Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 18, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 18, 2008
Blog Website:
Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Students wishing to participate in the Newsbowl competition will meet with me during lunch on Wednesday, this week. By Tuesday of each week, they should bring an article pertaining to their area of expertise in order to be prepared for the competition in March. I’m giving PBIS signatures for each article, up to 3 signatures per week.
*Tests were returned on Tuesday of this week. Ask your child to share his/her grade with you.
*On next Wednesday Feb. 27th and Friday Feb. 29th, I plan to give a test on Ch. 15. The vocabulary test will be on Wednesday and a test on chapter concepts will be on Friday. Students will receive a study guide by Friday of this week.

Monday, February 18– President’s Day, no school.

Tuesday, February 19–
Finish Ancient Rome movie
Homework: None

Wednesday, February 20–
Group Activity- Famous Roman Sayings
Begin to read pp. 236-239
Homework: Finish reading pp. 236-239 and complete Section Questions on p. 240 # 2-5

Thursday, February 21-
Review homework
Begin to read pp.240-244
Homework: Finish reading pp. 240-244 and answer Section Questions # 2 – 4

Friday, February 22–
Review homework
Vocabulary Puzzle
Group Activity- Discuss and complete chart regarding fall of the Roman Empire
Homework: Finish puzzle and begin to study for test next week

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Language Arts and Reading Syllabus - Week of February 18, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 18, 2008

Important Information:
• Students received their edited rough draft last Wednesday. The final persuasive draft is due on Tuesday, February 19. (Sorry for the errors on last week’s syllabus). The final draft must have the edited draft and pre-writing sheets attached. It must be typed and double-spaced.
• A gold letter about our Author Study Unit was sent home with students Friday, February 15. Please be sure to view and sign the Author Study contract, which is due on Wednesday, February 20. You may keep the Author Study letter at home. All other due dates are listed on the Author Study letter and will be announced as they arrive on the syllabus. Please note, our team has decided that students should not read books that are sequels or a part of a series for their author study project.
• Be sure to bring your author study book to school everyday this week.
• Our next reading log is due on Wednesday, March 12.
• Grades will be updated for viewing by Tuesday evening. Please email me if you are unable to view them. I will send home copies of passwords with your child if you request it.
• Finally, please let me know if you would like to participate in an essay contest. Students can choose from three different contests.

Monday, February 18
No School
Homework: None

Tuesday, February 19
Finish Survival Activity
Discuss Author Study Requirements
Media Center- Check Out Books Read for Author Study
Homework: Continue Reading Author Study books- go to the public library if necessary. You must complete your Author Study Contract and have the books by tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 20
Check Author Study Contracts
Black History Assembly
Homework: Read Author Study novels

Thursday, February 21
Practice ISAT Test
Author Study Work Time
Homework: Read Author Study novels

Friday, February 22
Review Plot Line using Red Fern story
Work on Author Study
Homework: Enjoy your weekend! Continue to read Author Study novel.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Author Study

February 15, 2008

We are about to begin an Author Study unit. You are expected to choose an author you absolutely love or an author you what to know more about. Be prepared to read two books you have not read before regarding the author you have chosen. If you wish to participate in our differentiation activity, you will be required to read 3 books. You will be given some time to read your novels in class so be sure to bring your novel to school everyday. Nevertheless, you should still plan to finish reading most of your novels at home. As an added bonus you will be able to use the books completed for the author study on your reading log and you don’t have to complete a log entry for each book. We will make available a study guide for students who need help comprehending and remembering information read. Please let us know if you would like the study guide.

Our goal is for each student to be able to identify the setting, development of the characters, notice examples of foreshadowing, conflict, rising and falling action, the climax, and the theme(s) within the story. You will complete the following:
1. Complete and sign the Author Study Reading Contract
2. Read two books by one author
3. A plot line summary using a graphic organizer for two books
4. Research your author and complete a timeline of his/her life
5. Present your timeline to your peers.

As far as the timeline, you will research to discover information regarding your author’s lifestyle, significant occurrences, milestones in his/her life, etc. You will receive a separate handout regarding the timeline activity and information to include in it. Before finalizing your decision regarding your books and author, you may want to determine if you can find sufficient information to complete a thorough timeline. In the past, some children have been disappointed and/or frustrated because they were unable to find suitable information about their author.

Students wishing to participate in the differentiation activity please
note the following expectations:
1. Complete and sign the Author Study Reading Contract
2. Read three books by one author
3. Complete a plot line summary using a graphic organizer for only one book
4. Research your author and complete a timeline of his/her life
5. Present your timeline to your peers.
6. Write an essay comparing and contrasting the theme, setting, characters, author’s writing style, etc of the three books you read. You will receive a separate handout concerning this essay.

