Thursday, October 14, 2010

Social Studies Syllabus-Week of October 11, 2010

Mrs. Alexander -Team 6 – 3
Social Studies Syllabus: Week of October 11, 2010
Blog Website:

Please read the following information:
* Students that did not pass the test were given the opportunity to do test corrections. They were due last
Friday, October 8.
*There will be a test on Ch 9 on Wednesday, October 27th
*All late work for Ch 1 is due by this Thursday, Oct. 14th

Monday, October 11- Columbus Day – No School

Tuesday, October 12 – Introduce Chapter 9- The Greeks
Read and discuss pp. 151-152
“Why Do We Trade” Activity
Homework: Use information on pp. 151-155 to define the following words: legacy, Crete, prow, bull leaping, Knossos, frescoes, labyrinth, parchment, shrines, Theseus, and Minotaur - due Thursday

Wednesday, October 13 – Complete anticipation guide
Continue reading pp. 152-155
Homework: Finish defining words listed under Tuesday’s homework

Thursday, October 14 – Portfolio Stuffing Day
Small group work: Complete Section 1 Assessment questions on p.155 - # 2- 5
Homework: Complete Section 1 Assessment questions p. 155 #2-5 if necessary.

Friday, October 15 - Review Section 1 Assessment questions.
Teaching Transparency- Palace at Knossos
Homework: None

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