Monday, February 11, 2008

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus - Week of February 11, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 11, 2008
• Students will take a test on the Cay novel on Friday. The test will include vocabulary words as well. Study these words 15 words:
Cay, schooner, treacherous, rancid, debris, langosta, refinery, tethered, parched, drone,
catchment, thrashing, laboring, conniving, mutiny
• Students will receive their rough draft back by Wednesday. The final persuasive draft is due by Tuesday, February 19. It must be typed and double-spaced. Be sure to see guidelines given to students last week. The guidelines are on my blog if it is lost.
• Our fifth reading log is due on Wednesday, March 12
• We are still in need of Kleenex tissues. Please send a box if you haven’t already done so
• I am offering a differentiated activity for The Cay.
• We will not have a party on Valentine’s Day. Students wishing to hand out cards should do it during lunchtime.
• Remember that next Monday, February 18 is no school due to President’s Day.
Monday, February 11
Ch 14 Pop Quiz
Read Ch. 15, do comprehension questions for Ch. 14 & 15, and discuss theme
Spelling – Take Lesson 12 pre-test and discuss rule
Homework: Read Ch. 16
Spelling – do p. 55 Pt. A

Tuesday, February 12
Discuss and read Ch. 17 and do comprehension questions for 16 & 17
Review spelling homework and do p. 55
Return essays and discuss
Homework: Read Ch. 18
Spelling – do top of pg. 57 Pt.A

Wednesday, February 13
Read Ch. 19 and do comprehension questions for Ch. 19
Review spelling homework
Fixing Empty Sentences (L/Network Bk.) p. 336 & do practice “What’s the Point?” pg.337
Homework: Edit essay – Final draft is due Friday

Thursday, February 14 –
Review for The Cay test
Complete Timothy and Phillip handout
Review for spelling test
Complete survival Activity
Homework: Finish making corrections to essay- final draft is due Friday
Finish Timothy and Phillip handout

Friday, February 15- Students
Take The Cay test
Take spelling test
Go Library to check out books
Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

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