Due Dates:
February 20 - Reading Contract and books selected with a
parent signature is due
February 28 - Finish reading first book
February 29 - Plot line summary is due for all students
March 10 - Author Study Timeline is due for all students
March 11 – Finish reading second book
March 12 – Second plot line summary is due and begin
Differentiation group’s comparison paper is due

Additional information,
Our team of teachers has decided that you may not use books that are a part of a series or a sequel for this author study. See your language arts teacher if you have any questions. Finally, Please see your language arts teacher for a Reading Contract, as well.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 11, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 11, 2008
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*Students wishing to participate in the Newsbowl competition will meet with me during lunch on Tuesday, this week. They should bring an article pertaining to their area of expertise in order to be prepared for the competition in March.
*Tests will be returned next week.

Monday, February 11–
Review Roman Numerals handout
Define: Augustus, emperor, freedmen, census, and provincial governor
Introduce Ch. 15 and read pp. 233-234
Homework: Finish class work, if necessary

Tuesday, February 12–
Define: tariffs, juris prudentes, Pax Romano, standardized
Begin Section One questions p. 234 # 2-5
Newsbowl Activity
Homework: Finish Section One questions p. 234, if necessary

Wednesday, February 13–
Define: domus, islands, gladiators, pig sticking, and rhetoric
Review homework
Read pp. 234-236
Homework: Finish above definitions, if necessary

Thursday, February 14-
Define: inflation, barter, villas, and rule by divine right
Discuss Emperors during Pax Romano and complete emperor chart
Homework: Finish chart, if necessary

Friday, February 15–
Watch movie, Ancient Rome: Age of Emperors
Finish emperor chart
Homework: None

Reading and Language Arts Syllabus - Week of February 11, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 11, 2008
• Students will take a test on the Cay novel on Friday. The test will include vocabulary words as well. Study these words 15 words:
Cay, schooner, treacherous, rancid, debris, langosta, refinery, tethered, parched, drone,
catchment, thrashing, laboring, conniving, mutiny
• Students will receive their rough draft back by Wednesday. The final persuasive draft is due by Tuesday, February 19. It must be typed and double-spaced. Be sure to see guidelines given to students last week. The guidelines are on my blog if it is lost.
• Our fifth reading log is due on Wednesday, March 12
• We are still in need of Kleenex tissues. Please send a box if you haven’t already done so
• I am offering a differentiated activity for The Cay.
• We will not have a party on Valentine’s Day. Students wishing to hand out cards should do it during lunchtime.
• Remember that next Monday, February 18 is no school due to President’s Day.
Monday, February 11
Ch 14 Pop Quiz
Read Ch. 15, do comprehension questions for Ch. 14 & 15, and discuss theme
Spelling – Take Lesson 12 pre-test and discuss rule
Homework: Read Ch. 16
Spelling – do p. 55 Pt. A

Tuesday, February 12
Discuss and read Ch. 17 and do comprehension questions for 16 & 17
Review spelling homework and do p. 55
Return essays and discuss
Homework: Read Ch. 18
Spelling – do top of pg. 57 Pt.A

Wednesday, February 13
Read Ch. 19 and do comprehension questions for Ch. 19
Review spelling homework
Fixing Empty Sentences (L/Network Bk.) p. 336 & do practice “What’s the Point?” pg.337
Homework: Edit essay – Final draft is due Friday

Thursday, February 14 –
Review for The Cay test
Complete Timothy and Phillip handout
Review for spelling test
Complete survival Activity
Homework: Finish making corrections to essay- final draft is due Friday
Finish Timothy and Phillip handout

Friday, February 15- Students
Take The Cay test
Take spelling test
Go Library to check out books
Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

The Cay Differentiation Assignment- Mrs. Alexander's class


The Cay Differentiation Assignment- Each Assignment is Worth 30 Points- Due Tuesday, February 19th.

Choose one of the following assignments. It is due Tuesday, Feb. 19th. If you choose to do this assignment then you will only have to do the even questions for this week and you will not have to do the Timothy and Phillip handout, either.

1. Write a 2 – 3 paragraph essay discussing how Phillip changed from the beginning of the novel to the end of the novel.Then use the following pattern to write a poem about the ways in which Phillip changed from the beginning of the novel to the end of the novel. Be sure to follow all the instructions carefully.
You are changing, changing.
You feel: describe the atmosphere
You are: two adjectives
You: two verbs or verb phrases
You are: color
the color of: name an object the same color
You are: give size and shape
And are: use participle and prepositional phrase
You look at the world with different eyes as you: three verb phrases
It is: adjective to move like this
So: one adjective and one simile
You are: name.

