class every day. You never know when you can earn extra credit points.

Monday, March 31-
Assign research topics
Review research rubrics and requirements
Discuss what and how to do research?
Preliminary Research handout
Homework: Preliminary Research handout- due Friday for check in.

Tuesday, April 1
Media Center to begin researching topic
Homework: Continue researching at home or the public library. Be sure to complete a source card for all material located for this project.

Wednesday, April 2 (8th & 9th period)
Technology Lab to continue researching topic
Heart Disease: Paraphrasing information and how to complete note cards
Homework: Bring research materials to class everyday.

Thursday, April 3
Media Center Tables: How to complete source cards and use Media Center reference material
Homework: Preliminary Research handout- due Friday

Friday, April 4
Media Center to continue researching topic
Homework: Continue researching at home or the public library. Be sure to complete a source
card for all research material located for this project.
Remember on Monday, you will check in research materials gathered thus far. You
must have one encyclopedia source, at least one print source, and at least one
internet source. The source cards for these sources will also be checked in.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of March 17, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of March 17, 2008 (updated March 18th)
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Students received their Chapter 15 test back last week.
* Newsbowl meeting during lunch on Tuesday. Bring an article.
*In the spirit of promoting tolerance and respect for diversity, my students have been working in groups and independently to discover information regarding three major monotheistic religions: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity,. The children will also compare and contrast these religions.
*In addition, we will discuss modern day Iraq, Israel, and Palestine.
*My students will answer the same six questions regarding each religion. See reverse side of this syllabus for the questions.
* FYI… A Roman differentiation activity was offered last week but no students were interested.

Monday, March 17–
Finish reading pp 110 – 114 in textbook and define judge, psalm, prophets, Sabbath
Homework: Complete “Jerusalem: Armies and Faiths” handout

Tuesday, March 18–
In groups answer questions on back of syllabus regarding Judaism
Review and discuss homework
Homework: None

Wednesday, March 19–
In class define: parables, messiah, crucified, resurrection, gentiles, missionary, Old and New Testatement
Introduce Christianity
Read pp. 247-252 in textbook
Begin Movie on Religions Around World, time permitting
Homework: Complete questions 1-3 on back of syllabus regarding Christianity.

Thursday, March 20 -
Review homework
View 2nd Movie regarding religions
Play game, time permitting
Homework: None

Friday, March 21– Holiday and beginning of our Spring Vacation
Have a great vacation!

( Back of Syllabus)
(March 17th 2008 Social Studies syllabus

Religions Around the World Questions

Copy and answer the following questions for each religion in your spiral:

1. What do the followers of (add name of religion here) believe?

2. When and where did (add name of religion here) originate?

3. Name 2-3 major religious leaders of (add name of religion here) and tell what each
leader did.

4. What important holidays do or does (add name of religion here) celebrate?
Explain what this holiday is about.

5. Who or what contributed to the spread of (add name of religion here)?

6. What are several Roman connections to (add name of religion here)?

Egypt Game Reading Syllabus - Week of March 17, 2008

Team 6-3 Ms. Alexander
Egypt Game Reading Syllabus (Updated March 17th 5:30 P.M.)
Week of March 17, 2008

Important Information:
• Books will not be assigned until after vacation. Since this is a mystery novel, please do not read ahead when you do receive your assigned book.
• You will have a packet of vocabulary work and questions to complete. Expect to have several quizzes on this book instead of one big test. You will also be required to complete and present a culminating project during the last week of our novel study.
• Beginning after vacation, I plan to offer differentiation activities each week. They will be done instead of other designated assignments. You’ll receive more information about it after vacation.
• I will give your reading teacher one total grade for this novel study once it is completed. The novel study will be completed by April 25th.
• Finally, I will not accept late work except due to an absence or extreme emergency. I must have a note for an extreme emergency.

Monday, March 17
No Class

Tuesday, March 18
Introduce book, genre, and author
Begin reading Ch. 1, time permitting

Homework: None

Wednesday, March 19
Introduce vocabulary for Ch. 1, “ The Discovery of Egypt”
Read and discuss Ch. 1,“The Discovery of Egypt”
Complete Ch. 1 questions # 1- 3 in packet

Homework: None

Thursday, March 20
Discuss Vocabulary for Ch. 2 and 3
Read and discuss Ch. 2 “Enter April”

Homework: None

Friday, March 21
No class. Spring vacation begins. See you Monday, March 31st.

