Saturday, February 9, 2008

Persuasive Essay Prompts and Assessment

Persuasive Essay - Expectations and Prompts
Rough Draft due Thursday, February 7
Final Draft due Friday, February 15

Write a persuasive essay starting with a thesis sentence that clearly states your viewpoint or the position you will take regarding your persuasive topic. It should be typed using 12-point font and should be no more than 2 pages.

In your introductory paragraph, state three or more reasons to support your opinion. Each of these reasons should be used to start a supporting paragraph in your essay. Each reason should be supported with facts, logical statements, and examples to explain your position. Each paragraph should have two or more supporting details to explain your reasons and some additional specific examples, facts, etc.

Your conclusion is your last opportunity to sway your audience to agree with you. You should include a summary of the main topic, restate your most important points, include reflections or comments not mentioned earlier, and possibly include a plan of action to fulfill a goal.

Chose one prompt from below (ONLY ONE!)

1. Teachers sometimes have problems with students who don’t turn in homework. The school board has decided to collect fines (charge money) from students who are not turning in homework. Do you agree with the school board’s decision to collect fines for homework that is not turned in?

2. You are required to do lots of chores at home, but you don’t get an allowance. You get money when you want to go to a movie or buy something for school, but you feel it’s time you got a weekly allowance.

Write a letter to your mom, dad, or guardian asking for an allowance. In your letter, include an interesting lead that gets his/her attention. State the reasons you feel you deserve an allowance in a clear, concise manner.

Persuasive Assessment - (worth 40 points)

_______/6 pts. Introduction

1. Student included an attention-grabbing introduction

2. Introduction has a clearly stated thesis sentence.

3. Three major reasons included in the introduction.

______/18 pts. Body

4. Each paragraph contains one reason mentioned in the introduction.

5. Each paragraph contains 2 or more clearly stated details explaining each
reason. These details must be logical and appropriate.

6. Very specific examples, facts or additional details are included in
each paragraph.

7. One point of view is maintained.

8. Transitions are used and student varies the way sentences
begin within each paragraph.

_______/5 pts. Conclusion

9. Most important points (reasons) are restated in a different way.

10. Student includes, reflections, comments, plan, etc.

______/3 pts. Grammar (sentence structure, agreement, etc)

______/3 pts. Mechanics (capitalization and punctuation)

______5 pts. Format

• Essay is double-spaced
• 12-point font used.
• Essay is 1 – 2 pages
• Student completed recommended corrections from their rough draft.

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