Monday, February 11, 2008

The Cay Differentiation Assignment- Mrs. Alexander's class


The Cay Differentiation Assignment- Each Assignment is Worth 30 Points- Due Tuesday, February 19th.

Choose one of the following assignments. It is due Tuesday, Feb. 19th. If you choose to do this assignment then you will only have to do the even questions for this week and you will not have to do the Timothy and Phillip handout, either.

1. Write a 2 – 3 paragraph essay discussing how Phillip changed from the beginning of the novel to the end of the novel.Then use the following pattern to write a poem about the ways in which Phillip changed from the beginning of the novel to the end of the novel. Be sure to follow all the instructions carefully.
You are changing, changing.
You feel: describe the atmosphere
You are: two adjectives
You: two verbs or verb phrases
You are: color
the color of: name an object the same color
You are: give size and shape
And are: use participle and prepositional phrase
You look at the world with different eyes as you: three verb phrases
It is: adjective to move like this
So: one adjective and one simile
You are: name.

2. Create a chart, a short 2 – 3 paragraph essay, and a picture about an interesting ocean creature mentioned in the book.
Include the following topics on the chart and the essay:
A. What the animal eats, where it lives, describe how it looks, what it does, other interesting facts. Use short phases and topics on the chart.

B. The essay should be typed, double-spaced, and be no more than 2-3

3. Write various diary entries from Timothy or Phillip’s point of view, explaining things experienced from being torpedoed, thrown off the ship, to other events that happened during the course of the book. Include dates, facts, and events telling what happened, vivid details, and language the character would actually use. The diary entry must be believable, typed and double-spaced.

(continued) The Cay Differentiation Assignment-
Each Assignment is Worth 30 Points

4. Research information about U-boats and schooners. Write a report about the two types of boats explaining what each boot looks like, used for, how it was constructed, etc. (tell the who, what, when, why, where, and how) . Include a picture of both boats.

5. Write a report describing what would be found on a deserted Caribbean island and the surrounding water. Describe the flora (plants) and fauna (animals). Include information about the geography of the land, weather and climate, and other interesting facts. Include vivid details that include sensory images such as what things would smell, taste, feel, sound, and look like.

Parent Signature _____________________________________________________

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