Have a FANTASTIC vacation!

Language Arts Research Syllabus - Week of March 10, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander - Language Arts Syllabus
Week of March 17, 2008 (updated March 18)

Important Information:
• Second trimester report cards go home on Thursday, March 20. Remember our team does not accept late work during the 3rd trimester.
• We are beginning a Research Project this week. Students will receive a parent letter with all project requirements and due dates on Monday, March 17. This letter must be signed and returned to me by Wednesday, March 19.
• Our next reading log is due on Tuesday, March 18.
• We are beginning a new novel study, which will begin on Tuesday. Our reading class will be held 9th period on most days. Therefore language arts will meet 8th period. It is a student choice novel study and each core teacher will teach a different novel. Each student will receive a separate reading syllabus from his/her reading teacher on Tuesday.
• Penny Wars began on Monday, March 10 and end on this Thursday, March 20. Bring in pennies and paper currency for your advisory and silver coins to attack another advisory class. All proceeds will be donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
• Multicultural Center Essays are due on Wednesday, March 19th.

Monday, March 17- (8th & 9th period)
Media Center- Check Out and Return Books
Review Research Project Requirements and Due Dates
Pass out and review Research Basic Guides
Homework: Get Research Letter Signed- due Wednesday. Begin collecting research supplies; two-pocket folder, quart size plastic bag, and at least 40 lined note cards- due Thursday.
Finish Reading Logs – due Tuesday

Tuesday, March 18
Language Network: Key Point Notes from Pages 418-431
Homework: Get Research Letter Signed- due tomorrow. Continue collecting research supplies; two- pocket folder, quart size plastic bag, and at least 40 lined note cards. Top 5 research topics are also due on Thursday.

Wednesday, March 19
Turn in Signed Research Letter
Computer Time: Select a Research Topic
Homework: You must have a two-pocket folder, quart size plastic bag, and at least 40 lined note cards by tomorrow. You must also have your top five research topics selected by tomorrow.

Thursday, March 20
Top FIVE Topics due (research topics will be assigned when we return from spring break)
Two-pocket folder, Ziploc bag, and Note cards are due
Research Project Q & A
Review Language Network Key Point Notes from Pages 418-431
Homework: Have a FANTASTIC Spring Break! Have Fun and Relax!

Friday, March 21
No School!!!
Homework: Have a FANTASTIC Spring Break!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of March 10, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of March 10, 2008
Blog Website:
Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Students will receive their Chapter 15 test back on Tuesday.
* Newsbowl meeting during lunch on Tuesday. Bring an article.
*In the spirit of promoting tolerance and respect for diversity, my students will work in groups and independently to discover information regarding three major monotheistic religions: Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, over the next two weeks. The children will also compare and contrast these religions.
*In addition, we will discuss modern day Iraq, Israel, and Palestine.
*My students will answer the same six questions regarding each religion. See reverse side of this syllabus for the questions. For a differentiation activity, students may compact the curriculum and independently do a project on ancient Rome. –due 3/20. If interested, students should see me during lunch on Monday.

Monday, March 10–
Review last week’s primary results
Complete anticipation guide and “Religions around World” page in Scholastic News.
Introduce Islam and begin to read pp. 331-336
Homework: Finish reading pp. 331-336 and define Islam, Muhammad, Allah, Makkah, Ka’bah, Quran,
Pillars of faith, mosque, hajj

Tuesday, March 11–
Review homework
In groups read pp 336-342 and begin to answer Religions Around the World” questions.
Homework: Finish questions, if necessary

Wednesday, March 12–
Review homework
Discuss modern n Iraq
Homework: Complete “War in Iraq” handout

Thursday, March 13- Study session during lunch
Review homework
Introduce Judaism and begin reading pp. 106- top of112
Homework: Finish reading pp. 106-112, if necessary, and define: nomadic, Hebrews, Yahweh,
descendants, Exodus, social justice

Friday, March 14–
Discuss ancient Hebrew migration and discuss and complete “Jerusalem: Armies & Faiths handout
Homework: None