2. Create a chart, a short 2 – 3 paragraph essay, and a picture about an interesting ocean creature mentioned in the book.
Include the following topics on the chart and the essay:
A. What the animal eats, where it lives, describe how it looks, what it does, other interesting facts. Use short phases and topics on the chart.

B. The essay should be typed, double-spaced, and be no more than 2-3

3. Write various diary entries from Timothy or Phillip’s point of view, explaining things experienced from being torpedoed, thrown off the ship, to other events that happened during the course of the book. Include dates, facts, and events telling what happened, vivid details, and language the character would actually use. The diary entry must be believable, typed and double-spaced.

(continued) The Cay Differentiation Assignment-
Each Assignment is Worth 30 Points

4. Research information about U-boats and schooners. Write a report about the two types of boats explaining what each boot looks like, used for, how it was constructed, etc. (tell the who, what, when, why, where, and how) . Include a picture of both boats.

5. Write a report describing what would be found on a deserted Caribbean island and the surrounding water. Describe the flora (plants) and fauna (animals). Include information about the geography of the land, weather and climate, and other interesting facts. Include vivid details that include sensory images such as what things would smell, taste, feel, sound, and look like.

Parent Signature _____________________________________________________

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Persuasive Essay Prompts and Assessment

Persuasive Essay - Expectations and Prompts
Rough Draft due Thursday, February 7
Final Draft due Friday, February 15

Write a persuasive essay starting with a thesis sentence that clearly states your viewpoint or the position you will take regarding your persuasive topic. It should be typed using 12-point font and should be no more than 2 pages.

In your introductory paragraph, state three or more reasons to support your opinion. Each of these reasons should be used to start a supporting paragraph in your essay. Each reason should be supported with facts, logical statements, and examples to explain your position. Each paragraph should have two or more supporting details to explain your reasons and some additional specific examples, facts, etc.

Your conclusion is your last opportunity to sway your audience to agree with you. You should include a summary of the main topic, restate your most important points, include reflections or comments not mentioned earlier, and possibly include a plan of action to fulfill a goal.

Chose one prompt from below (ONLY ONE!)

1. Teachers sometimes have problems with students who don’t turn in homework. The school board has decided to collect fines (charge money) from students who are not turning in homework. Do you agree with the school board’s decision to collect fines for homework that is not turned in?

2. You are required to do lots of chores at home, but you don’t get an allowance. You get money when you want to go to a movie or buy something for school, but you feel it’s time you got a weekly allowance.

Write a letter to your mom, dad, or guardian asking for an allowance. In your letter, include an interesting lead that gets his/her attention. State the reasons you feel you deserve an allowance in a clear, concise manner.

Persuasive Assessment - (worth 40 points)

_______/6 pts. Introduction

1. Student included an attention-grabbing introduction

2. Introduction has a clearly stated thesis sentence.

3. Three major reasons included in the introduction.

______/18 pts. Body

4. Each paragraph contains one reason mentioned in the introduction.

5. Each paragraph contains 2 or more clearly stated details explaining each
reason. These details must be logical and appropriate.

6. Very specific examples, facts or additional details are included in
each paragraph.

7. One point of view is maintained.

8. Transitions are used and student varies the way sentences
begin within each paragraph.

_______/5 pts. Conclusion

9. Most important points (reasons) are restated in a different way.

10. Student includes, reflections, comments, plan, etc.

______/3 pts. Grammar (sentence structure, agreement, etc)

______/3 pts. Mechanics (capitalization and punctuation)

______5 pts. Format

• Essay is double-spaced
• 12-point font used.
• Essay is 1 – 2 pages
• Student completed recommended corrections from their rough draft.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Social Studies Syllabus for Week of February 4, 2008

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of February 4, 2008
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
*We will finish Ch. 14 this week. Students will take a vocabulary test on Monday and a test on the concepts on Thursday.
*I will have a review session for the concept test on Wednesday during lunchtime.
*Students wishing to participate in the Newsbowl competition will meet with me during lunch on Tuesday, this week. They should bring an article pertaining to their area of expertise, in order to be prepared for the competition in March.

