Monday, October 29, 2007

Social Studies Syllabus: Week of Oct. 22-Nov. 2, 2007

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of October 29 - Nov. 2, 2007
Blog Website:

Hello Parents and Guardians:
* Last week, students were told about our upcoming test on Oct. 31st. They wrote it in their planner. Students also received their anticipation guide to use as a study guide. There is additional information written on the back of the study guide.
*Students will receive information about a comic strip project, this week. It is due Nov. 8th. Please sign the form and have students show me your signature. The form will be returned home the same day.

Monday, October 29 –
Finish reading Odyssey play
Review Section 1 and 2 Assessment questions pp. 155 & 160
Homework: Study for test

Tuesday, October 30 –
Review Homer’s Iliad puzzle and Odyssey worksheets
Review for test – play game
Homework: Study for test

Wednesday, October 31 –
Take test
Introduce Comic Strip project- Due Thursday, Nov. 8th
Work on Comic Strip, time permitting-
Homework: Bring Comic Strip ideas on Thurs.
Get Comic Strip Project letter signed – due Fri.

Thursday, November 1–
Introduce Ch. 10 and vocabulary words – complete Anticipation Guide
Work on Comic Strip
Homework: Work on Comic Strip
Define vocabulary words: polis, acropolis, and agora

Friday, November 2 –
Read and discuss pp. 163 – 164
Complete Section 1 questions p164 # 2 - 5
Homework: Work on Comic Strip & finish questions, if necessary


Anonymous said...

what would be the best things to study with

Jolynn Alexander Team 6-3 said...

Last week all students were given a list of things to study to write on the back of their Anticipation Guide, so be sure to study the Anticipation Guide, as well. It was on a half sheet of paper. You should study all the following: all vocabulary given, know what led to the fall of each culture, the beginning and end of the Trojan War, Section 1 and Section 2 Assessment questions on pp. 155 and 160, who was Homer and what he wrote about.