Thursday, October 4, 2007

Social Studies Study Guide- Section Two pp. 9-18

Social Studies Questions (refer to PP. 9 – 18 in your textbook)
Complete each question in the space provided. If you need more space to complete an answer, use the back of this paper. Be sure to keep this paper and use it as a study guide for your test next Friday, on October 12th.

1. Give one example how wind erosion has helped people.

2. Give one example how wind erosion has not helped people.

3. How have glaciers affect humans in the past?

4. How have glaciers affected the physical geography in the past?

5. Specifically explain how landforms determined where people would live.

6. Specifically explain how landforms have affected the way nations set up their

7. Why did early civilizations prefer to settle near waterways?

8. Explain the difference between climate and weather?

9. Tell three things that determine (or shape) our climate? Be sure to explain how each of
these things affect our climate.


Social Studies Questions PP. 9 – 18 (Continued)

10. How can a place’s latitude help you predict temperatures in that region?

11. Why did the ancient Incan’s prefer to settle in the Andes Mountains in Peru instead of
living along the Pacific coast?

12. How do mountains affect precipitation?

13. What has the lack of warm water ports and harbors caused Russia to do in the past?
(Be sure to explain)

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