Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Language Arts and Reading Syllabus - Oct. 22, 2007

Team 6-3 Ms. Alexander
Reading and Language Arts Syllabus
Week of October 22, 2007 (updated Oct. 24th)

Important Information:
o Second Reading Logs will be due on Tuesday, October 30.
o Students participating in the Greek Myth enrichment group must take a test on Wed. over the first section to show mastery. If they receive a score above 90%, they will be assigned a variety of differentiated projects and activities to complete.
o Students will take a Greek Myth Vocabulary Test on Friday, October 26. They will also have a comprehension test over the first section of myths on Tuesday, October 30.
o This is Red Ribbon Week. Each day of the week has a theme for students to follow to show they are drug free. Please note the themes listed below.

Monday, October 22 (Wear Red)
Copy vocabulary and complete element charts for Apollo and Artemis
Complete Word Wall Chart # 4
Media Center to check out and return books
Homework: Use given study guide to study for myth vocabulary test
Finish Word Wall Chart

Tuesday, October 23 (Hawaiian Day)
Review Apollo and Artemis element charts
Copy vocabulary, read, and chart Hermes and Hades

Wednesday, October 24 (Crazy Hair Day)
Grammar: Capitalization of First Words and Titles- Language Network pp. 189-190
Copy vocabulary, read, and chart Persephone and Dionysus
Review Word Wall Chart
Homework: Complete Greek Myth Vocabulary Crossword- Due Thursday
Grammar in Math – p. 199 Pt A only

Thursday, October 25 (Twin Day)
Take Word Wall Test
Review element charts
Grammar: Complete Practice and Apply page 191
Grammar: Capitalization of Places and Transportation- Language Network pp. 193-194
Myth- Venn diagram activity
Homework: Study for your vocabulary test.
Finish the Venn diagram, if necessary.

Friday, October 26 (Sports Team Day)
Greek Myth vocabulary test
Gods of Olympus- worksheet
Grammar: Complete Parts A and B page 195
Grammar: Capitalization of Organizations and Other Subjects- L/Network pp. 196-197
Grammar: Complete Practice and Apply p. 197
Homework: Don’t forget to study for Greek Myth comprehension test next week.

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