Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Social Studies Syllabus - October 8, 2007

Mrs. Alexander Team 6 - 3
Social Studies Syllabus
Week of October 8, 2007
New Blog Website: d97jalexander.blogspot.com
Email: jalexander@op97.org

Hello Parents and Guardians:
* We will have a test on the geography concepts found on pp. 5-21, on this Friday.
* My students received another study guide for Friday’s test on Tuesday.
*Progress reports go home Friday, October 12th

Monday, October 8 – No School- Columbus Day Holiday

Tuesday, October 9–
Finish reviewing last week’s study guide. Students should make changes to incorrect answers.
Define: natural resources, minerals, renewable resources, nonrenewable resources
Review pp. 19 – 21 with graphic organizer
Homework: Finish graphic organizer, if necessary
Begin to complete new study guide – due Thursday

Wednesday, October 10–
Watch movie
Work on study guide
Homework: Finish new study guide – due Thursday

Thursday, October 11–
Review study guide
Homework: Study for test

Friday, October 12–
Take test
Homework: None

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