Friday, February 15, 2008

Author Study

February 15, 2008

We are about to begin an Author Study unit. You are expected to choose an author you absolutely love or an author you what to know more about. Be prepared to read two books you have not read before regarding the author you have chosen. If you wish to participate in our differentiation activity, you will be required to read 3 books. You will be given some time to read your novels in class so be sure to bring your novel to school everyday. Nevertheless, you should still plan to finish reading most of your novels at home. As an added bonus you will be able to use the books completed for the author study on your reading log and you don’t have to complete a log entry for each book. We will make available a study guide for students who need help comprehending and remembering information read. Please let us know if you would like the study guide.

Our goal is for each student to be able to identify the setting, development of the characters, notice examples of foreshadowing, conflict, rising and falling action, the climax, and the theme(s) within the story. You will complete the following:
1. Complete and sign the Author Study Reading Contract
2. Read two books by one author
3. A plot line summary using a graphic organizer for two books
4. Research your author and complete a timeline of his/her life
5. Present your timeline to your peers.

As far as the timeline, you will research to discover information regarding your author’s lifestyle, significant occurrences, milestones in his/her life, etc. You will receive a separate handout regarding the timeline activity and information to include in it. Before finalizing your decision regarding your books and author, you may want to determine if you can find sufficient information to complete a thorough timeline. In the past, some children have been disappointed and/or frustrated because they were unable to find suitable information about their author.

Students wishing to participate in the differentiation activity please
note the following expectations:
1. Complete and sign the Author Study Reading Contract
2. Read three books by one author
3. Complete a plot line summary using a graphic organizer for only one book
4. Research your author and complete a timeline of his/her life
5. Present your timeline to your peers.
6. Write an essay comparing and contrasting the theme, setting, characters, author’s writing style, etc of the three books you read. You will receive a separate handout concerning this essay.

Due Dates:
February 20 - Reading Contract and books selected with a
parent signature is due
February 28 - Finish reading first book
February 29 - Plot line summary is due for all students
March 10 - Author Study Timeline is due for all students
March 11 – Finish reading second book
March 12 – Second plot line summary is due and begin
Differentiation group’s comparison paper is due

Additional information,
Our team of teachers has decided that you may not use books that are a part of a series or a sequel for this author study. See your language arts teacher if you have any questions. Finally, Please see your language arts teacher for a Reading Contract, as well.

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