Monday, February 4–
Take vocabulary test on Ch. 14
Finish reviewing Roman Leaders handout
Homework: Complete map of Rome- due Wednesday
Study for test on Thursday

Tuesday, February 5–
Movie on Ancient Rome
Homework: Study for test on Thursday

Wednesday, February 6– Review session for test during lunch today
Review for test
Homework: Study for test on Thursday

Thursday, February 7- Students dismissed at noon due to conferences
Take concept test on Ch. 14
Complete Roman Numerals handout-due Monday Feb. 11
Homework: Finish Roman Numerals handout, if necessary

Friday, February 8– Students dismissed at noon
No Class
Homework: Finish Roman Numerals handout, if necessary- due Monday

Reading/Language Arts Syllabus Week of February 4, 2008

Team 6-3 Mrs. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of February 4, 2008

• Conference confirmations went home last week with you child
• We are still in need of Kleenex tissues. Please send a box if you haven’t already done so
• Our fifth reading log is due on Wednesday, February 6
• Some students need a new Ziploc style baggie for their novel study
• We will begin writing a persuasive essay this week. A typed, rough draft is due by Thursday, February 7th.
• The final persuasive draft is due by Friday, February15th

Monday, February 4
Chapters 6-15 vocabulary
Read Ch. 7 and do comprehension questions for 6 & 7
Introduce new persuasive writing assignment, discuss introduction, and do prewriting
Homework: Read Ch. 8 and
Write introduction and first paragraph

Tuesday, February 5
Discuss and read Ch. 9 and do comprehension questions for 8 & 9
Discuss theme
Peer edits of intro and first paragraph
Work on essay
Homework: Read Ch. 10
Reading Log due Wednesday. Be sure to get parent signatures.
Continue to work on essay – due Thursday morning

Wednesday, February 6
Pop Quiz Ch. 10
Read Ch. 11 and do comprehension questions for 10 & 11
Writing in the Active Voice handout
Begin survival activity
Homework: Finish essay-give to L/A teacher Thurs. morning,
Read Ch. 12, 13, 14 and complete questions for 12 and 13- due Monday

Thursday, February 7 – Students dismissed at noon due to conferences
No class today
Homework: Remember to finish reading Ch. 12-14 and do questions for Ch. 12 & 13

Friday, February 8- Students dismissed at noon
Read-a-thon and P.J. day
Bring several good books to read and a healthy snack.
You may bring only one of the following: a pillow, blanket, or stuffed animal
Homework: Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, February 1, 2008

February 7th Conference Schedule

February 7, 2008
Given to students on Friday, February 1

Below are the times designated for your conference on Thursday, February 7th. Remember, please arrive with your child 10-15 minutes prior to your scheduled time in order to review your child’s portfolio. Thank you.
Jolynn Alexander

Afternoon Conferences

12:35 – 12:50 p.m. Rachel
12:50 – 1:05 p.m. Amanda
1:05 – 1:20 p.m. Daisha
1:25 – 1:40 p.m. Addie
1:40 – 1:55 p.m. Heather
1:55 – 2:10 p.m. Alessandra
2:10 – 2:25 p.m. Josh
2:25 – 2:40 p.m. Claire H
2:40 – 2:55 p.m. Elaine
2:55 – 3:10 p.m. Tierra
3:10 – 3:25 p.m. Shadeane
3:25 – 3:40 p.m. Break
3:40 – 3:55 p.m. Nick
3:55 – 4:10 p.m. Chris
4:10 – 4:25 p.m. Jared
4:25 – 4:40 p.m.
4:40 – 4:55 p.m. Cameron
4:55 – 5:10 p.m. Kialiah

Evening Conferences

5:45 – 6:00 p.m. Lena
6:00 – 6:15 p.m. Connor
6:15 – 6:30 p.m. Evan
6:30 – 6:45 p.m. Sam
6:45 – 7:00 p.m. Desiree
7:00 – 7:15 p.m. Janice
7:15 – 7:30 p.m. Claire F
7:30 – 7:45 p.m. Sjharee
7:45 – 8:00 p.m. Eric

Study Guide for Chapter 14 Test

Study Guide for Chapter 14 Tests
Vocabulary Test on Monday, February 4, 2008
and Concept Test on Thursday, February 7, 2008

Study these Vocabulary Words for Monday's test, Feb. 4th

dictator, booty, triumvirate, ritual, legion, legionary, and maniple, latifundias, typhus, publicans, republic, patricians, plebeians, consuls, veto, senators, Twelve Tables, tribunes, Julius Caesar, Hannibal Barca

Study the following for the concept test on Thursday, February 7

1. How Romans got control of Rome again
2. Date republic was established and date republic ended
3. Date Punic Wars began and ended
4. Date of Ides of March
5. Organization of republic
6. Similarities of Roman military and U.S. military
7. Similarities of Roman government and U.S. government
8. Know how all 3 Punic Wars ended
9. What happened to Rome and the people after the Punic Wars
were over
10. Territories Rome controlled
11. Major sea that linked all Rome’s territories
12. Know who Sulla, Crassus, Pompeius, Antonius, and Octavian
13. Who was Caesar; what he did and why; what happened to
him and why