Religions Around the World Questions

Copy and answer the following questions for each religion in your spiral:

1. What do the followers of (add name of religion here) believe?

2. When and where did (add name of religion here) originate?

3. Name 2-3 major religious leaders of (add name of religion here) and tell what each
leader did.

4. What important holidays do(does) (add name of religion here) celebrate? Explain
what this holiday is about.

5. Who or what contributed to the spread of (add name of religion here)?

6. What are several Roman connections to (add name of religion here)?

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus - Week of March 10, 2008

Team 6-3 Ms. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of March 10, 2008

Important Information:
• We are approaching the end of the second trimester. Students with missing work in any of their core classes who wish to turn it in for late credit must have it turned in no later than Wednesday, March 12 to receive partial credit. Report cards go home on Thursday, March 20.
• Remember starting 3rd trimester Team 6-3 no longer accepts any late work. Please sign the bottom of this syllabus acknowledging you are aware of this new policy.
• We are finishing our Author Study Unit this week. Completed timelines are due on Monday, March 10. Students must have their 2nd plotline summary graphic organizer and their typed summary essay completed by Wednesday March 12. Differentiation essays are also due on Wednesday, March 12. Students will be presenting their timelines to the class 3/12 to 3/14.
• The due date for our next reading log has been changed to Tuesday, March 18.
• Penny Wars begin on Monday, March 10 and end on Thursday, March 20. Bring in pennies and paper currency for your advisory and silver coins to attack another advisory class. All proceeds will be donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Monday, March 10
AS Timeline due
Spelling Pre-Test: Lesson 13
Discuss Spelling Rule
Author Study Work Time
Homework: Work on Author Study projects and finish novels. Remember you can include your AS novels without completing a response question.

Tuesday, March 11
Spelling Page 59 Part A
Sign Up for Timeline Presentation Order
Hidden Meaning Puzzles
Homework: Finish 2nd plotline summary graphic organizer and their written summary- remember the summary must be typed (due tomorrow)

Wednesday, March 12
Begin Presenting Timelines
Begin Reading and Marking Socratic Seminar Article
Homework: None

Thursday, March 13
Spelling Master 13A
Study for Spelling Test
Socratic Seminar Activity Sheet
Homework: Finish Socratic Seminar Activity Sheet. To participate in the Socratic Seminar tomorrow you must have your article fully marked and your activity sheet complete with you in class. Study for Spelling Test Lesson 13.

Friday, March 14
Spelling Test: Lesson 13
Finish Timeline Presentations
Socratic Seminar: Who’s Watching Your TV?
Homework: Have a FANTASTIC weekend!

I am aware team 6-3 will no longer accept late work during the 3rd trimester except for absences

or an extreme emergency. ________________________________________________________

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 25, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 25, 2008
Blog Website:
Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Students received both Chapter 14 tests last Monday. Hopefully your child showed it to you.
*Students wishing to participate in the Newsbowl competition will meet with me during lunch on Tuesday, this week. They should bring an article pertaining to their area of expertise.
*Again, we will have two tests this week. Students will take a vocabulary test on Wed. and a test on Ch. 15 on Friday.
*Instead of our usual classroom Newsbowl activity, we’ll discuss an article regarding the Brown vs. Board of Education and election information
*Due to ISAT testing beginning March 4th, you will not receive a syllabus next week.
*Monday, March 3rd is Pulaski Day therefore we will not have school on Monday.

Monday, February 25–
Add Diocletian and Constantine I to emperor chart
Review vocabulary and p. 244 questions assigned last week.
Homework: Complete Latin Words handout

Tuesday, February 26–
Review homework
Discuss Roman architecture and complete handout
Vocabulary review: Quiz a partner
Homework: Study for vocabulary test on Wednesday

Wednesday, February 27–
Take vocabulary test
Read and discuss article: Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
Homework: Study for Ch. 15 test

Thursday, February 28- Study session during lunch
Review for test
Finish discussing Brown vs. Board of Education article
Homework: Finish chart, if necessary

Friday, February 29–
Take test
Read and discuss election article
Homework: Get plenty of rest to prepare for ISAT testing beginning Tuesday, March 4

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus - Week of February 25, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 25, 2008
Important Information:
• Students must have their first A/Study novel read by Thursday, February 28.
• They will be required to complete a plotline graphic organizer and use that information to write a summary of their book. Students will be given an assessment noting the expectations. Students doing the differentiation assignment only have to do one graphic organizer and summary. They may choose which book to summarize.
• The first plotline summary is due on Friday, February 29.
• Next week is ISAT testing week. Students should come to school on time, well rested, with a healthy snack, and bring two #2 pencils. I will begin to collect them this week for use only during ISAT testing.
• Due to the ISAT testing schedule next week students will not receive a syllabus in any of their core classes. Their only core homework next week will be to read their author study novels and work on their timeline. The A/Study timeline is due on Monday, March 10.
• Our next reading log is due on Tuesday, March 19.

Monday, February 25
Introduce Timeline, Plot-line Graphic Organizer, and discuss expectations
Review Practice ISAT Reading Test
Author Study Work Time
Homework: Work on Author Study projects and novels

Tuesday, February 26
ISAT Practice Test: Persuasive Essay
Vocabulary Practice: Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes
Author Study Work Time, time permitting
Homework: ISAT Practice: Words by Themselves. Work on Author Study projects and novels.

Wednesday, February 27
Media Center Computer Lab (8th Period)- Timeline Research
ISAT Practice Test: Narrative Essay
Author Study Work Time, time permitting
Homework: Read Author Study Novels- first novel must be finished by tomorrow.

Thursday, February 28
Author Study Work Time, time permitting
Media Center Computer Lab (9th Period)- Timeline Research
Homework: Finish Plotline Summary for first novel- due tomorrow

Friday, February 29
Poetry and Figurative Language Review
Author Study Work Time
Homework: Enjoy your weekend! Continue working on Author Study Novel and Timeline

Friday, March 7, 2008

Author Study Differentiation Assignment-Comparison/Contrast Essay

Author Study Comparison/Contrast Essay
Due March 12, 2008

Within every story the author takes the reader on a journey of discovery that involves the following story elements:
Setting (place & time period)
Character Traits, Character Development, or Relationships
Conflict & Events (that leads to a resolution to the conflict)
Author’s Writing Style (types of words used, figurative language, made up
language, point of view, etc)
You are expected to compare and contrast the three books you read for your Author Study in a 4-5 paragraph essay. You must include the following in your essay:
___An introductory paragraph that begins in an interesting way, includes topic
sentences for each body paragraph, and at least one personal reflection
___A paragraph that clearly describes 2-3 similar story elements
___A paragraph that describes 2-3 contrasting story elements in the three books
___A paragraph that identifies connections between the author’s life and things
mentioned in the books (if any), and/or other connections
___A concluding paragraph that will sum-up your essay. It should include more
reflections, personal opinions, other important information, etc.
*****************************Things to remember*****************************
*Each body paragraph should have a topic sentence and details that explain only that topic.
*Use the names of your books when describing similar or contrasting story elements
within the two books.
For example: In the Bud Not Buddy book ________ happened. However in the
Where the Red Fern Grows book __________occurred.
*Use transition words such as: however, like, both, similarly, although, (see your
Language Network book for more transition words
*The essay must be typed, double-spaced, using a 12 – 14 size font
*Be sure to check the assessment on the back of this paper to make sure you
included everything that is expected.


Author Study
Comparison and Contrast Essay Assessment

The essay should contain the following:

____/ 4 pts. An introductory paragraph that begins in an interesting way, include
topic sentences for each body paragraph, and at least one personal reflection.
_____/ 4 pts. - A paragraph that clearly describes 2 -3 similar story elements
within the three books and includes examples.
______/ 4 pts. - A paragraph that describes 2-3 contrasting story elements in the
three books and includes examples.
______/ 4 pts. - A paragraph that identifies connections between the author’s life
andthings mentioned in the books (if any), and/or other connections.
______/ 4 pts. - A concluding paragraph that thoroughly sums up the essay.
______/2 pts. - Paper is neatly typed, double-spaced, using a 12 – 14 size font
______/ 2 pts. - Grammar
______/ 2 pts. - Mechanics
______/ 4 pts. - Each paragraph has topic sentences and examples or specific
details that explains only one topic per paragraph.
______/ 10 pts. – Detailed Graphic Organizer is included

________/ 40 pts.